Chapter Four

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Thank you for reading, and enjoy the next chapter.


The gang is walking to Mt Moon. They needed to go there to go through it to get to Cerulean city. Momo called Lance when they had to camp out once. He met Brock and saw that he showed the same expression that Ash and Momo's father had for their mother. He just wornned Brock about hurting Momo and wished him good luck.

Brock got to learn more about Momo's and Ash's Aura. They trusted him with this, and he promised them that he wouldn't say anything to anyone. He liked the twins, and he didn't want to lose the friendship they had. He also didn't want to lose his chance with Momo either.

Momo and Ash stopped a few times to train when they had lunch and dinner. Brock smiled at how Momo would show Ash how to train his Pokemon how to be fast, have great stamina, and have strong moves.

"Momo sure is a big help to you." Said Brock.

"Yeah. I learned how to train and take care of Pokemon by our uncle, but I don't know it all. He wanted us to learn all of that on our own. Momo tells me to keep in mind to train in the ways she showed me." Said Ash with a smile.

Brock nodded. He knew that was the best way to learn. He also knew that Ash could use someone to guide him as well. Momo did that, and he wanted to help with that as well. He wanted to help his new friends do well and have strong Pokemon that are healthy and love them.


They soon got to the cave that went through the mountain. They saw a bunch of weak Pokemon who lived in the mountains. "Oh no. They don't look so good." Said Momo worried.

"Yeah. Why are they out here and look so weak?" Asked Ash.

"I don't know. Something's wrong thought." Said Brock.

The other two nodded, agreeing with that. Momo rushed over to help the Pokemon. She used her aura to heal them. Her hands glowed a light blue color as she healed a Sandshrew who looked ready to pass out. Once the Sandshrew is healed and she gives it an Orain Barry, she goes to heal the other weak Pokemon.

"Momo sure is going to be a good nurse." Said Brock with a smile.

"I agree. She really likes taking care of Pokemon. She would be a great nurse." Said Ash agreeing with Brock.

"I think they will be fine, but they need to get back into the cave." Said Momo worried.

"I agree. We need to figure out what made them leave the cave in the first place." Said Brock, thinking.

Ash nodded and was going to say something, but he was cut off by a screen. They looked at each other before they rushed off to see what was going on.
They saw a man who looked to be a scientist. He was being chased by a Zubat.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Called Ash.

"Pika-Chu!" Called Pikachu, releasing a bolt of thunder.
The attack hit the Zubat, and it fell down knocked out. Momo and Ash rushed over to the man to see if he was okay, and Brock quickly caught the Zubat and then went to join his friends.

"Thank you, thank you!" Cried the man and hugged Ash and spinning him around. Momo moved away and stood a bit behind Brock.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried as he used Thunder. The two cried out in pain and then fell over. Ash got back up fast, thought.

"Pika Pikachu." Said Pikachu sadly.

"It's okay, Pikachu. You were just as surprised as we were." Said Ash as he patted Pikachu on the head.

I'm sorry about that. I got a bit carried away. I'm Seymour. A Scientist looking into the Clefairy and Clefable here." Said Seymour.

"Really?" Asked Ash.

"That's right! I read that Clefairy and Clefable can be found here. It's said that they arrived here from space." Said Momo happily. She always wanted a Clefairy because they were sweet and really helpful in healing.

"Momo is right." Brock said, agreeing with the girl he liked.

"Amazing!" Said Ash amazed. He wanted to see one and be able to say he had seen one. Seymour then told them about why the Pokemon were leaving the cave and wandered who would do that to the cave and Pokemon.

On the way to the cave, Brock saw a Clefairy hopping along, holding something.

"Look!" Brock said. Everyone looked over and saw the Fairy Pokemon." Wow, a Clefairy. I wander where it's going?" Asked Momo.

"I don't know. It seems to be in a hurry thought." Said Ash. They went into the cave and followed the Pokemon. They then heard it cry out in fear.

"Oh no!" Cried Momo as she ran off.

"Wait up, Momo! We are coming." Called Ash as he and Brock followed. Seymour is running behind them, not wanting these kids to get hurt.

They saw Meowth trying to grap Clefairy. "Not so fast, Meowth!" Ash called. "Go, Dragonair!" Ash added.

Clefairy felt that these humans were nice and ran towards them. She hid behind the girl because she felt safer with a female.

"Dragonair, use Water Gun!" Ash called.

Nooo!" Meowth cried as he was sent flying. Jessie and James soon came out of nowhere, and Ash and Brock worked together to send them flying as well. They got the lights taken down and destroyed. They then followed the Clefairy again to keep it safe.


It was a few more minutes before they came into a big room, and the gang saw a big stone in the middle of this big cavern.

"This is amazing." Said Momo in Surprise.

"I think that stone is the Moon Stone." Said Brock in awe.

"That's huge." Said Ash stunned.

"This is an amazing discovery." Said Seymour in awe.

"Pika.'' Said Pikachu Surprised. "Ivysaur." Said Ivysaur surprised as well.

Before anything else can happen, a big explosion happened, and Team Rocket came again out laughing. They did their moto and tried to take the Moon Stone. It didn't go well for them. Momo and Ash were able to stop their Pokemon and the Clefairy and Clefable, then used Mentrnom. Ash had his Dragonair use Safeguard to protect them because the Mentrnom turned into a Hyper Beam.

"That is amazing. Who would have thought that Mentrnom would turn into Hyper Beam." Said Brock shocked.

"That's true. That was very surprising." Said Momo. She was hanging onto his arm from fear, and she let go when she noticed she was holding his arm with a blush.

"That was very unexpected." Said Ash agreeing.

"I agree with that." Said Seymour with a nod. In the end, they were aloud to stay, and even though the Moon Stone had gotten broken, the Clefairy were still able to evolve into Clefable. It was so pretty and a rare sight for the four.


The next day, Momo, Ash, and Brock were heading out when the Clefable that they helped save came over and wanted to come with Momo. She was happy and told the Fairy Pokemon that she would take good care of her.

They waved goodbye to Seymour. He smiled and waved back at them. He had lots more things to figure out about Mt. Moon and the Clefairy.

They walked until they had to stop for lunch. Brock started on the food while Momo and Ash set up the table and the dishes. They divided the chores so it wouldn't fall on just one person.

Momo also helped get the Pokemon bowls set out and filled with the right food. Momo and Ash talked about Cerulean city and how to go about this one. Brock helped with this as well. They called out their Pokemon and sat down to eat.

Ash decided to use Pikachu and Dragonair. Dragonair knew a few Electric type moves thanks to Pikachu. Momo and Brock thought that would be a good choice. They advise Ash to train them a bit more in speed since they heard that the gym leader's Pokemon were very fast.

Ash agreed, knowing that they knew better than him. They finished eating, and Momo and Ash cleaned up while Ash trained in speed and stamina more.

"Ash really loves Pokรฉmon, doesn't he?" Asked Brock.

"Yeah. He loves them as much as me. Ash wants to be a Pokemon Master and a Aura Guardian. He knows how to put up a few barriers with Aura. He is better at attacks and sensing Aura thought." Said Momo.

"He has a long road ahead then. It will be a long journey." Said Brock seriously. "I think he can do it as long as he keeps doing what he is doing." Brock then added with a smile.

"That is true. Ash can do it as long as he never changes his training style or his love for Pokemon." Momo nodded.

After Ash trained a bit more, they headed out. It wasn't a long walk to Cerulean city, but Ash was going slow so he could train his Pokemon. Momo and Brock didn't mind since he needed to make sure his Pokemon were up to battling the next gym.


They also battled a few trainers along the way. Some were jerks, and others were nice. Brock got jealous of a trainer who tried to get a date with Momo if he won. Momo ended up winning, and the boy was very mad.

They took another break when they finally got past the trainers. They found a place to camp for the night. They had a few more hours left to walk tomorrow. They set up camp and had dinner.

They talked more and even had fun looking at the stars that were coming out. They had called Lance after they ate their dinner. He was glad they were doing okay and that they were going for Ash's second gym badge.

They went to sleep a few more minutes later. It was a nice and warm night. They didn't need a fire for long that night. Ash and Brock shared a tent while Momo and Ivysaur had a tent to themselves.


Thank you for reading, and I'll try to update again soon. Misty might make some appearances in the book. Brock won't be acting like he normally does because he likes Momo. He might act that way towards her for different reasons.

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