The breakup

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"Monokuma..this cant go on anymore" Said makoto
"You have no more pure white stuffing.."
Makoto left monokuma and went to go ask sayaka out, the person who gave him his first boner.
"Sayaka do u have pure white stuffing" Asked makoto.
"No..but i have period blood!"
Sayaka pulled out het bloody tampon.

"Ew no" Said makoto, as he walked away.
Then, he bumped into a small bunny named "Monomi"
"Hey cutie, do u have pure white stuffing"
"Y-yes..lets fuck daddy 😼😼😩😩"
Soon after, monomis pure white stuffing came pouring out.
"les date" makoto said
"ok stranger i just randomly met and fucked"

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