Everything Is Falling Into Place

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Everything is fine,' Miyuki typed out on his flip phone and sent the text to Narumiya Mei as he smirked to himself.

"Who would've thought that Narumiya Mei was actually a decent older brother?" the catcher mused to himself out loud.

"What the hell took you so long, Kazuya?" an angry Mei screamed at Miyuki from the other side of a phone line.

"It's three in the morning, Mei," Miyuki whispered into his cellphone while quietly stepping out of his dorm room. He didn't want to wake up his roommate because of a certain bratty pitcher.

"What's your point?" Mei asked perplexed.

"Some of us sleep," Miyuki deadpanned while tiredly rubbing his eyes. "Which I'm surprised you're not doing since you always go on about how important is for you to have your beauty sleep," he teased.

Mei snorted. "I can afford to miss out on one or two unlike others," he teased back.

Miyuki ignored his jab. "What do you want, Narumiya?" he asked in a curt tone, changing the subject. He was getting exasperated with the pitcher. Mei was not an easy person to handle, especially not at three in the morning. Miyuki desperately wanted to sleep since he couldn't afford to oversleep and arrive late to practice again. Besides, if someone managed to see him in this state of disarray; with his his black sleeping mask on top of his head and his hair sticking out in every single direction. The entire team would have a picnic at his expense.

Miyuki heard Mei loudly exhaled a frustrated sigh. "Azusa is at Seido," he said in a low tone.

"Ah yes, I saw her this morning," Miyuki said nonchalantly. "She is one of the new managers."

"And you're just saying it so casually?" Mei asked annoyed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't you guys live together and are like- I don't know- actual siblings?" the catcher retorted.

"We are," Mei grumbled. "But she didn't tell me."

"I can't possibly think of any reason why she decided not to tell you," Miyuki replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"Shut up you bastard," Mei half-heartedly chastised him. "I didn't call for you this."

"Then why did you call me for?" Miyuki asked. "Don't tell me you want me to convince her to leave Seido?"

"No, of course not," Mei scoffed. "I just...," he trailed off. "Just... Just take care of her, alright?" the pitcher asked in an uncharacteristically soft and pleading tone.

Miyuki widened his eyes in surprise. Not only was he surprised by Mei's tone but also at his request. Mei was not the type to ask for help. "What? Are you serious, Mei? You seriously want me to take care of your sister?"

"Who else?" Mei argued. "Besides, I... Trust you," he revealed.

The catcher raised an eyebrow in inquiry. "Really?"

"For the most part," Mei conceded in a sheepish tone. "And I know that she trusts you. It's always been the two of us since our sisters are so much older than us. And then in junior high we met you and it was always the three of us after that. So now that you two are in the same school and I'm here at Inashiro. You're the only one I can trust with this task," Mei explained.

Miyuki softly smiled to himself, finding himself unable to bring up any teasing or sarcastic remark. How could he do that when Mei was being so honest with him?



"Don't worry," Miyuki said in a reassuring tone. "I'll take care of her."

"Thanks, Kazuya," he said in a sincere tone. "That was all, so I'll let you sleep now."

"Mei wait!" Miyuki said.

"What?" Mei asked in a confused tone.

"Don't take it personally," Miyuki said vaguely.

Mei stayed silent on the line. His low breathing was the only audible sound. To anyone else, it might've looked as if he was confused or didn't know what Miyuki was talking about. But Miyuki knew better.

That's just how their friendship was.

They didn't need many words to understand each other.

"Good night, Kazuya," Mei finally said before ending the call.

"Good night, Mei," Miyuki said fully knowing that Mei was not going to hear him.

Despite how Mei (rudely) woke him up in the wee hours of the morning and caught him off guard that night with his request. He was happy that Mei was comfortable enough to ask him that. Even though they still joked around and teased each other every time they saw each other, there was an underlying tension. Miyuki still felt some kind of awkwardness between them ever since he rejected Mei's offer of joining Inashiro. Mei was the first friend he ever made. While his teammates bullied him and ostracized him, Mei was the first one to approach him and talk to him as if it was as natural as breathing. Just for that, Mei would always hold a very special place in Miyuki's life and therefore he didn't want them to be truly at odds. Mei's call just reassured him that he was probably overthinking the state of their friendship for the past couple of months.

So that's one less worry.

However, there was Azusa on the other hand.

While there was no awkward tension between him and Azusa, Miyuki wasn't sure how she felt about him. Just like Mei, Azusa was very surprised when Miyuki chose to go to Seido instead of Inashiro. He sometimes wondered whether the newly turned manager ever felt some kind of animosity towards him for not choosing Inashiro, Mei, and ultimately them. Azusa never said anything about it and had yet to complain unlike Mei.

'And she also came to Seido, so she can't be really mad, can't she?' the catcher thought as he made his way back to the campus.

'Surprised' doesn't even begin to describe how Miyuki reacted when he first saw Azusa during the first morning practice. Mei didn't say anything about her going to a different school from him, and she certainly didn't tell him beforehand. It was obvious that she tried to keep it a secret. But failed miserably at it considering how obvious she was trying to hide behind other managers or walk around in the opposite direction. At first, he considered confronting her after the practice was over, but decided against it.

He was having too much fun watching her fret every time Sawamura screamed her name.

Besides, he thought that it would be best to let her come to him when she was ready. He knew that she had her reasons. However, Mei sped up the process because he kept harassing him; asking him, or more like demanding answers about the wellbeing of his sister, since she was not answering the texts of her dear brother. Not like Miyuki could blame her.

The catcher was slightly nervous when he first talked to her but didn't let it show. He would add that he did a convincing job considering that she was the one being awkward around him at first. But soon after they went back to normal and acted as they always did. Miyuki didn't realize how much he missed her until they started walking to the bus station together. Just like Mei, Azusa became an important person in his life and he would always protect her even if Mei doesn't ask him to.

Azusa was like his little sister and he was glad that she was at Seido with him.

It was nice having a familiar face in Seido from his past and he just knew that the rest of his high school years were going to be the farthest thing from boring.

He always had fun with Azusa and this time wouldn't be any different.


Many things have changed in the last couple of days since Miyuki came up to Azusa. Sawamura's abilities were improving just like his relationship with Chris. The older catcher's eyes looked more alive since Sawamura apologized and started listening to him. He had a different air around him and with time Azusa could see why Miyuki admired Chris so much. It was not until she watched the second string practice game where Sawamura and Chris formed a battery for the first time that she truly understood Miyuki's admiration. Chris was an excellent player. He had a good presence on the field, and his game-calling was even more impressive. Nothing bad should've come out of the game. But it did.

After that game the coach decided which two players were going to be promoted to the first string. Bringing a palpable tension in the atmosphere. Everyone thought that Chris was going to be chosen after he showed how well he played in that practice game, including Sawamura himself. But the coach chose Kominato Haruichi and Sawamura instead. Leaving Chris behind in the third string.

Chris was very gracious and understanding while Sawamura....

" Ne , Sawamura where are you going?" Azusa asked in confusion. Practice had just ended and the pitcher just took two tires with him.

Sawamura stopped and turn around to face her."To run," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Huh?" the manager exclaimed in mild shock. "But you ran earlier and practice just ended. You need a break since it's late," she said, pointing to the sun that was about set.

Ever since he got in the first string, Sawamura had been practicing more than usual and pushing himself tremendously.

The southpaw shook his head. "There are no times for break!" he exclaimed. "If I don't push myself then I won't improve!" Sawamura explained. "Don't worry blondie-chan, I will give you back the tires before you leave!" he shouted before taking off.

" Baka! I don't care about the tires!" Azusa yelled as he was running off but he didn't turn back.

'I care about you overworking yourself to death,' she wanted to say but decided not to.

"Don't come to me when you pass out from exhaustion!" she yelled angrily instead. Sawamura was so damn stubborn and he didn't want to listen no matter how many times her, Miyuki, or Kuramochi told him to take it easy.

"Why do you always have to be so damn loud?" a masculine voice asked.

"Who the hell is asking?" Azusa asked annoyed. She turned around and widened her azure eyes in surprise when she noticed who it was.

It was Isashiki Jun and behind him were the older players: Kominato Ryousuke, Kuramochi Youichi, Yuki Tetsuya, and Masuko Toru.

An irritated Isashiki Jun was glaring her down. "Me! You got a problem with that?" he asked in the most intimidating tone he could muster.

Azusa just scoffed and put her arms on her hips, glaring back at him. She was not intimidated by his height nor by his scary expression. "Yes, I do, since that would mean that you're nothing but a big fat LOUD hypocrite!"

"What did you just say?!"

"So aside from being loud she is disrespectful as well," another voice chimed in. Soon the older Kominato brother, Kominato Ryousuke stepped in. "Not to mention that you don't make any sense."

Azusa turned to him; forgetting about Jun all of a sudden. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"How is Sawamura supposed to go to you when he passes out?" he asked. "If he passes out then he'll be unable to walk because he'll be unconscious," the pink-haired boy pointed out in a mocking tone.

Kuramochi started laughing at Azusa."Hyahaha, don't mock her like that Ryou-san," he said while holding his stomach from laughing too hard.

The manager grumbled at their digs. "Stop being such a smart-ass shorty!" Azusa fought back with a glare as she tried to impose her height on him.

Kuramochi immediately stopped laughing as a shocked expression graced his features. "Hey, that was not smart," he began in a rather serious tone.

Azusa scoffed. "What?"

"Did she just....?" Tetsu trailed off.

"Say that?" Masuko finished for his captain with a terrified expression.

"You gotta have a death wish!" Jun exclaimed.

"Why are you guys acting like that?" Azusa asked, looking at her senpai . "You look like as if you just saw a ghost."

"It's worse than that," Tetsu said in a cryptic tone.

The manager cocked her head to the side. "Huh?"

"Apologize right now!" Kuramochi insisted.

Azusa snorted as she put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "No."

"You really wanna die," Jun continued.

"Repeat that again," Ryousuke said in an almost inaudible tone, scaring all of his fellow players.

Azusa turned to him. "What?" she asked in a smug tone while glaring at him.

"What did you just say?" Ryousuke asked again in an eerily calm tone while staring back at Azusa.

The manager felt a chill run down her spine as she made eye contact with Ryousuke. There was something in his voice that indicated her that she just messed up big time. "I... I..." Azusa stammered as she felt that she was gradually stopping glaring at him. She didn't know what overcame her but suddenly a feeling of dread and fear enveloped her entire body like a cloak as she was staring at him.

He was definitely scary.

"You what?" he pressed.

Azusa gulped a thick lump down her throat nervously. "N-n-nothing, I just want to apologize for being rude Kominato-senpai!" she said in a sincere tone and respectfully bowed to him.

Ryousuke smirked. "That's what I thought."

All the players burst out laughing.

"You were all bark and no fight since you folded pretty quick, hyahaha," Kuramochi teased.

Tetsu nodded in approval. "You did the right thing," he said. "Sometimes you have to stop being stubborn for your own good."

"Uga!" Masuko exclaimed.

"That will teach you to be respectful to your elders," Jun said, gloating. "So what about me now?"

Azusa straightened up her back and glanced at him. "What about you?" she asked.

Jun glared at her again as he growled in anger. "That I deserve some respect as your senpai !"

Azusa snorted in the most unlady like fashion. "As if," she said before turning around to resume her managerial duties. Leaving a furious spitz behind.

"You come back here!"


The summer camp of hell was in full swing and with each passing day Azusa thought that she was closer to death. Some might think that it was silly that she was complaining about hard it was considering that she wasn't even a player. But things were really tough for her and her fellow managers. Everything was more intense than the usual practices. Longer hours of practice meant that the players needed double or triple the equipment that they usually used. Which meant that the managers needed to work harder to get them ready. Not to mention all the time that they had to spend under the scorching hot sun looking for the baseballs dispersed throughout the practice fields. Since the players were working harder, it meant that they needed more sustenance and they needed to cook more to Azusa's dismay since cooking was not her strong suit.

Azusa felt as if she was barely making it. She was feeling pathetic and weak. She came to Seido because she wanted to make a difference and help the team win the tournament and go to Koshien. But she couldn't even do that. Now, the only thing she looks forward to is to her dorm room. At least the managers got rooms to stay during hell week, so she didn't need to worry about going home late at night. But she hated the fact that was the only thing she liked since she had bigger plans in mind. She had tried to help with the pitchers since she had experience with that but both Sawamura and Furuya refused to listen to her. Not to mention that she barely had the time for that. Azusa was at a loss. She didn't know what to do.

She felt useless but at least with each passing day she was not feeling as out of place as she was feeling before. She was finally beginning to feel as if she belongs at Seido. She had fights with Sawamura and Furuya all the time but that was part of their friendship and she wouldn't want it any other way. She was still going strong with Haruno. She also stopped talking back to her senpai. Well, at least most of the time. Azusa stopped that habit with the older managers, but she couldn't help herself around Jun. He was a loudmouth just like her and he always knew how to annoy her. So she just had to annoy him right back. She would joke around with Kuramochi as well. However, she was very careful with her words around Ryousuke. He was so scary, that he sent shivers down her spine so she decided not to mess with him. Who would've thought that the short baseball player would be so scary?

'I hope that I don't have to give him any snacks,' Azusa thought with a shudder as she placed one rice ball on the long metal rectangular tray. The managers were in the kitchen, preparing refreshments for the team.

"Azusa-chan! Snap out of it and help with the trays!" Sachiko yelled as she picked up a basket of water bottles. "The team's break is coming up soon!"

" H-hai!" Azusa said with a nod as she did as she was told. She couldn't even muster the energy of rolling her eyes at Sachiko or grumble like she would usually do. It was too hot for that.

Besides, she had other (better) things to look forward to. Like giving Miyuki her own rice balls that she made herself specifically for him. While she was not the best cook, she had been practicing ever since he graduated from junior high so he could finally enjoy her cooking.

Hopefully the catcher would find it to his liking!

Azusa followed Sachiko and Yui while Haruno and Takako were behind her on their way to the field. Not only were they carrying water bottles and rice balls but also bananas and other types of fruits. At least the sun was going down along with the heat so the players were going to enjoy the refreshments more.

All the players perked up when they saw them; desperately wanting everything that they had to offer them. Azusa let Sachiko and Yui distribute the water bottles while Haruno and Takako were giving out the fruits. Mainly because she was hiding from a certain pink-haired senpai (but she wasn't going to admit that out loud).

Suddenly Sawamura came up to her along with the younger Kominato. "What do you have there, blondie-chan?" Sawamura asked in an excited tone despite of his fatigued appearance.

"Don't call me that," Azusa half-chastised in amusement as she noticed his usual bright expression. He was done with pushing himself and it seemed as if he was back to being the old Sawamura. "And they are onigiri ," she replied, extending the tray to the boys.

"You made them yourself, Narumiya-san?" Kominato asked while taking one rice ball from the tray.

"Well, Haruno-chan made the one that you just took," Azusa said to him while he took one bite. "I made the last couple," she continued. "Take one, Sawamura. You don't want to pass out," the manager offered.

"Thank you!" Sawamura said with a nod as he took one as well.

Azusa shot him a small smile and then looked around as if she felt something was amiss.

"Where is Furuya-kun?" she suddenly asked.

"Furuya-kun actually passed out," Kominato replied while he pointed out at the taller boy who was sprawled on the ground.

"Furuya-kun! You can't actually be this weak!" Azusa chided while she stifled her laughter. He really did had low stamina.

"Leave him there blondie-chan," the southpaw said with a gleeful smile as he wolfed down another rice ball. "I just can't believe that there is this much food!" he exclaimed as he sat

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