⚠Won't Ever Loose You⚠

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Lucas glares at Donghyuck.

"I didn't cheat! It's knowledge"

"Like you know about knowledge, stupid ass"

"The fuck you just say to me?"

"You heard me!"

"Come at me hoe!"

"You're the hoe–"

The sound of the doorbell rings stopping them, Renjun stands up and goes to answer the door and coming back with a few guys tailing behind him. "No wonder the security didn't need to call us" he snorts.

"Wassup bitches!" A tall boy with an American accent greets as another tall boy with a dimple smile smacks his head.

"Who's that?" A handsome guy points at Jeno who woke up at the sound of a smack in the head.

"This is Jeno, my boyfriend" Jaemin answered with a smirk as the other guys nodded knowing they really shouldn't mess with Jeno.

The newcomers went over and sat at the couch "Hi Jeno, I'm Taeyong, it's nice to meet you" the handsome boy introduces himself smiling comfortingly at the younger.

"I'm Jaehyun, nice to meet you Jeno" the other one smiles, his dimples becoming more visible.

"Wasup Jeno, the name's Johnny!" The tall boy said as the other one beside him rolls his eyes.

"Hey, I'm Yuta, pleasure to meet you" the boy said smiling widely "don't mind Johnathan, He's embarrassing and a loser" he adds as the tall boy gasps and dramatically sobs onto Jaehyun's shoulder.

The last one had a bunny smile and Jeno felt more comfortable with him than the others, not like the others are bad but he can sense some mother like skills from the elder, "Hello Jeno, I'm Doyoung!" He greets with a soft tone.

"Why can't you be nice like that to me?" Johnny asked pouting as Yuta made a look of disgust and scoots away from him.

"Because he doesn't like you, simple" Taeyong laughs as Yuta starts to fake gag when Johnny tries to be cute and when the taller leans in to kiss the boy on the cheek, he screams "Ew ew ew! Get away from me!"

Jaehyun pulls Johnny back and Mark gives a spray of alcohol to Yuta who immediately took it.

Jeno giggles too "hello everyone, I'm Jeno" he smiles and the others coo at him, hell even Yuta melted.

"Oh my God you are adorable!" Doyoung scrambles to his feet towards Jeno and squishes the younger's cheek "I'll be your mother from now on. Jaemin" he looks at the said boy who raised an eyebrow "hurt my son and I'll hurt you"

"Like I would actually do that, who the hell do you think I am?" Jaemin tightens his grip on Jeno's waist and pulls the blanket the boy had on when it slips off his lap showing a bit of his fair skin.

"The Mafia?" Jaehyun said as it was obvious making Lucas choke on the Jelly bean where he threw it on the air and catched it with his mouth.


Chenle laughs as Jisung started recording the whole thing, Renjun rolls his eyes and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Donghyuck –despite hating Lucas– started to pat the boy's back and when that barely did anything he wraps his arms around the elder's waist and started to push his stomach.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HIM?" Mark exclaimed as Yuta face palmed.

The others were laughing too but Doyoung was too busy babying Jeno and at the same time threatening Jaemin that if he ever hurts the poor baby then he won't hesitate to begin World War III.

Finally Lucas shoots the jelly bean from his throat and it landed on the floor near Chenle, Donghyuck lets go and Lucas pants as they watched how the young chinese took the jelly bean and ate it.

They all looked at him in disgust "what?" He asked chewing the bean.

"Disgusting" Mark comments.

"Free food bro" Chenle shrugs and Renjun comes back with the glass of water.

"Oh hey thank–" Lucas gets cut off when Renjun swerves his hand when the taller reached for the glass and dumps the water on him as Lucas shrieks.

"That's for being an idiot, you owe me $500 dollars and you get to clean the carpet this week, have fun" Renjun goes back to the kitchen leaving Lucas all soaking wet.

"Fucker" the boys laugh at how Lucas looked like a wet dog and settled down.

"So, Taeyong" the elder looks at Jaemin "do you have it?" He furrowed his eyebrows and Jaemin rolls his eyes.

"The necklace stupid" Johnny said as Taeyong made an "oh" sound before reaching at their bag to grab the said object. "Gosh, even I'm not that stupid" Johnny comments.

Yuta clicks his tongue "who lied to you?"

Johnny leans in and Yuta smacks his face away "The fuck– get away!" The taller laughs and continues to tease him.

Taeyong gives Jaemin a red box with a golden ribbon on top "here it is" and smiles.

Jaemin nods "thanks" opening it, lifting the object up in his hands to examine it.

He smiles contentedly as it shines brightly in the room when the light hits it, almost like how Jeno shines his world whenever he's around.

"Perfect" he said, Taeyong and the others smiles thankfully, Jaemin looks at Jeno who watches in awe at the jewelry, He smiles and kisses his cheek "like it?"

"Love it" Jeno replied "it's pretty" he looks at Jaemin with the same big doe eyes, Jaemin smiled even wider.

"It's for you" Jeno widens his eyes.

"What?! M-me?" He points to himself as Jaemin nodded.

"I asked Taeyong and Doyoung to make this for you, Hope you like it as much as I do" he explains.

Jeno blushes "I do, it's really pretty, thank you Jaemin" he smiles as Jaemin pecks his forehead and puts the necklace around his boyfriend's neck and smiles at it fits perfectly.

"It has something y'know" he said as Jeno looks up tilting his head "There's a chip tracker built in it, I asked Yuta and Jaehyun to put it in so I won't loose you, especially when others find out about you being my boyfriend and try to steal you away from me"

"Yeah, Johnny didn't do shit" Yuta joins in.

Jeno giggles and blushes at the Mafia "well I love it, and I'm glad because I'm only yours anyway" Jaemin tightens his grip and pulls him closer, the blanket slipping off his lap again "I'm not taking it off from now on"

"That's good, really good" Jaemin gives a long kiss on his cheek and sighs in relief.

"I love you"

"I love you too" Jeno smiles wraps his arm around Jaemin's neck.

Suddenly a sob was heard and they turned around to look at the other boys.

Doyoung was cooing with Chenle and Taeyong, Jaehyun and Yuta smiled at them, Lucas was eating some jelly beans with a smile, Mark was squealing like he was watching his favorite episode of the Kardashians, Jisung was recording them and Renjun spits out his water but was cooing as well.

Then they looked at Johnny– who was sobbing into the couch pillow getting his snot everywhere, guess Lucas has to wash something other than the carpet.

"What's wrong?" Jeno asked the crying boy who looks up his snot was almost in his mouth and Yuta moves away even more.

"I-it's just y-you guys a-are so cu-cute and I f-fucking love it!" Johnny wipes his snot with his sleeve and wipes it onto Yuta's arm who shrieks "s-stay st-strong my b-bitches" he cries and sniffles as he lifts a fist up in the air in a rooting motion.

They laugh at him as Yuta had enough and left to go to the bathroom and clean Johnny's germs.

Jaemin turns to Jeno who looks back at him "I won't ever loose you now" nuzzling their noses together.

"You won't, ever" Jeno smiles and connects their foreheads as Johnny sobs even more at the sight.

They all chilled a bit as Jeno was still connected with Jaemin, then his blanket slipped off his lap when he stood up to grab a bowl of strawberries.

"Wow!" Taeyong exclaimed startling Jeno who looks at the boys –except Mark and the others since they already seem to be used to it or know what's up – that were staring at him.

"What?" He shifts on his feet and looks at his boyfriend for help when they didn't answer but raised an eyebrow when Jaemin was also staring at him, licking his lips.


"You have pretty legs!" Taeyong comments.

"Fair skin too!" Jaehyun smiles.

"I'm jealous" Yuta pouts but smiles at him.

"Sweetie, you're so pretty!" Doyoung smiles as well making him feel at ease from what the actual fuck is happening.

"Jaemin you lucky ass bastard! Keep the pretty boy!" Johnny throws a pillow at him.

Jaemin snaps out of it and stands up to hug him, Jeno hugs back wrapping his arms around the boy's neck a little confused "Jaemin?"

"You're just– so perfect, God Jeno I fucking love you" Jaemin said lifting him up and twirling them around as Jeno clinged onto him for dear life and squeaks.

"I love you too but can you put me down? I feel dizzy" Jeno said and yelps when Jaemin grabs his thighs and wraps it around his torso.

"I'll go with you then" Jaemin starts to walk towards the kitchen and they heard Johnny rooting for them in the background as well as Donghyuck arguing with Lucas again in the game of chess.

Jeno was about to say something but squeaks loudly when he felt Jaemin moving his hands from his thighs towards his butt and squeezes it "Nana!" Jaemin laughs.

"God I love your ass too, perfect just for me" Jeno blushes and hides his face on Jaemin's neck mumbling things like

"My ass still hurts"


"You're lucky that I love you, bastard" he yelps when Jaemin smacks his left buttcheek.

"Wrong name baby" He smirks as Jeno grumbles.

"A little louder darling" Jeno huffs and grumbles again.

"Oh c'mon Jen, we both know you could be louder than that, hell even your moa–" Jeno smacks his back stopping him from finishing his sentence.


"You're lucky I love you" he pauses "Daddy" biting Jaemin's neck as the boy yelps.

"Hmm naughty are we?"

"Shut up" Jaemin snorts and kisses his neck.

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