Ask 5

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Ask... by VilosaLight

Hey Joy, Dmitri is is true you guys like each other?


Narrator- In the house of The Coven, the members had just got word of Joy's...

Okay, stop right there. Before we get on with this ask, I have 2 things I need to talk about. One, Narrator. There is no need for you to be in this chapter. Go home so you can stop complaining about your unreasonable work hours.

Narrator- Fine! But just for the record, I do not complain that much. *leaves*

Right.... Okay. Next, I want to tell you guys about... you know what? It's kinda long so I'll put it in the end of the chapter. And now for your scheduled doze of Monster Prom ask.

Joy- Well...

Faith- Oh yes.

Hope- They are totally into each other.

Joy- What! *blushes* What makes you say that?

Dmitri- *enters house* Hey Joy! And the other two... How was your day?

Joy- Great. So... what are you doing here?

Hope- Isn't it obvious? He got to do the ask too.

Dmitri- Really? I got another ask! What is it this time?

Faith- Before we tell you that, why are you still wearing a T-shirt?

Dmitri- Oh right. *takes off T-shirt very slowly and in a modelling way*

Joy- *stares at Dmitri before blushing* I'll be in the other room. *runs away*

Dmitri- What did I do?

Faith- Nothing. As for the ask, can you bring us some tea first?

Dmitri- I am not your slave witch!

Faith- Oh really? Then you won't mind me posting the picture of you and Mark together at last year's Christmas party?

Dmitri- The one with the reindeer and snowman incident? *gulp*

Faith- And the fruit cake, alpacas and sweater... Oh I can go on.

Dmitri- No! No! You made your point, I get us some tea.

Hope- Me too?

Dmitri- Get it yourself...

Faith- *waves phone in the air*

Dmitri- Anything you want. *leaves room*

Hope- What are you playing at?

Faith- Come on Hope, you know they'll never admit their love for each other on their own. We need to give them a little push.

Hope- Push you say? Why don't we just lock them in the closet for seven minutes?

Faith- What? No! We have to be subtle.

Hope- Accidently locking them in a closet for seven minutes?

Faith- You know what? Just play along.

Dmitri- *walks back into the living room* I brought your tea. *rolling his eyes*

Faith- Thanks. *takes the tea* Hope, why don't you go find Joy and we can move on with our lives.

Hope- Sure. Hey Joy! *runs out of room shouting*

Dmitri- So, what's the ask?

Faith- First, why were coming here in the first place? Before you knew about your ask I mean.

Dmitri- I got a text saying that Mark wanted to join the Dark side.

Faith- You got catfished hard. *laughs*

Dmitri- Ask please witch, we are adults.

Faith- *raises eyebrows*

Dmitri- Adult age.

Faith- That's more like it. So the ask was, can you say yes to something for so long without know what you're agreeing on?

Dmitri- Oh course I can. I have a way with language.

Faith- Alright, when Joy gets back here, I want you to prove it.

Dmitri- Fine.

Joy and Hope- *walks towards the living room*

Joy- So, what did we miss?

Faith- Dmitri was just going to answer the ask. Don't worry though, he knows what the fans asked.

Joy- Okay?

Hope- Sweet, what's your answer?

Dmitri- Yes.

Joy- What? *blushes*

Dmitri- I can say for certain that my answer is yes. I completely agreed with what the ask said, could not put it in a better way myself. I can't believe I never thought of it until now. Now that I have, I can 100 percent say I am on board with the idea of that.....

20 painful minutes of whatever that was later...

Dmitri- So yes.

Joy- *fainted the first five minutes*

Dmitri- Joy? Are you alright?

Joy- *started waking up* If your answer was yes, then just say yes. You didn't have to go on for 21 minutes.

Dmitri- What do mean? I just wanted to prove that I can agreed on something without knowing what it was. What's so...

Faith- *whispers real ask to Dmitri*

Dmitri- Wait? So... I... that... was.... *points to him and Joy*

Faith- *nods*

Dmitri- *faints*

Joy- Girls, what did you do?

Faith- Nevermind that. You technically still haven't answer your half of the ask.

Joy- You know what? If you girls know me so well, I guess you can answer for me. *gets up and carries Dmitri* I don't know what you did to him but guess I have to carry him home. You're cooking dinner Faith.

Faith- Sure, sure.

Joy- *walks out with Dmitri over her shoulders*

Hope- That was so hilarious.

Faith- Okay readers, you just saw or read Joy carrying Dmitri home. Guess that answers your ask.

Hope- That was way better than my idea.

Faith- That's why I'm the smart one.

Hope and Faith- *high fives each other*

Hey readers, that would be the end of this ask and if I remember correctly, I said I had something to tell you guys. Well, I'm back! After about two months and a half, I'm finally back to writing misadventures with my favourite dating sim monster characters. It's been so great and... yeah. Also, apologizes if this chapter was a little short. I'm trying to get back to the flow of Spooky High adventures.

The thing I wanted to say was thanks for your patients and constant support. I hope I can keep up with my new schedule of a chapter every two and a half week to a month even. I know that the publishing time is becoming less often but I needed a schedule that I could keep up. There are only so many misadventures these monsters can go on.

With all that said and done, as usual please leave a comment on ask and dare suggestion. I'll definitely want to see everyone's great ideas again. Bye readers and writer, out!

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