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(Riku Pov)

"YURI WAIT!!" I see a brown haired guy and a blue haired guy chasing a guy with pink hair and no shoes "you must be new here, I've never seen you before" someone with orange hair and a side ponytail comes up to me "yes I'm new uhm...what's going on with them?" I ask and point to the three guys I just saw, he chuckles "don't worry about them, that happens a lot but you'll get used to it" he extends his hand out to me, I give him a confused look "my name is Kyousuke Yaguchi but call me Yachan nice to meet you" he kindly smiles "I'm Riku Arai nice to meet you too" I shake his hand and that's when the bell rings to go to class "I'll walk you to class so you won't get lost ok?" he wow he's too adorable how can I disagree with him? "ok thank you" I simply agree and follow him. "Oh you have class with Yuri that's going to be interesting" he says as we walk to the class "Yuri?" I question "you'll find out who he is soon enough" he says as we continue to walk after some time we stop in front of a classroom door "thank you for walking me here Yachan" I thank him "no problem" he says and we wave goodbye to each other. I walk into class and take a seat at an empty desk not long after the class begins, the teacher has me introduce myself to the class "thank you for that introduction, I'm sure we're going to get along...really well Riku" the teacher says in a rather seductive tone that catches me off guard and I end up giving  him a confused look and I go back my seat "what did he mean by that? and why did he say it like that? I sit and think confused about what just happened.

After a few hours classes end and lunch time comes, I walk to a bench to sit and eat something I bought from the vending machine when suddenly "hey Riku mind if I sit next to you" Yachan comes up behind me and sits next to me "hey Yachan" I smile "so how's been your first day here?" he asks as he takes a bite of his bread "it's been good except..." I begin to say but stop halfway "except what?" he looks at me and I think back to what that teacher said "it's nothing I was just..uh.. curious why wasn't the guy with the pink hair wearing any shoes?" he laughs "he wasn't in class today?" I shake my head no "Yuri caught your attention already huh?" I lightly blush as I think about when I saw him in the morning "I'm not going to lie I do think he's really attractive even though I only saw him for a small amount of time in the morning" he listens to me as he takes another bite "so that's Yuri" I think to myself "he's in the photography club, oh! by the way what club are you going to join?" he takes one last bite and closes the bag with the bread that's left, I look at him surprised "I didn't know I had to join a club" I tell him "oh that's right you don't know...well you have to join a club for a year in order for you to graduate. I'm in soccer" he explains but as soon as I hear soccer I sigh "I'm not good at any sports" I've never been good in any kind of sport "there's still one other club you can join if you're not athletic" he smirks "which is?" I look at him waiting to hear the answer "the same club that Yuri is in, the photography club" he answers "that doesn't sound too ba-" he cuts me off right away "wait! let me explain what the club is cause the last guy I told that too ended up joining without knowing what it was and I sometimes still feel bad for that" he chuckles "how bad can a photography club be?" I start thinking to myself "the truth is that it's not really about taking pictures..." he looks away and starts speaking in a low voice "then what is it?" he get closer to me and whispers in my ear everything. As he's explaining everything to me I feel my face become more and more hot by the second once he finishes telling me my face is so red my hands are covering my face I can't even look at him after hearing all that, I quickly turn away from him "well no wonder the teacher told me we we're going to get along!" my mind starts going wild with thoughts I'm very shy when it comes to...sexual things like that..."are you ok Riku? Your face is very red...ohhh maybe it's because you do want to do those things with Yuri" he jokingly says as if he's teasing me "wh-what no! Yachan!" I shout feeling my whole body get hot making me feel a little embarrassed while he laughs at me.      


(Akemi Pov)
"As you may or may not know there's a new student I saw what he looks like and he would make a perfect member for this club we have to make him join us. Tamura and Toono I know you both saw him in the morning when you we're trying to catch up to Yuri" I start the club meeting "I remember seeing and him and he's pretty handsome right Toono?" Tamura looks over at Kashima who has his arms wrapped around Toono since they are still "dating" "i- yeah from what I remember he was pretty good looking" he shyly says, Yuri doesn't seem interested in what where talking about "I heard from Yachan that he's in the same class as Yuri but you didn't go to class today did you?" Kashima adds but Yuri still doesn't say anything he just sits there listening to music "anyway we need to convince him to join, we will go look for him tomorrow right now we have new things we have to try out" I say as Itome brings out a box and sets it on the table. 

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