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Sickie: Kihyun

Caregiver: Monsta X (mostly Minhyuk, Jooheon and Changkyun)

Kihyun's POV.:

The first thing I noticed when the alarmclock went off next to me was the massive pounding in my head. Frowning at the loud noise I reached over and shut that damn thing off. I groaned pushing myself up from the bed to wake up the rest of the group. Why they never woke up from their own alarms was a mystery I have yet to solve. As I got up I could feel the blood drop to my feet and quickly sat back down on the edge of my messed-up bed, waiting for the room to stop spinning. The next time I stood up, I did so much slower before making my round through the dorm as Monsta X' merciless wake up call. After ensuring no one would go back to sleep I grabbed a glass of water and used it to wash down some painkillers. We'd be spending the day at the studio recording our new single and I guess I was lucky that there was no dance practice scheduled but I wasn't looking forward to having my aching head crushed by headphones all day either. Changkyun was the first of my members to notice something was wrong and approached me after breakfast when everyone was getting changed to head out. "Hyung, are you ok?", the younger whispered, knowing I would want him to catch the attention of anyone else in case he was right about his suspicions. "Ah, Kyun-ah, I'm alright, just woke up with a bit of a headache but I already took some medicine and it should be gone soon.", I tried to reassure him with a forced smile before walking to my room to get changed myself. I shivered when I took off my sleep-clothes and decided to wear a warm hoodie along with a comfortable pair of jeans. Pulling the hoodie over my head I started feeling a little lightheaded and held on to my closet till the feeling had passed. I was one of last members to arrive to the van that would take us to the studio. Climbing in I received a few confused glances, whether that was because I took longer than usual or because most of them wore t-shirts, I didn't know. How could they wear t-shirts anyways, this morning seemed rather chilly to me. Changkyun sat next to me in the back and I rested my still aching head on his shoulder closing my eyes. Remembering our conversation from earlier, he luckily didn't comment on it and just gave my knee a gentle squeeze.

I must have nodded off again because the next thing I remember is arriving at the starship building with all members piling out of the vehicle. As I got out and was suddenly standing on my own feet again, the ground seemingly started to move and I squeezed my eyes shut leaning back against the van. Regaining my balance and blinking away the last black spots that had clouded my vision, I straightened back up and noticed Minhyuk and Changkyun staring at me. They had stayed behind as I stood there frozen, the rest of the group was waiting by the entrance only now having realized someone was missing. "Are you ok?", Minhyuk asked with a strange tone to his voice. "Hyung, is your head still hurting", that was Changkyun. "Yeah, still hurts but I'm ok. Just got dizzy for a second, feel fine now. I don't know what got into me so suddenly.", I tried laughing it off but inside I was a little confused. This was not like me, getting dizzy so frequently and why is my head still pounding? The painkillers should be doing their job by now, I don't have time for this. Minhyuk hooked his arm into mine and we went to catch up with the rest of the group. It was a discrete gesture that probably wouldn't catch any attention but it was very helpful to me, given I still felt a bit shaky. There were two small sofas and some office chairs around a coffee-table covered in lyric sheets. Once everyone found a spot to sit we revised our lyrics while letting Jooheon who was overly excited for recording go into the recording booth. I was seated on one of the sofas next to Minhyuk who kept glancing at me from time to time. Changkyun handed me a bottle of water before sitting in an office chair next to the sofa and reading over his lyrics again. I gave him a grateful smile and opened the bottle. Maybe I didn't drink enough after dance practice yesterday and the pain in my head will go away as soon as I get rehydrated. After finishing half of the water, I place the bottle down near my feet and instead pick up a sheet of paper as well. I really tried reading over it but focusing my eyes on the small letters only made my head pound harder. "Guys, is it ok if Kihyun goes next? He's not feeling his best and could go back home to rest up a bit when he's done.", Minhyuk broke the silence. "What's wrong Kihyun-ah?", Hyunwoo frowned giving me a quick once-over look. "Ah, nothing, I had a bit of a headache earlier but it better now that the painkillers started working. I'm fine." Well that was not very honest, the painkillers haven't started working and I'm losing hope they ever will but I don't want the others to worry. They don't have to change up the order in which we are scheduled to record because I'm not fully on top of my game. Everybody has an off-day once in a while. Minhyuk met my eyes and the look he gave me told me he was seeing right through my lie disappointed in me for not being honest. "Your holding your sheet upside-down", was all he said, having read over my shoulder. I glanced down at my sheet and damn, no wonder it was so hard to read it earlier. Now all eyes were on me as I slowly turned the sheet around. "Are you sure you feel up for recording?", the concern was now obvious in my leader's voice. I nodded my head. Bad decision, it immediately made my vision swim. "Allright, I'll tell the producer you're next when Jooheon-ah is done", Hyunwoo said getting up. "Why are you lying?", Minhyuk whispered quiet enough only for me to hear. "It's not that big of a deal", I replied just as quiet, going back to pretending to read over my notes.

Jooheon walked out of the booth smiling as he motioned for me to take my turn. I tried to return his smile though each step I took sent shock waves through my skull. If this is what Hyungwon's migraines feel like I can't help but pity him much more now. Walking past Jooheon I make it to the recording booth, shortly steadying myself by gripping the door frame. Where did my balance go over night? I put my headphones on and give the producer a thumbs-up ignoring the pressure the headphones put on my head. Fifteen minutes later I feel like a complete fool. For some reason I just can't keep my voice steady. It's not nearly as powerful as usual either and I curse myself inwardly for not doing better. The others even gave me the chance to do this quick and then hide in the comfort of my own room, where it was both dark and quiet. Oh, how much I craved some quiet right now. I sighed and the producer started the track over again. No matter how hard I tried, it just seemed to get worse and I couldn't take it anymore. It just hurt so much and I keep failing. Minhyuk burst through the door as soon as the first sob ripped through my throat. His arms wrapping around my waist and steadying me as I started to sway a bit. The crying just increased my dizziness and my knees gave out. I could barely see through the black spots and the tears but I felt how my hyung scooped me up and carried me out of the booth, careful not to knock the lyric-stand over. He gently placed me down on one of the sofas, its former occupants having moved out of the way quickly. "Sorry", I mumbled weakly pressing my hands into my eyes attempting to rid myself of the dark spits that had appeared once again. "Don't cry hyung, it's ok. Just stay still and take deep breaths", Changkyun instructed. "I-It h-hurts so b-bad", I tried to swallow down the sobs but I've reached my breaking point. "The painkillers didn't work at all, did they?", Minhyuk frowned stroking my face: "Ya, Kihyun-ah! You're burning up." "N-not so l-loud, please.", I couldn't suppress a whimper as his loud voice threatened to let my head explode. Suddenly Hyungwon was kneeling next to the sofa pressing a pill into my hand: "Here hyung, that's my migraine medication, if the painkillers this morning didn't do anything, this will probably do the trick.", he whispered with a sympathetic look on his face, able to relate to my situation best. I pushed myself up on my elbow just high enough to take the pill with some of the water he handed me before lying back don't and covering my eyes with my arm. "Thank you Won-ie", I replied after taking a few breaths to steady my world again. He smiled at me sadly before getting up to make room for Hyunwoo. "I talked to the manager and the producer. Our recording session will be rescheduled when you're better. You really didn't know you were sick?", He looked at me doubtfully. "No, I thought it was just a headache and that it would go away as soon as I wake up properly", I groaned. "The only one who's finished yet is Jooheon. He will take you back home, ok? You get some rest and make sure you get better, yeah?", he said patting my leg and I could hear some sincere concern behind his light tone.

When Hyunwoo's phone rang and he informed us that the driver he called for us was waiting I sat up and prepared myself to stand. There was no amount of preparation that could have prevented me from stumbling. I fell into a strong chest and the leader wrapped his arms around my waist to steady me. "Sorry, dizzy", I stated the obvious, clinging to his shoulders for dear life trying not to fall. He picked me up and carried me downstairs to the waiting car while Jooheon followed with our backpacks. I felt sorry for the younger, he looked nervous and I hated being the reason for that. My leader helped me get settled into the car before leaving for the studio again after a few last well-wishes. Jooheon got in next to me and buckled his seatbelt. "I'm ok Honey, don't worry so much", I whispered placing my head on his shoulder. "I'm not worrying", he denied trailing off. "Your hands are shaking", I said while taking one and holding it in mine. "I'm sorry, you just look so pale and it's always you taking care of us and I don't know how to return that, what if you get worse while the hyungs are gone-" – "Hey, I won't. I just need some sleep and everything will get better, ok? Don't work yourself up too much, yeah?", I interrupted as I noticed how his voices started to waver a bit. After a few deep breaths he replied with a quiet "yeah" and started running his free hand through my hair. It was relaxing and quickly nodded off on his shoulder.

I woke up in my bed with the blinds drawn blocking out most of the light.. How did I get here? Oh boy, did my dongsaeng carry me all the way from the car up here? It was one thing for Hyunwoo to do that but for one of our maknaes... Moving around slightly I try to get accustomed to my surroundings. There is a cool washcloth on my forehead and the bed is dipping slightly to one side. I turn my head locking eyes with Jooheon. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. How do you feel?", he kept his voice low. "Wow, ugh, that stuff Hyungwon gave me really helped. I mean, I still feel completely wiped and yes, I'm probably sick but the pain is a lot better", I answered full honesty, finally dropping my act knowing my dongsaeng would only worry more if he couldn't trust me to keep it real. "Good you're not hurting that much anymore, hyung. You still have a fever though", he smiled gently showing his dimples as he put the back of fingers against my cheek. I tried to sit up, placing the washcloth on the nightstand, only to be met with another merry-go-round. "Ugh, yeah, and I'm still really dizzy for some reason", I pouted as he eased me back down. "Just stay down. You're not dizzy if you stay still like this, right? Rest and if you need something, I'll get it for you." I hummed with a smile and reached my hands out. Luckily, he understood what I wanted and after replacing the washcloth for me, he slid under the blanket next to me. Maybe my behavior is a bit childish but I snuggled up to him with a content sigh, being of smaller-built does have his perks sometimes. That felt especially true when Jooheon wrapped one arm around me, holding me close and used the other to pat my hair in a steady pattern. I couldn't help but let my eyes close again.

When I opened them again, I saw Minhyuk having a hushed conversation with Jooheon. "Oh, Hey you're awake. Feeling better?", my hyung smiled when he noticed me staring at him. I nodded before dropping my head back against my dongsaeng's chest. "We made some soup, you really should eat something. Jooheon-ah told me you slept through lunchtime and it's late evening already", he advised while rubbing my arm gently to keep me awake. "Can't. If I sit up everything spins around me", Wow, I never wanted to sound this pitiful. I heard Jooheon coo quietly and if I was anywhere near in the right mind, I would have punched him. He untangled himself from my arms and giggled when I whined at the loss of contact. "Hyung, it's cute when you're cuddly like that but you need to eat something if you want to get better", He tried to comfort me while sitting up against the headboard before gently pulling me up too. Soon I was situated between Jooheon's legs with my back leaning against his broad chest. I rested my spinning head against his collarbone and closed my eyes till Minhyuk shook my arm while placing a tray with soup on my lap. Finishing my dinner was a painstakingly long process since being upright was a bit complicated for me. I was glad that when I was done, Jooheon helped readjust me into a similar position to before and hugged me tight. "You did great hyung. Want to go back to sleep?" – "Will you stay?", I really wished he would. I was so comfy before and though I can usually handle myself just fine, I really didn't want to suffer through this alone. "As long as you want me to, hyung", Jooheon whispered, pulling the covers over both of us. I felt safe and protected as I pressed my forehead into his chest, slowly getting drowsier and falling asleep to the gentle strokes on my arm.

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