Episode 19: OK the Jokesters

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"Good work today, Jokesters!" Sulley announced. "Now, why don't we all discuss the cast dinner? If there is a day and place you like, please fill out the chart here!" Sulley hung the clipboard and a pen on the front wall of the Laugh Floor. 

"Oh! Me first! Me first!" Mike jumped and wrote his name, the date, and the place he wants to eat out at. After Mike, everyone else, including Tylor and Val, wrote their availability, name, and desired place. 

After Mike finished singing up, Sulley whispered to him, "Oh, and by the way, we need to keep this a secret from the Oozma Kappa, since this is cast only. We'll invite them for the staff dinner next time."

"Of course, of course," Mike whispered back. 

"Are other MIFTers also invited, Mr. Sullivan?" Val asked. 

"Well, of course," Sulley replied as Val handed him the pen and picked up the clipboard. "If it weren't for them, we would have had a harder time working on stage and backstage at the same time. And do you mind sending the clipboard to the MIFTers?"

"I'll take it to them," Tylor said. 

"Why thank you, Tylor," Sulley said as he handed the clipboard to him. 

After having MIFTers fill out the form, Tylor walked out of the Maintenance office when Sulley surprised him lightly. 

"Boo," Sulley said from the corner. 

"Oh, Sulley!" Tylor exclaimed lightly. 

"Thank you for taking care of that for me, Ty!" Sulley said as he delightfully smiled at him and took the clipboard out of Tylor's hand. 

"You're welcome, sir," Tylor said as he smiled back at him. 


After a week of the comedy class with Mike, Don, Squishy, Art, and Terri and Terry started to research their own ways of making kids laugh. Even when Mike left the Comedy Classroom, the OK researched how to make kids laugh on their own.

"I can probably use my suction cups to make kids laugh," Don wondered as he played around with his suction cups. "Or if that doesn't work, I'll just tell some of my dad jokes that made Sheri laugh."

"Hey, kids love it when we hurt ourselves," Terri mentioned. "Want to create some scenarios where we fight and hurt each other?"

"I don't want to get hurt," Terry said with a little annoyed expression on his face.

"Then we'll use sound effects!" Terri said. "We'll slap lightly, but then with the help of sound effects, it'll sound like we're hurting each other."

"So, did you think about the method of how you'll make the kids laugh?" Squishy asked himself.

"I'm going to live up to my name and use these!" Art said as he presented the cans of paint. 

"What do you plan to do with those?" Squishy asked. 

"I'm gonna use these to make it look like my body is changing color every second," Art explained. "Here, check this out!" Art said as he poured the cans of paint inside of the tub, dipped himself in it, and emerged itself out of it. Surprisingly, a stream of different colors ran down from his head down to his feet as he was making a silly face and posing weird poses.

"Ahaha!" Squishy laughed. "Well, what do you know? That's pretty hilarious."

"What about you?" Art asked as he maintained his pose and the color kept changing. 

"Check this out!" Squishy held a stocking. 

"What are you gonna do with that?" Art asked. 

"See this," Squishy turned around, put it over his face, and made a silly face, and showed it to Art. 

"PBBBBBTT!!" Don laughed hysterically. "OH! OH! THAT'S GREAT! How did you manage to think of that??"

"Oh, it's nothing!" Squishy said modestly. 

Don looked around and saw everyone else had a method to make a kid laugh. Seems like everyone found a way except me... Don thought sadly before he sighed and stepped outside the room. He placed his tentacles over his eyes and trilled his lips out of frustration. 

"Hey, what's the matter?" Tylor asked. Sulley was standing next to him. 

"Oh, hey, Tylor, hey Sulley," Don looked up and greeted them. 

"What are you doing out here?" Sulley asked. 

"I can't figure out a way to make a kid laugh..." Don said. "I don't think I'm that creative anymore. Even with Mike's help... he helped with the scaring, but I guess I'm not fit to be a Jokester."

Tylor and Sulley glanced at each other for a second, and they sat down next to him; Sulley sat on his left, Tylor sat on his right. "Let me tell you about what happened when I trained to be a Jokester," Tylor spoke up. "I auditioned 7 times, and Ms. Flint said I was not fit to be a Jokester. But then, something happened that made me make a mini monster laugh. She never laughs unless it's something really funny. So, it really takes time to figure out what type of Jokester you will become."

"But, how can I do anything with these suction cups...?" Don asked as he held his tentacles up. "Besides using them to sneak up the ceiling, I don't know what to do with these."

"You don't have to use your tentacles to make the kids laugh," Sulley suggested. "Maybe Tylor can show you things that he used but failed."

"I'll gladly do that," Tylor said encouragingly. 

"Will you really do that for me?" Don asked brightly. 

"Come with," Tylor said as he stood up. 

"May I follow?" Sulley asked. "You don't mind, do you?" Sulley asked Don.

"Not at all," Don replied. 

Tylor led Don and Sulley to his desk and took out all of his comedy stuff from his box. "Hmm..." Tylor said to himself as he took out each item. "Let's see, I have a naked chicken, these small hats... this hoopie cushion... some banana peels... clown make-up..." Don examined every single piece as Tylor took them out. "Anything sparks your interest?" Tylor asked as he paused and took his head out of his box of comedy stuff. 

"Hmm... I don't know..." Don said as he put on small hats and squeezed on the naked chicken. 

"Maybe I can help you," Tylor said. "Sulley, would you mind taking the stuff out of the box for me while I help him out?"

"Sure," Sulley said as he stopped himself from saying something romantic because he was Don was right there, and he was on the Laugh Floor with everyone else. 

"So, all of these failed?" Don asked.

"For me, they did," Tylor said. "But that doesn't mean they won't work out for you. You'll have to be creative with them. I never knew I would be able to make kids laugh with donuts."

"Hmm..." Don said as he held up the whoopie cushion and banana peels. 

"Do you think you know what you're gonna do with them?" Tylor asked. Don smiled at him instead of answering him. Tylor smiled at him back as he understood what his smile meant. 

"Hey, Don! Why don't you-" Sulley said as he took out a unicycle and juggling balls but then Tylor stopped him to shush him and pointed at Don. Sulley glanced at Tylor for a second as he caught Sulley's attention, and when Tylor directed his view to Don, he saw Don using banana peels to step on them to fall backward and land on the whoopie cushion. Sulley and Tylor laughed hysterically when that happened. 

"It worked! You both laughed!" Don said as he excitedly stood back up. 

"Of course it did!" Sulley exclaimed excitedly and proudly. 

"Good job, Don!" Tylor clapped gently. "You're prepared to become an official Jokester!" 

"Oh, yes! Yes!" Don cheered. "So, when will be my audition to become a Jokester?"

"I think you'll have to talk to Ms. Flint about that," Sulley said. "But I gotta say, you shouldn't be nervous about that. You're more than prepared with that method!" 

"Oh, thank you, Sulley! Thank you, Tylor!" Don delightfully squealed as he grabbed the banana peels and the whoopee cushion and went back to the Comedy Classroom. 

"Good job, Tylor," Sulley said with a proud smirk.

"Oh, he was the one who figured out how to make kids laugh on his own," Tylor modestly answered. 

"If it wasn't for your help, he would not have found it easily," Sulley maintained his proud smirk. "I applaud you for that."

"Well, I just witnessed a funny simulation!" Mike walked towards them with applause after filling a laugh canister. 

"I believe the Oozma Kappa is now ready to become Jokesters!" Sulley said. 

"Yeah!" Mike agreed and they both cheered on until Tylor mentioned something important. 

"We should get more Laugh Floors now, shouldn't we?" Tylor asked. "Since I had the last spot in the Laugh Floor."

Sulley and Mike froze. They were still posing their celebration poses while they were cheering, but the happy aura was gone. 

"Now, that you mention it..." Sulley said as he lost his celebration pose and placed his hand over his mouth and his chin.

"Would it be possible to build another Laugh Floor?" Mike asked. 

"We can, but it will take quite some time," Sulley said. "Until then, they'll need to find another place where they can make kids laugh."

"We'll need to think of something before Ms. Flint's audition," Mike said. Frustrated, Sulley and Mike placed their hands on their waist and sighed deeply through their nose. Tylor started to think which way would be good to add OK members as Jokesters. Only if there were door stations that can properly work... Tylor thought as he placed his hand over his mouth. Wait... what if...??

"How about this?" Tylor said. 

"What do you have in mind?" Sulley and Mike asked.

Tylor smiled lightly before presenting his idea. 


Oozma Kappa members were all sitting in Ms. Flint's office for their audition as they prepared their comedy ideas: Don still used the idea of tripping over a banana peel and landing on a whoopee cushion, Squishy kept the idea of wearing a stocking over his head and making silly faces, Art prepared buckets of paint to change color, and Terri and Terry prepared a skit to fight and pretend to hurt each other. 

"All right, welcome to this week's audition," Ms. Flint said as she entered her office. They all gulped nervously. 

"It seems all of you have funny ways to make kids laugh, according to Mr. Sullivan and especially Mr. Wazowski," she continued as she flipped through the pages on her clipboard. "I won't really expect much since this is all of your first auditions, but I do hope all of you will pass and get your funny gigs on the Laugh Floor. So, who would like to go first?"

They all looked at each other for a while until Don nervously yet bravely raised his hand. 

"Thank you, Mr., uh," Ms. Flint said as she searched for his name. 

"Carlton. Don Carlton," Don answered. 

"All right, Mr. Carlton, show us what you've got," Ms. Flint said with no smile across her face, as usual. 

Don gulped as he fidgeted on his banana peel and whoopee cushion and walked into the simulation room. He took a silent deep breath as he dropped the banana peel and whoopee cushion in front of him, walked towards it, slipped on the banana peel, and fell on the whoopee cushion. The animatronic child laughed hysterically. 

"Nice slapstick and flatulence, Mr. Carlton," Ms. Flint complimented. "That type of situation would create a significant gigglewatts. Congratulations, you're now an official Jokester. See you at the Laugh Floor."

"Ooh! Yayy!!" Don cheered delightfully. 

Seeing that made the others feel more confident about the situation they had prepared. "We would like to go next, Ms. Flint!" Terri and Terry volunteered. 

"All right, Mr. and Mr. Perry" Ms. Flint said as she found their profile immediately. "Show me what you've got."

In the simulation room, Terri and Terry performed the skit they prepared. 

"Hey, there, I'm Terri with an 'i'!" Terri greeted.

"And I'm Terry with a 'y'!" Terry greeted. 

"Remember Terri with an 'i' because I'm the handsome one, and Terry with a 'y' is the ugly one!" Terri said. 

"You know we look the same, right?" Terry said. 

"Well then, you need to get some glasses, because I'm obviously more attractive than you are," Terri said. 

"You take that back!" Terry acted as if he was angry. 

"Make me!" Terri reacted. Then they started to slap each other in the face repeatedly and got on the ground. The animatronic child laughed hysterically. 

"That is a funny skit you two prepared," Ms. Flint said. "Congratulations, you will work on the Laugh Floor also."

"We did it, Terri!" Terry said excitedly. 

"I told you this would work," Terri said. 

Squishy was next. He showed the kid a stocking, placed it over his face, and made a silly face. The animatronic child laughed hysterically. 

Art showed himself changing color. The animatronic child also laughed hysterically. 

"Wow, all of you passed the audition," Ms. Flint said. "That's the first. Everyone passing the audition on the same day."

"Well, we learned from the best," Squishy said. 

"I do believe Mr. Wazowski is a good teacher," Ms. Flint said. 

"I also got help from Mr. Tuskmon," Don mentioned. 

"Really? Huh, that's impressive," Ms. Flint said in disbelief as she remembered how horrible Tylor was before he became an official Jokester. "Anyways, you should all go get transferred to official Jokesters. Please see Mr. Crummyham in Monster Resources regarding your transfer paperwork, and I'll see you on the Laugh Floor."

"We did it, guys!" Squishy said excitedly as they all headed to Monster Resources. 

"I can't believe we're gonna be Jokesters!" Art excitedly squealed. 

"I admit, this was easier than becoming a Scarer," Don said. 

"I just wish that this theory existed before we entered Monsters University," Terri said. 

"Yeah, now the Scare degree seems like a waste," Terry said. 

"Aww, don't think of it that way," Don said. "Either way, we still get to work at Monsters Inc. and provide energy for Monstropolis!" 

"I also heard they're expanding the resource distribution to Monstrocity and Boostown!" Squishy said. 


In Monster Resources, Mr. Crummyham went all around the room to collect all the documents for Oozma Kappa. "Internal transfer document, child hazard release, life liability waiver, I-9 form, anti-social security," Mr. Crummyham said to himself and Oozma Kappa as he passed the documents. 

"Do we have to fill these out again...?" Squishy asked. 

"Yeah, are there no records of us filling this out already?" Terry asked. 

"You're returning official Jokesters, so you need to fill them out again since your information might have changed over time," Mr. Crummyham explained as he found more documents to pass out. "Closet malfunction insurance, laffateria discount, gross salary plus over-slime..."


"Congratulations, Oozma Kappa!" Sulley congratulated brightly in their office. "You are all now official Jokesters!" 

"Thank you, Sulley!" Don said excitedly.

"Oh, yay! We're gonna be Jokesters!" Squishy squealed delightfully. 

"And if you're gonna become Jokesters," Mike said. "You're gonna need a Laugh Floor! But unfortunately, we don't have any more Laugh Floors."

"Aww..." Art groaned. 

"Then what are we gonna do?" Squishy asked.

"Lucky for you guys," Sulley said. "We have a talented former MIFTer and current Jokester who got a workstation ready for you!"

"Really?" Don asked.

"Where is it?" Terri asked.

"Follow the sultry sound of my voice!" Mike said as he had their eyes closed except for Sulley. 

"Are we going to the right place?" Art asked.

"And open!" Mike said. 

When they opened their eyes, Mike, Sulley, and Tylor were standing in the room with five door stations. "Ta-da!" Mike, Sulley, and Tylor said as they presented the door stations.

"You got extra door stations for us!" Terri excitedly exclaimed. 

"You bet we did!" Mike said.

"'We'?" Sulley said. 

"I mean, Tylor did," Mike corrected.

"Where is this place, by the way?" Don asked.

"It's where the Laugh Canisters were stored and the energy is stored," Tylor said. "Which is also the place where my former boss went to go on vacation using the door that was supposed to be shredded. Lucky enough, I managed to find four more door stations, repaired them with the MIFTers, and made them safe enough to work until we build another Laugh Floor for you."

"Yup! So good to be a part of the repair team for this one!" Val said excitedly as she stepped out of the back of the door. 

"Nice to have current and former MIFTers work together for the new Jokesters!" Fritz said as he stepped out from the back of the door. 

"Ah, this is nothing for deputy supervisor!" Duncan said as he flew out from the back of the door. 

"Thank you, you're welcome!" Cutter said as she stepped out from the back of the door. 

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much, Tylor!" Squishy said. "Thank you, all of you!"

"It's nothing," Tylor modestly said. "You helped me when I was in Oozma Kappa."

"Can I hug you??" Squishy said as he already stepped forward to hug him. 

"Oh! Well..." Tylor said as he was hugged by Squishy.

"I want to hug too! Double hug!" Fritz said. 

"Triple hug!" Val said. 

"Quadruple hug!" Adorable said as he popped out. Everyone yelped at his appearance except for Tylor. 

"Adorable? When did you pop out here?" Mike asked.

"I asked him to bring some snow cones to celebrate," Tylor said. 

"Well, that's so sweet of you!" Sulley said. 

"Snow cones for everybody!" Adorable said as he carried a tray of snow cones. They all had one each and celebrated. 


"Did you see the smile on their faces?!" Mike asked as he was walking down to the Laugh Floor. "They looked so so happy!"

"You bet they were!" Tylor agreed excitedly. 

"It's all thanks to you, Tylor," Sulley said. "Great work as usual!" Sulley winked at him. Tylor blew him a kiss while Mike wasn't looking. 

"Let's just get to the work order so that we can have more Laugh Floors for Oozma Kappa to work at!" Mike said. 

"I wonder how long that would take," Sulley said. 

"Mike! Sulley! The producer wants to see you!" Celia called.

"Producer?" Mike asked. 

"You know, the ones who directed the advertisement while Waternoose was the CEO?" Celia said. 

"Are we filming another commercial?" Sulley asked. 

"I think they will," Celia said. "Just go in and talk to them to get more information."

"We'll do that," Sulley agreed. 

"I'll see you at the Laugh Floor," Tylor said as he headed to the Laugh Floor. 

"Yeah! Get those energies!" Mike said. 

The producer was waiting in their office to discuss the new commercial. They agreed to have it formatted like the last commercial when they still used scare power. "So, you want all the Jokesters to be part of the commercial, including the new ones?" the producer asked.

"That would be great, especially in the end," Sulley said. "And about the slogan, can you also mention that it is by the Jokester named Tylor Tuskmon? We need to give him credit for that."

"All right, as you wish," the producer said. "So will that be all for the contract?"

"Yes!" Sulley and Mike agreed as they shook hands with the producer. 

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