Getting Closer

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3 days later, one morning, Bruce woke Parrot up and said "We have to move again. We wanna finish this quest quickly." Parrot was skeptical. "But we just came here...?"  said Parrot "I know. But we have to." said Bruce seriously. "I'll ask Moosh." said Parrot. Parrot crawled over to Mooshroom, woke him up and said "Bruce wants us to move again. To I guess finish this quest quicker? What do you say?" said Parrot "I think he's right. Go ask Shrimp." replied Mooshroom. Parrot went over to Shrimp's tent. He was already awake. "Heyy Shrimp!" said Parrot "What's up?" said Shrimp. "Well, Bruce wants us to move again...I guess to finish our quest quicker or something....what do you think?" asked Parrot. Shrimp then said "I agree with Bruce. I think we should go." "Alright. I'll tell Bruce." said Parrot and then he walked out of the tent. "Bruce!" said Parrot and walked over to Bruce. "Ye?" "I've decided we'll move. This time we'll go 7 miles, and the direction we need to go is north-west this time." said Parrot. Bruce then said happily "Okay! Let's get packing!" Bruce then walked over to Shrimp's tent, told him we were moving, walked to Mooshroom's tent, and told him too. They then started packing, and 45 minutes later, they were ready. They started walking. "So, what direction are we going?" said Mooshroom "North-west." "And how many miles?" asked Shrimp "7" answered Bruce. 6 Hours later, the weather was getting colder. "I'm cold!" said Parrot "Put your jacket on then." said Mooshroom. They all put on their jackets, and continued. A few minutes later they came across a snowy mountain. "Should we climb it?" asked Shrimp. "Yeah, I read somewhere that the Jers Lair is around a snowy mountain." answered Parrot, and so they began climbing. About 300 meters in the air, they came across the top of the mountain. Mooshroom pulled out a book titled "Info About The Jers Lair" and started flipping through the pages. "It says here we need to go north-west now." said Mooshroom "Okay, let's go." said Parrot. 

They decided to stop at a snowy landscape, where all they could see was whiteness. "Is this the right way?..." asked Bruce "Yes." said Mooshroom, still staring at the book.

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