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Louis wasn't a particularly "great" kid you know. Well, he had always thought he was but he just wasn't sure anymore.

Louis his best friends: Steve, Niall and Zayn we're all basically popular. Steve had been Louis his neighbour since he was born and was his childhood best friend. Niall just is that one great guy who's always there to cheer you up and Louis thought he was quite funny. Then there is Zayn. If Louis could describe him in one word when they first met it would be: intimidating. But now describing Zayn in one word would definitely be sweetheart.

You are probably wondering how Louis and his weirdo friends ended up getting popular. Well let me break it to you: They also don't have a clue. Louis didn't even know if he liked being popular. He liked all the attention; The girls and many "friends", the party's, the cheering for footie games etc. Louis didn't know about the girls part. He thought he was way and always felt quite sorry for it and wasn't planning on telling anyone.

The things Louis didn't like about being popular is that he always felt the need to try and not pay attention in school, while in reality he actually need it. Louis also didn't know if someone actually liked him or just wanted to be with that one popular guy. He was just very glad he had is real friends who were always there for him.

Louis was 17 now and in year 12, Doncaster high. The year just started and he was sitting next to Zayn in English, picking his nails and looking around.

English was their last hour so the day was almost over. Louis was pretty good at English, it's not a problem that he wasn't paying attention. That was his conclusion atleast. Instead of that he was just discussing some shit with Zayn. Still some minutes until this period is over.

"You gotta just pull that prank on him Tommo, I know you can do it. Don't be a coward" Zayn teased while he smirked. "Malik you know I'm not gonna do it. I've told you multiple times already. If Ms. Walker finds out it's me she is for sure going to use her scary principal powers to suspend me" Louis said while he played with the end of his T-Shirt. "Come on Louis, it's his last week let's kick him out good." Louis frowned "Since when did that happened Zayn? The year just began and now he just decided that he doesn't want to teach math anymore?"
Louis questioned while I laughed.

Mr. Stern was a weird guy. He was their math teacher for 2 years and now he was apparently leaving. Not that Louis cared, he didn't like him."Don't ask me Tommo. Just be happy the man's leaving" Zayn said in a cheerful way, maybe to cheerful because mr. Robinson was looking at them like he wanted to kick the two boys out. Luckily it was quite noisy in the classroom. "I am! I am! But Zaynie I'm not going to pull a prank on him. You know I can't afford it to get suspended again" "You disappoint me Louis" Zayn smiled sarcastically. Louis just laughed. "Maybe the new math teacher will be some hot lady" Zayn smirked. "I don't know Zayn" Louis shrugged with a bored look on his face. Louis had never liked talking about females. They didn't intrest him, but of course no one knew that. I'm secretly hoping it's going to be a hot guy. "Tommo atleast try to look like you're interested in what I'm saying!" Zayn screamed while he Louis shoulder and ran out because the bell had just rang. Louis quickly grabbed his stuff while he laughed to himself. This was going to be an interesting year.



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