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11:34 AM

"hey, guys?" luke says to everyone. we are all currently getting henna tattoos.

a series of "what" and "yeah" are heard.

"i invited jane to have dinner with us later. is that okay?" he says, as the tattoo man inks on a penguin on his bicep.

silence at first. it was as if they were waiting for me to speak before they could answer.

"of course." i say, the three boys follow by saying "sure" and "okay".

luke smiles at us.

i just stare at the flower being painted on my ankle.

7:29 PM

"i can't believe you got a fucking bowling ball on your tummy." ashton is laughing hysterically as he remembers what michael got for his henna.

"so? it's a henna, it's not permanent." he rolls his eyes, not at all regretting his choice.

"i just went for the classic weed on my chest." calum grins.

"no one cares," i giggle, "just kidding."

"i can't believe the man actually allowed me to paint something on myself!" ashton giggles, pointing to the two illustrations, which are supposed to look like drum sticks, on his wrist.

"they look like dicks, ash." michael laughs.

"luke's taking so long." i groan.

"or maybe jane's taking so long. who knows? maybe she's still putting make-up on or something." calum says.

and just as he had finished his sentence, in walked the two of them looking like they came straight from a cover of a magazine.

luke, looks great as always. and jane is wearing a floral romper, showing off her long and tan legs, her blond hair streaming down her back and her face looks so pure and angelic. damn it, even i wanna sleep with her.

"hi, sorry we took long, jane here had a hard time finding her phone." luke chuckles as he pulls a seat out for jane before he sat down himself.

"sorry. turns out, i placed it by the sink!" she laughs.

"same ol' jane." michael says.

"would it be okay if we order the beef nachos and buffalo wings?" ashton asks, looking at the menu.

"uh, i'll have a salad. i'm vegan." jane says politely.

of course she is.

so my night went like this:

wow, jane the great! jane the sexiest vegan ever! jane the model with the glowing skin and the perfectly white teeth! jane who came here alone as a strong independent woman! jane who doesn't drink alcohol!

i listened to all those things about jane while chomping down a plate of spicy buffalo wings accompanied by two beers. whoopdeedoo.

"hahaha." i force out a laugh as jane says one of her jokes. luke, of course, goes full out with laughing hysterically. i try my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"you're a really great girl, jane," ashton says, "it was nice that we got to hang out with you tonight."

"same to all of you," she raises her fucking glass of water, "cheers!"

we clunk our bottles of beer.



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