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"Over here!" A gem whispered to another, who was hiding behind a large pillar. The gem was tall and slender; she had a black gemstone with a rhombus-shaped facet located on its navel. Her black hair rose from left and right, making it look somewhat similar to a upside down triangle. The gem also had glowing white pupils with black eyeballs.

The gem hiding behind the pillar ran over to the tall gem, who's lower half dissipated into the air. The gem who ran to her had fluffy, light blue hair and cloud-like clothes. Her gemstone had a mix of blues, yellows and greens; it had a circular facet and was located right above her breastbone. 

As she ran to the tall gem, the gem with the fluffy hair stumbled over a tiny crack on the sidewalk. The tall gem immediately ran to her to prevent her from hitting her face on the ground. She helped her stand up, making their eyes meet. The two of them blushed, but the tall gem shook her head, "you have to be careful, Labradorite!" She chastised. Labradorite looked down at her feet, "s-sorry, Onyx."

Onyx put a hand on her shoulder, "it's fine, just don't do it again. I don't want you to accidentally crack your gem. We don't want to add more stress for Chalcedony, she already has to deal with enough." Labradorite nodded and took Onyx's hand off of her shoulder, still holding onto it. The slight contact made Onyx's face go completely dark. She took her hand away from Labradorite's and changed the subject, "c'mon. We have to hide." Labradorite frowned slightly and replied, "okay." The two gems carefully travelled to a rooftop on one the buildings without getting caught.

"Wow! I've never seen such a huge view before!" Labradorite claimed enthusiastically, trying to get Onyx's attention. It didn't work. Onyx was examining what was down below, not noticing how hard Labradorite was trying to start a different conversation. There were gems of all kinds running around and being chased by three specific gems. Onyx looked closer, seeing that the gems chasing them around consisted of a Jasper, Aquamarine, and a Ruby.

"Guess we've got new news for Chalcedony," Onyx stated. She quickly turned to face Labradorite, "go warp to Earth to inform the Crystal Gems that White Diamond, a Jasper, Aquamarine, and a Ruby are wrecking havoc among Gems on Homeworld." Labradorite's expression changed into a sour one, "what? Why me? You know I don't know the place very well." Onyx sighed, "just go to the corner of Homeworld, where the Diamonds' warp pad is and warp to Earth. It's that easy. The Diamonds visited the Crystal Gems often, so they always used the same coordinates." Labradorite bit her lip, "Alright, I'll go. But, right before I do this." Onyx looked confused, "do what-" Before she could finish her sentence, Labradorite gave her a peck on the cheek. "Bye!" Labradorite waved as she leapt from the building to the next, landing without making a sound. Onyx put a hand on her cheek and smiled dreamily.

Labradorite jumped off the last rooftop she was on and landed softly, her powers helping her to stay quiet.

There was shiny glint that caught her eye. It was the Diamonds' warp pad. She ran over to the large, glass pad and hopped on it. A beam of light engulfed around her as she was transported to Earth, where Steven, Spinel, and the Crystal Gems were.

The light faded; Labradorite looked around, seeing acres of plains full of grass and yellow flowers. She stepped off the warp pad and questioned herself, "I wonder what Chalcedony is doing right now." Labradorite turned around to see a huge, fusion-shaped temple across form the hill she was standing on top of. She walked around the plains to reach Beach City, and then walked closer to the temple. She saw that a beach house was built in front of the temple.

This might be where the Crystal Gems live.

Labradorite thought to herself. She walked up the steps to the house and stood in front of the door. She looked through the glass on the door to see if anyone was in the house. Suddenly the door flew open from the other side, revealing a teenage boy and a Spinel.

"Who are you?!" Spinel questioned threateningly. A sweat dripped from Steven's forehead, "Spinel, it's just another gem that's from Little Homeworld. Though, I haven't seen her around before." He examined the gem and what it was wearing. Spinel calmed down a bit, also confused to see a random gem at the front of Steven's house. Labradorite coughed to break the awkwardness she was feeling, "I was sent here by my friend on Homeworld to tell you something important." Spinel gasped and Steven's eyes widened. "What do you want to tell us?" He asked, worry taking up the entirety of his face. Labradorite took a deep breath and exhaled. She continued, "White Diamond has gone rogue and she's shattering gems on Homeworld. She even hired a Jasper, Aquamarine, and a Ruby to shatter them for her." Steven's mouth stood agape, while Spinel put her hands on her mouth. A serious tone replaced his worried one, "were there any gems shattered yet?" Labradorite clasped her hands together and looked down, "yes. Yes, there were." Spinel started to tear up, "how many?" "All of the Quartz soldiers and guards were shattered inside the Diamonds' Palace. I don't know how, but I think White was responsible," Labradorite added.

Rage started to burn inside of Steven. He tightened his fists and closed his eyes, "I need a glass of water." Spinel nodded and brought him inside and sat him down on the couch. She stretched her arm to get a glass from the cabinet and turned the faucet on to fill it up with water. She turned the faucet off and retracted her arm to give Steven the glass of water. Labradorite entered the house quietly and sat on the couch, far from Steven. Spinel sat next to him and reached for his hand to intertwine it with hers. As Steven was drinking his water, Labradorite got lost in her own thoughts,

Why doesn't Onyx let me hold her hand like that?

She frowned.

After finishing drinking the glass of water, Steven placed it on the coffee table next to the couch and sighed. "Life is hard sometimes, isn't it?" He stated. Spinel and Labradorite glanced at each other before facing Steven, nodding.

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