Chapter Ten

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Enjoy and sorry for the wait. I've been busy. I'll try to update my other stories. Thank you for reading.


The day was nice, and our heroes were walking. They had to walk through a mountain to get to Celadon City. They were close to this mountain and they stopped to have lunch.

They were almost done eating when their Pokemon all looked over at a tree. Momo noticed, and she said, "What's wrong, Ivysaur?"

"What is it, Pikachu?" Asked Ash.

Suddenly, out came a white Pokemon with brown arms, lags, and tail. It ran over and took Ash's last rice ball. The Pokemon ate it happy and they were surprised.

"This is not good." Said Momo scared.

"Yeah. Don't make it mad, Ash. It won't stop until it is the last one standing if you make it angry." Brock added.

Ash looked up the Pokemon on his Poke'dex, and it said;

"Mankey The Pig Monkey Pokemon

A fighting type, Pokemon
An agile Pokemon that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything."

"No, wander, you two are scared." Said Ash a bit scared himself.

At that moment, Team Rocket came out of nowhere and tried to catch the Mankey who grew angry. He went at them hard, and Brock had them leave quitely while the Pig Monkey Pokemon was distracted.

They didn't know as they ran off that Mankey evolved thanks to Team Rocket. He is now a Primeape who was still angry.


Our heroes are now running from Primeape who is chasing them. They were in the mountains now, and the angry Pokemon was gaining on them.

"Why is it coming after us?" Momo cried.

"I don't know. It must still be mad at Team Rocket." Brock said.

"It's catching up!" Ash said, informing his friends.

It tried to hit Momo, but Brock managed to pull her away. Ivysaur was able to dodge and land next to her trainer.

"T-thanks Brock." Said Momo. She was a bit shaken up.

"No problem." Said Brock with a small smile.
"Look out, Ash! I think it's looking for a battle." Brock called out.

"Be careful, Ash!" Called Momo.

Primeape then took Ash's hat, and Ash used his Bulbasaur, who was doing good until Primeape sent the Seed Pokemon flying. They saw Team Rocket there as well, and Primeape sent them flying again. Ash was able to catch Primeape with Bulbasaur afterward. They found that they had made it to Celadon City.

They were glad that they got there so fast, thanks to running from Primeape. They headed to the city and to the Pokemon Center just outside of the city.

They got their Pokemon healed, and Ash called to let Lance know where they were. He is glad they are okay and they are doing well. Ash then called to let Prof. Oak know where they were. He was glad they made it there, okay? He told Ash that Gary tried to get onto the League with the badges he had, and they refused to let him because two of those badges weren't official gym badges.


They were looking for the gym the next day. They saw how pretty the city looked. They soon smelt an amazing smell.

"That's amazing." Said Brock.

"Yeah. Ivysaur seems to really love it." Said Momo as she looked down at her Ivysaur.

"It does." Said Ash nodding

Ash and Brock soon noticed that Momo was gone. They soon found her at a perfume store. They found that this was where the amazing smell was coming from.

Momo wanted to get some perfume for herself and some friends that Lance interdused them to. She was looking threw some until she found a Rose sent one. She would get that for herself. She got some that her friends would love. She then went to pay for them as Brock went in to find something for his mother.

Ash sighed and went in. He found that he did like the smells. Pikachu was loving them as well. They soon met the owner, whose name was Erika. They quickly learned that she was the gym leader. She happy lead them to her Gym.

Ash and Erika were now on the battle filed. Erika had a referee there was well. She told them the rules and then told them to call out there Pokemon.

"Go, Charmander!" Called Ash.

"Go, Victreebel!" Called Erika.

Both Pokemon came out of their Poke balls.

"So cute!" Said Momo looking at the Grass Pokemon. Brock chuckled and said, "It is a strong looking one. Ash better be careful.

"Battle being!" Called Emma the referee.

"Victreebel, use Vine Whip!" Called Erika.

"Charmander uses Agility to dadge!" Called Ash.

This went one for a few minutes until Ash's Charmander hit Victreebel with Flamethrower. It was a one hit knockout.

"Way to go, Charmander!" Momo called.

"Ivysaur!" Called Ivysaur.

"Thanks, Victreebel. You did your best." Said Erika as she returned her Pokemon.

"Go Tangela!" Called Erika.

"Get some rest, Charmander. Return!" Ash called.

"Go, Dragonair!" Called Ash.

It was a tough match, but Dragonair won with a bunch of Twister's. Erika smiled as she returned her second Pokemon. "You are a great trainer, Ash. I'm having fun battling you." Said Erika as she looked at Ash.

"Thank you. I'm also having fun." Said Ash.

"Ash is doing good. Erika is about to bring out her ace, Pokemon. Vileplume will be tough to beat." Said Momo a bit worried. .

"Yeah. Ash will have a hard time with the Poison Powder." Said Brock nodding.

"Dragonair, can you keep going?" Asked Ash.

"Aar." Called Dragonair nodding.

"Dragonair, use Aqua Ring!" Ash called. That healed Dragonair, who was ready to fight again.

"Vileplume use Sleep Poweder!" Called Erika.

"Dragonair, use Safeguard!" Ash called thinking fast.

"Aar!" Called Dragonair, who made a barrier around her. The Sleep Powder did nothing, and they kept attacking each other for a while. They were close to the same level, and both Pokemon were getting tried.

"Dragonair, use Twister!" Ash called.

Vileplume didn't have time to dodge because he was trying to recover from a tackle attack. The Vileplume was then knocked out after the Twister hit him.

Ash won the gym battle, and he thanked Dragonair, who happily hugged back. She was happy to help her trainer.

Erika smiled as she returned her Pokemon and gave Ash her bage. He was so happy to get another one. He thanked her, and they then had to stop Team Rocket, who wanted all of the grass Pokemon. Momo helped free them with Ivysaur's Razor Leaf quickly.

Erika thanked them, and they went on their way. They had to get a Ghost Pokemon for Ash to challenge the Psychic Gym.

Momo sent the perfume to her aunts before they left the city, and she hoped they liked the sents. Brock did the same with the sent he got for his mother. They made camp after walking for a while. Momo wasn't feeling well either, and they also stopped so she could rest.


Thank you for waiting. I will try to update again soon. I'll also try to update my other stories. Thank you for reading, and if you don't like, then don't read.

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