Chapter 3

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I immediately froze, when he said that, I mean I was kinda of mad about him, dating Riley, but why was I mad, me and Lucas are just friends, I shouldn't have feelings for one of my friends, I wanted to tell him, that I had feelings for him, but I couldn't, he was dating Riley, now, and I didn't want to hurt Riley or hurt my friendship with Lucas, we been friends since we would 5 years old, I couldn't just mess that up

Lucas: Maya, are you ok, Maya: Yeah, I'm fine, Lucas: Are you sure, you're all right, you been acting weird ever since I started dating her, I was so confused, about my feelings, I mean all my life, I have always seen Lucas as a friend, but when he put his arm around, I felt safe, and I just wanted to stay like that, but I pushed him away, I didn't understand where all this feelings would coming from, I did want Riley to be happy, so I had to face the fact that me and Lucas would just friends

Lucas was giving me a look, like you better me, what's going on, so I told him, I was just jealous that I didn't have a boyfriend of my own, Lucas: Maya, it's all right, I pretty sure, there's someone out there for you, I smiled at Lucas, and he smiled back, then I felt butterflies in my stomach, again, I just pushed the feeling away, and me and Lucas had a seat on my couch, Maya: I heard there's a fair in town, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me

Lucas: Yeah sure, but is it ok, it I brough Riley along with me, Maya: I wanted to say no, but instead I said yes, Lucas: I'll call her, she probably be really happy, while went to call Riley, I went to my room, and I crying into a pillow, why did, Lucas have to ask, Riley out, I was so confused, I never ready had feelings for Lucas, until he asked Riley out, and at that moment, I realize, I was losing him, so that's when all these feelings that I can't even describe, came flooding into me

But I knew I had to stop all these feelings, for the sake of Riley and Lucas, I went to wash my face, so Lucas couldn't tell that I had been crying, I come out of my room, and I see that Riley and Lucas are making out on the couch, I simply tryed to act cool, I walked into the room, just as they have had stopped kissing, I just tryed to act cool, like I haven't seen anything, so are two ready to go, I said, and then they got up, and we walked to my car

I was driving, normally, Lucas would sit next to me in the front seat, but he wanted to seat in the back with Riley instead, I was kinda of upset, but I don't show it, we would driving, and then we arrived there in 30 minutes, the drive was ready long, we would going to a Renaissance Fair, I was really excited to go to this fair, I wanted to spend some time with Lucas, and Riley, so I could forget about the whole feelings thing

We finally arrived there, and we all hopped out the car, I wanted to see some Renaissance Art, Maya: Hey, Lucas do you want to come with me, Lucas: Sure, me and Lucas started running towards the art, Riley said she wanted to go get some food, so she left us, finally, I thought, me and Lucas could finally be alone, I liked Riley and she was one of my friends, but I didn't really like seeing her and Lucas together, especially when they acted liked a couple

I loved art, something about drawing or painting just made me feel free, I was looking at all the beautiful art, Lucas: You really like art, don't you, Maya: I was so lose in the paintings, that I didn't even hear what Lucas was saying, Lucas: Maya, Maya, are you there, he said tapping me on the shoulder, Maya: Oh, sorry Lucas, I was really getting lose into the paintings, the Renaissance, was a time, where there was a lot of creativity

When we would time looking at the paintings, we meet up with Riley, Lucas immediately went over to Riley, and they started to hold hands, I simply ingored them, and I started running over to where they would holing a knight fight, Lucas and Riley would running after me, because I was running as fast as I could, I finally got there, ans Lucas and Riley show up, after me a few minutes later, I was laughing at them, because they would out of breathe

There would two men that would dressed like Knights, there would horses, one man was on a white horse, I liked horses, but white horses would my favorite, and the other man, was on a brown horse, they both held a long pole, and they started charging toward each other, Lucas and and Riley just closed their eyes and they would looking away, I was really excited, but I loved watching stuff like this, I watched, as one guy fell off horse

Hope you guys enjoyed, I wanted to have Riley and Lucas doing some things, so Maya would get jealous, please like me know what you guys think of Riley and Lucas, and Maya bring jealous in the comments below, I like to know you guys' opinions, I wanted to say thank you to LucayaGodm for adding my story to their reading list, I really appreciate it, and I want to know that people are reading and enjoying my book.

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