8-Help(part 1)

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Toothless's POV

I went over to the teal-colored dragon. She was bleeding and the blood was all over the sand. I walked around her and saw an arrow. I sniffed it and realized it was dragon root.

"How long was this arrow in her tail?" I asked the sunset-colored dragon. I looked at Hiccup and flicked my tail at him, telling him to come over. I looked back at the dragon with concern.

"At least two hours. It took me so long to get here I felt like I was going to drop Seashell." she said.

"Okay. My human is coming over to help so don't growl at him. There are some things only a human can do." I told her this with caution. I was worried because of how long the arrow was in her tail. Hiccup came over and looked at her.

Hiccup's POV

I could barely see the wounded dragon, but she was like nothing I've ever seen! It was almost midnight so I couldn't see very well.

"Toothless, slow burn, over here." Purple light filled the area and I could see the dragon's individual scales.

"Thanks bud....What's this?" There was an arrow in her leg. I looked at the arrow and ran my finger down the side of it. "Dragon hunters."

I needed to take take arrow out, but she was bleeding a lot and I was afraid she would bleed more if I took the arrow out. I stood up and started walking in circles around the dragon.

"Hey!", The girl grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me, "You need to stop. Let me look at her." She walked over to the dragon and kneeled, her dragon in tow. "Amanita, I need leaves." Her dragon, Amanita, nodded and the gem on her head started to glow. Soon, there were leaves floating to the girl. She grabbed the leaves out of the air and laid her hand on the wounded dragon's head. "This is going to hurt okay?"

Izzy's POV

I laid my hand on the wounded dragon's head. "This is going to hurt, okay? But it's going to help you get better." The dragon nodded slightly. "Good. Amanita, get ready to take the arrow." I take the arrow in my hand and close my eyes for a second. I yank the arrow out and throw it away from the dragon while she cries out in pain. Then I quickly wrap the leaves around her leg. "Whew. Are you okay?" The dragon looks at me and warbles softly as thanks. I smile back at her. I stand up and look at Amanita.

Sunset's POV

When Seashell cried out in pain, I growled lowly and started creeping towards the hooman. She stood up and looked at my other sister, Amanita. I swept my tail under the hoo-man's legs and she fell over. Then I jumped on her and growled loudly. "What did you do to my sister?! IF YOU TOUCH HER AGAIN, YOU WI-" In the middle of my sentence, I got knocked off the hoo-man. I get up and look around to see Amanita helping the hoo-man get up. She looks at me and growls. I take a step towards her and ask her what she is doing helping the hoo-man.

"Well, first off it's a human, not hoo-man. Second, she was getting the arrow out of our sister's leg." Amanita growls and looks at the ground, "That those stupid, idiotic Dragon hunters shot her with. Shooting innocent dragons out of the sky to sell and kill them." She looks at me in the eyes and says, "That's what Izzy and I do, we free dragons that have been captured and are being used by the Dragon Hunters.Then we attack the ships!"


I there will be a Chapter 8-part 2. This chapter is going to be rather long, so I'm breaking it up into 2 parts...or however many parts that fit the chapter length. Sorry for not updateing again. I have school issues and I am busy doing meh HW.

last one.........

I saved the best for last. >:3


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