Ah dang it...
Now I need to call that Devil again.
I can't believe I am doing this again.
Like the hell...
This is not normal.
This is insane!
Shiggy.... you uterly moron.
What an idiot!
I told you about Dabi and Toga to use them and not just drag them along into ruins!
As the dust settled in the aftermath of the U.S.J. attack, I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found Nezu's number. It rang twice before the familiar voice of U.A.'s principal greeted me.
Nezu: Midoriya....What can I do for you at this time?
Me: Nezu.....
I said, keeping my voice low as I walked through the wreckage, stepping over fallen debris.
Me: There's been a situation at the U.S.J. A full-scale attack by the League of Villains. It's a mess here, but that's not why I'm calling.
There was a brief pause on the other end, likely Nezu processing the information.
Nezu: I see. Go on.
Me: I want all the villains involved in this attack placed in the new villain rehabilitation system, Especially Dabi. He's a Todoroki, if you didn't know.
There was another, longer pause. I could practically hear the gears turning in Nezu's head as he processed what I'd just said.
Nezu: A Todoroki, you say? That's quite an accusation, Midoriya. Are you certain?
Me: Absolutely.
I replied, stepping outside the building and into the fresh air. The police and ambulances were starting to arrive, their lights flashing in the distance.
Me: I've got all the evidence. Dabi's real name is Touya Todoroki. He's Endeavor's firstborn, presumed dead but obviously alive and very much involved with the League.
Nezu was silent for a moment, likely recalculating the entire situation.
Nezu: This is... unexpected...... But given our arrangement and your current sponsorship of U.A., I'll trust your judgment on this. The villains will be dealt with accordingly.
I nodded, even though he couldn't see it.
Me: Good. We'll need to handle this delicately. I'll make sure the necessary steps are taken on my end.
Nezu: And what of the aftermath? How do you intend to proceed from here?
Me: That's what I'm working on now... Don't worry. I am not stupid. Besides I have enough money to deal witht the damages and repair here.
I replied, spotting a group of officers and medics making their way toward me.
Me: I'm about to guide the police and emergency services to the scene. They'll need to secure the area and get the injured treated. The villains need to be apprehended and processed through the new system.
Nezu: Understood. I trust you'll handle it with the precision you've demonstrated so far. Be careful, Midoriya.
Me: Always am.
I replied, hanging up and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
With that, I strode toward the approaching officers, waving them over.
Me: This way, The main scene is inside the U.S.J. building. We've got multiple injuries and captured villains that need to be processed.
The police officers and medics quickly fell in line behind me as I led them toward the entrance. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and satisfaction. Frustration at how easily the League had managed to infiltrate U.A., but satisfaction that I'd been able to turn the situation to my advantage.
Me: Let's get everyone treated and secured, And make sure those villains are taken care of. They've got a long road ahead of them.
As the medics and police officers rushed into action, I took a step back, observing the scene. The situation was under control, and everything was falling into place just as I'd planned.....well plan B at least.
Shigaraki might've made a mess, but I'll be damned if I don't clean it up and turn it into something useful.
With one last glance at the chaos, I turned on my heel and started walking away, already thinking about the next steps. There was much to do, and the night was far from over.
I dialed my dad's number as I walked alongside the medics, directing them toward the main U.S.J. building. The line barely rang once before he picked up.
Me: Hey, Dad. We've got a situation.
All for One: Izuku. What's happened?
Me: League of Villains attacked U.A. at the U.S.J. building. Shigaraki's behind it, along with that Nomu thing he's been working on. The whole place is a mess.
All for One: And you're calling me instead of handling it?
Me: Oh, I'm handling it. Just figured you'd want to know your "precious" Shigaraki nearly screwed things up again.
All for One: Screwed things up?
Me: Yeah. The Nomu's dead, Shigaraki's caught, and the villains are going into the new rehabilitation system. And I'm thinking this might be a good time to renegotiate a few things with U.A.
All for One: You do enjoy turning disasters into opportunities. What's your plan?
Me: Already on it. Just called Nezu and had a little chat about sponsorships and buyouts. Let's just say U.A.'s in the palm of my hand now.
All for One: Interesting. And Shigaraki?
Me: He's lucky I made a deal with Nezu to give him a better future. But he's on thin ice. Very thin. Maybe start thinking about giving him a timeout.,...besides he doesn't have a say in this shit. Not after what nonsense he pulled up right there.
All for One: Noted. What's the situation on the ground?
I reached into my pocket, pulled out some cash, and started handing out bills to the medics as I spoke.
Me: Controlled chaos. Medics are treating the injured, and I'm making sure they know who's in charge.
The medics nodded gratefully, their eyes widening slightly as they pocketed the money without a word.
Me: No one's questioning my orders, thanks to a little extra persuasion. They're getting the job done.
All for One: Good. Very good. But remember, Izuku—
Me: Yeah, yeah. Don't get too cocky. I know the drill, Dad.
All for One: Just making sure. Keep me updated. And Izuku?
Me: What?
All for One: Try not to completely ruin Shigaraki. He's still....
Me: Like a second son to you.... I know.....No promises here tho, but I'll keep that in mind. Talk later.
I hung up, slipping my phone back into my pocket. The medics were busy with their work, and I made sure everything was moving smoothly.
Money really does make the world go round...
Too bad Shigaraki doesn't get that yet.
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