Moving Forward

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Hello there! I hope you're having a nice holiday season so far. I can't believe that 2020 is finally coming to an end.

I also hope that you enjoyed the last chapter. The first part of the chapter was hard for me to write because the final game is so sad. The second part was easier and I enjoyed writing it. When is Miyuki going to realize that he has feelings for Azusa is the million-dollar question.

I'm so thankful for the support that I've received for this fic throughout this year. It's so overwhelming (in a great way) when I get all the notifications. I'm so grateful! So thank you thank you thank you! It was the highlight of 2020 for me.

I apologize for any grammar mistakes beforehand.

Disclaimer: I don't own Daiya No Ace, Yuji Terajima does. I only own my OC.

Enjoy, stay safe, and Happy New Year! I sincerely hope that 2021 is a better year for all of us.


" Moshi Moshi," a male voice answered his phone.

"About time you answered your phone, Mei," Azusa replied on the other line annoyed.

"Hey! You can't blame me for not answering my phone quickly," Mei quipped. "I'm a superstar now and stars tend to be very busy."

The manager snorted. "A superstar?"

"Yes, haven't you seen the news? I'm everywhere! Also, every night girls stay late at night outside of the hotel to greet me," the pitcher boasted.

Azusa rolled her eyes. "I'm so not worried about you and letting all of this attention get to your head," she said sarcastically. "That wouldn't happen to you at all. You would stay grounded no matter what."

"I'm not letting anything get to my head," Mei replied a little too quickly. "I was just stating facts, that's all."

"Sure, sure, Mr. Superstar," Azusa mocked him.

"Is this why you called me?" Mei asked in irritation. "To mock me? Me ? Your darling older brother who loves you more than anything in this world," he continued, his voice getting more high-pitched with every single word.

The manager rolled her eyes. "Calm down drama queen," she said curtly. "I didn't call you to mock you. I called you to say that I've been following your games as closely as I can and wanted to congratulate you," Azusa said sincerely. "It's amazing how well you're doing at Koshien. You haven't conceded a run yet."

Mei didn't say anything for a few moments and Azusa knew that he was puffing out his chest in pride with that silly conceited smile he shows whenever someone compliments him. "Well, well, what do we have here? Since when is my little sister so nice? Thank you very much. That means a lot to me, Azu-chan!"

"I'm always nice," Azusa shot back, sticking her tongue out even though there was no way he could see her.

"You're not but I let it slide," Mei retorted. "It's all the coach's fault. If he just allowed me to play more, then you would be more proud of me and be nicer to me," he whined.

Azusa narrowed her blue eyes at him through the phone. "Don't be a brat, Mei," she chastised. "Your coach knows what he's doing and besides everyone deserves a chance to play."

"How am I being a brat for wanting to play more so my little sister could see more of me?" he pointed out.

"I already see plenty of you," Azusa deadpanned.

"He is getting in the way of me becoming your hero," Mei continued, not paying attention to Azusa.

"Hero?" Azusa repeated in an incredulous tone.

"Yes, your hero," Mei confirmed. "I'm your older brother so naturally I should be your hero."

What the hell is he talking about?

"Yeah... I think this conversation is over," Azusa said awkwardly. "Good luck in the rest of your games, Mei."

"Wait!" Mei pleaded. "What do you mean is over? Is it because I said that I wanted to be your hero?"

"Precisely," the manager confirmed. "So goodbye."

"No! Don't hang up! Don't tell me that you already have a hero," he continued frantically.


"D-don't tell me it's Kazuya," he said in horror, cutting her off. "Don't tell me that he already took my place."

"Goodbye, Mei," she said one last time before hanging up.

Seriously, what was wrong with him?


Thankfully things were not as weird in Seido as that last conversation Azusa had with Mei. However, that didn't mean that everything was going as well as it could. Because that was not the case at all. Seido was going through a transition period to form the new team but they were still working out some kinks as to be expected. But that didn't mean that it wasn't a little bit worrying. The team was nowhere ready for the fall tournament. They needed all the time that they could get. With the third-years gone, they didn't have the explosive batting line-up anymore. As of this moment they did not have the scoring power. No one could bat decisively even though there was a chance for everyone to make the roster with the third-years gone. Honestly, the team seemed...


And Azusa hoped that they would find their way sooner rather than later.

Another development that occurred was that Miyuki had been named captain which surprised everyone. Probably including himself. Unlike the third- years, this time around there was not a decisive person that could be chosen as the sole captain. In Miyuki's grade, there were other people that could be candidates for being captains such as Kuramochi and Zono, which is why the coach most likely picked them to be the vice-captains of the team.

However, Azusa had faith in Miyuki. She knew that he was going to do a good job as a captain. He was not Tetsu-san, but he didn't need to be. He was Miyuki and that was enough. He was the right man for the job. Miyuki had a vast knowledge of baseball, had a great presence on the field, and had a positive outlook needed to move forward. He was the first one to accept and move on from the devastating loss after learning from his mistakes.

Azusa couldn't be more proud.

But it seemed that Miyuki was also feeling lost. She had noticed a change in his demeanor. He was not the same Miyuki that he usually was. It was as if he was trying hard to censor himself and he didn't know how to act. He also seemed a bit stressed out and distracted.

Something that Azusa could not allow.

He was the captain and the captain needed to be strong so the team could follow his example. She might not be able to fix all the team's problems, but she can try to fix Miyuki. After all, she had known him for a longer period of time than anyone at Seido.

"Miyuki-senpai," she called out sweetly over her shoulder. She was carrying a basket of baseballs, to take them to the shed. "Can you please help me with this?"

Miyuki turned around and shot her a smirk. "Do you want me to do your job for you now?" he quipped while making his way over to her.

"I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman," Azusa retorted. "But it seems like it's not true. I knew it was too good to be true when you mentioned it," she added, with a dramatic sigh.

"Don't do that," the newly appointed captain said with a disapproving tone. "You sound too much like Mei when you sigh like that," he added. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with his arm before taking the basket from her hands.

They walked together towards the shed while Azusa grumbled.

"There is no way that I sound like Mei," she protested. "He is such a whiny brat."

Miyuki scoffed. "And you're not?"

"Of course I'm not!"

"Denial it's not just a river in Egypt," the catcher teased.

Azusa stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're just proving my point."

The manager pouted. "Whatever," she lamely said, averting her gaze from him.

Once they reached the shed, she took out the key from her pocket and opened the door.

"Where do I put it?" Miyuki asked.

"Over there," Azusa replied, pointing towards the far left corner of the dim-lit shed.

Miyuki just nodded before he went inside and placed the basket where he was instructed.

Then an evil grin spread across Azusa's lips. "Wouldn't it be funny if I lock you inside here?" she asked.

Miyuki widened his eyes in shock and then narrowed his eyes at her. "You wouldn't dare," he said in a low tone.

Azusa just burst out laughing while he quickly made his way out of the shed. "Of course not," she said with a dismissive wave. "Why on Earth would I do that to our precious new captain? We sort of need you," she teased.

The catcher stiffened at her joke before rolling his eyes. "Don't remind me," he grumbled with a pout.

"What? You don't like being captain?" Azusa asked, in a sudden rather serious tone.

Miyuki stammered. Obviously not expecting a straightforward question from the manager.

"It's not that," he replied, rubbing the back of his head while he glanced away from her. "It's just still a little weird for me."

"Yes, that's understandable. It's the first time that you're in a leadership position," Azusa noted. "It will take time but you're going to get there. In the meanwhile, don't try to keep all the burden to yourself. Remember that you can talk to me. I can be pretty reliable and mature when I want to, y'know?" she added with a wink while pointing at herself.

The catcher just stared at her without saying anything before letting out a small laugh. "I can't believe you just said that Azu-chan," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "But thank you I appreciate it. I must look really bad if you're offering your help so I won't deny it."

Azusa grimaced. Partly because he laughed at her. But she decided to ignore him. Instead, she decided to focus on the task at hand. "You don't look bad," she replied, garnering a glare from Miyuki. "Well... Not that bad," she said awkwardly. "You just don't look like yourself. You look as if you're unsure of yourself."

Miyuki sighed, crossing his arms across his chest while he leaned on the door of the shed. "I'm lost and feel unsure of myself," he admitted, glancing away from her. "The truth is that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm trying my best to act as a captain should but I don't know how."

"The best thing that you can do is to act like yourself," Azusa said.

The catcher scoffed. "Like me? What part of me is captain-like?" he asked with disdain. "Apparently I'm doing everything wrong. Nori is still struggling over the loss at the tournament and I was planning to just let him figure it out on his own," Miyuki explained. "But I've been told that as the captain is my job to help him get back on his feet."

Azusa studied Miyuki's crestfallen expression before saying anything. She was feeling bad for him. He was definitely not expecting this when he was going over the process of forming the new team. "As the captain, you should help your fellow teammates and try to guide them in the right direction when they need help," the manager conceded. "However, Nori-senpai is a pitcher and you're the catcher. Before being the captain, you're a catcher. Seido's main catcher. That's the role that you're most comfortable with and therefore you shouldn't let others dictate how you should be a catcher. You can come up with a solution to help Nori-senpai as a catcher."

Miyuki cracked a smile at Azusa's suggestion. "You're right," he said. "That's my comfort zone and I shouldn't doubt my skills as a catcher since that's what I know. They're nothing like my captain skills."

Azusa softened her gaze. "Don't be too hard on yourself," she said. "Just give it time. Your captain skills will be just as good as your catcher skills in no time. You'll see! I have faith in you!"

"I wish I could have the same faith that you have in me," the catcher replied.

Azusa pouted. She hated his self-deprecating tone.

"You just need to be yourself but with a little bit more tact," Azusa continued. "You can't treat the rest of the team like you do with the pitchers. If you do what I tell you, you'll be fine. I promise."

"Do what you tell me? I thought you were the kouhai here," Miyuki said, teasing her with a grin.

"Don't tease me when I'm trying to help you," the manager berated him in anger. "Jerk!"

"Fine, fine. It was just a joke but I'll stop," he said with an awkward chuckle.

Azusa growled in anger while she crossed her arms across her chest. "This is what I get for trying to be nice."

"I appreciate it," Miyuki said in a rather sincere tone. "Really. I mean it. Thank you."

Azusa spared him a glance out of her peripheral vision to see if he was being honest. He met her eyes with a sincere small smile. A smile that warmed up her insides. "Really?"

"Yes," he nodded. "I'm just in a self-deprecating mood right now but I'll get over it and try to move forward. I promise."

"I'll hold you to that," she said with a light teasing grin.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," he quipped.

"In the meanwhile... Do you want to hear something funny that might make you feel better?" the manager offered. 

Miyuki shot her a smirk. "I'm always up for that regardless of my mood."

Azusa giggled. "I don't know who I'm kidding, this is you after all," she joked. "Anyway. So I called Mei recently to be a good sister and congratulate him on his victories at Koshien so far."

"And he obviously boasted about his abilities as a star pitcher," Miyuki predicted.

"Naturally," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "He went on and on about being a superstar and that since he was a star now, then he couldn't pick up my calls as frequently as he would like."

"Obviously. Stars don't have the time for that, " Miyuki joined in the sarcasm.

"I know. Silly me for thinking otherwise," she said in a faux apologetic tone. "As if his superstar speech wasn't enough, he went on and on about being a hero."

Miyuki crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "Hero?"

Azusa nodded. "Yes, a hero," she reiterated. "Apparently he wants to be my hero."

The catcher snorted. "You gotta be kidding me," he said, stifling his laughter. "He wants to be a hero? How? He is the most self-absorbed person I know."

Azusa burst out laughing. "I know which is why I thought it was hilarious," she said, doubling down over, laughing. "I think I deserve a medal for not laughing as soon as he said that."

"You didn't laugh?" he asked in between laughs. "Maybe you are becoming more mature and reliable," he joked. "You're better than me because I don't think I could've kept a straight face."

"And that's not the best part," she continued.

"It's not?"

Azusa shook her head. "Before I hung up he was frantically asking me if I already had a hero who replaced him and whether that hero was you."

"Me? Who knew that Mei held me in such high regard."

"He most likely will see you as competition outside of baseball so don't say that I didn't warn you," the manager told him.

"Thanks, but I don't think I need a warning," Miyuki said. "I don't fear him. What's Mei going to do? He is like a puppy, all bark, and no bite."

Azusa snorted. "I was thinking of a small dog too."

"Exactly! They bark bark bark but at the end, they're just tiny annoying little things that annoy you to no end."

"Wanna test out that theory?" the manager asked with a smirk.

"If by that you mean to call him right now and tease him to no end then yes, I want to test out that theory," the catcher said, matching her smirk.

Azusa giggled. "He's so going to hate us," she said while looking for her cellphone in her pocket.

"So we have to make it worth it," Miyuki said. "How about we call him by that ridiculous nickname that the media is using now?"

"Mei-chan?" she asked, unable to suppress a smile.

"Yes, he is going to be so mad when we call him that."

"He is going to be furious and is going to start whining," she agreed with an evil smile, looking up her brother in her contact information list to then dial the number.

"Hopefully the superstar picks the phone."

" Moshi Moshi, " Mei answered the call after a few rings which made both Azusa and Miyuki snicker.

"Hi, Mei-chan!" They both greeted into Azusa's cellphone

" Oi Azusa! Are you calling me again just to tease me?" Mei replied angrily. "And who is that with you? Wait, don't tell me it's Kazuya."

"How are you doing, Mei-chan?" Miyuki asked in a teasing tone.

Azusa snickered.

"Kazuya, you bastard!"

"What?" the catcher asked, feigning innocence. "I thought that you would be happy to get a phone call from us, your biggest and dearest fans."

"Is that a way to talk to your fans, Mei-chan?" Azusa joined in the teasing, using a sing-song tone when she said his name.

"Don't you two have better stuff to do than to bother me?" Mei barked through the phone.

"That's not the way to treat your fans, Mei-chan," the manager playfully chastised him.

"If you were true fans then you wouldn't be bothering me the evening before my final game," the southpaw pointed out angrily.

"But we're not bothering you, we called you to wish you good luck," Azusa replied, in a half-teasing and half- sincere tone.

"We would never ever want to throw you off your game," Miyuki joined in.

Mei just stayed quiet which mildly unnerved both the catcher and the manager. "I still don't know whether you guys are being sincere or not," he finally admitted.

Miyuki and Azusa exchanged a look and then burst out laughing.

" Oi! What are you two laughing about now?"

Azusa tried to stifle her laughter while wiping off a tear from her eye. Trying to regain her composure but failing miserably.

Miyuki chuckled for quite a bit more and then managed to regain his composure, unlike the manager.

"We meant that, Mei," Miyuki clarified, in a sincere tone. "Good luck tomorrow."

Azusa glanced at Miyuki and beamed when she noticed his expression. There were no traces of mockery in his tone, his teasing grin was gone, and instead, there was a sincere one gracing his features. He didn't notice her staring at him since his eyes were on her cellphone.

"W-well, then you could've just said that from the get-go, you idiot!" Mei complained.

The manager didn't say anything about his embarrassed tone. She knew that he was touched by Miyuki's words and he was just trying to play it off.

Even though she was not at Koshien with the team she couldn't help but feel a little bit of happiness at this exact moment. It felt just like the old days when they were kids and would joke around before the games.

It was nice even if it was just for a little while until reality hit again.


After her little pep talk, Miyuki started somewhat acting like his old self. He was acting with a bit more confidence. It was not 100% of what Azusa was looking for. But she understood that it wouldn't be that easy and quick for Miyuki to gain confidence in his new role. This was something completely new for him. Before this, Miyuki never had any type of experience in wide-scale leadership roles. So, she had to cut him some

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