Chapter Eight

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Hi guys, I'm sorry for the wait, and I'm trying to update more often. Thank you for reading, and if you don't like the story, then don't read.


It was a nice day, and Pokemon was running around playing and looking for food. We find our heroes walking along the root to Porta Vista. They came over a small hill and saw it. Porta Vista was a small place with a beach.

Momo smiled as she looked at it. "We are finally here!" Said Momo happily.

"Ivy, Ivysaur." Said Ivysaur happily.

"We can relax for a bit here for a bit." Said Ash with a smile.

"Pika! Said Pikachu happy.

"Yeah. We deserve a break after what we have been through." Said Brock with a nod.

They ran into the small town and they went to the beach. They changed into their swimsuits in a beach house there. Ash had a light blue swim trunks, and Brock had a gray par. Momo came out in a light purple swimsuit. The straps were a pink-pruple and it went around her neck. Her bottoms had a skirt that had a ribbon on the front.

Brock blushed at how pretty Momo was, and he told her that. Momo blushed and thanked him. They went off to play in the water. Momo saw Ash and Brock on a boat. She didn't know how they found one but she went up to them when they crashed it.

"Ash Ketchum! What did you do?" Momo snapped.

"Why only me?" Said Ash trying to stall.

"Because you were the one who came up with the idea." Said Momo glaring.

That's when they saw an old man. He had a straw hat on. He had a red and green t-shirt on with gray shorts. He was upset that his boat was damaged, and he was saying he didn't give anyone permission to use it. Momo glared at the boys, and she apologized and asked if they could do anything to help relay for the boat.

The old man's name was Moe, and he had a nice restriction. He had them help him surve people as they came. People loved Ash's and Brock's manners and that they were handsome. Guys loved Momo's looks and body. Ivysaur kept some of them who tried to touch her back.

People were loving Ivysaur and Pikachu. The two Pokemon brought drinks and food. They loved how cute the two Pokemon. They loved the two Pokemon and they got pictures of them and they paid and left. Momo and Ash didn't mind because they were glad people loved their Pokemon.

Prof. Oak came in, and he was there to see how Momo and Ash were doing. He was told what was going on with Moe, and he told them about the Beach Beauty Contest. He thought Momo could enter since he thought people would love her and her Pokemon.
Momo thought about it and agreed to do it, but only for Moe.


This made Moe happy for the help, and Ash had his Pidgeotto drop the flyers for people to read. They set things up, and Momo had put on a jacket with no sleeves, and she had her Seadra out to perform with.

Other girls did amazing, and they had cute ideas. Momo can up with a prestest out fit for her costume. Gary interrupted the show, and Brock got after him. Gary left after that, and the show continued with Momo. She showed used graceful moves to show off her Seadra and to make the aria around her sparkl. Everyone was excited about that, and Momo ended up winning and giving the money to Moe. He was so grateful for their help.

Ash told them what the old hag was up to, and they were angry at her. Officer Jenny arrested the old woman, and Team Rocket got away again. They left Porta Vista after a good night's rest. They said goodbye to Moe and Prof. Oak.


They arrived at the next city. They saw a hurt Horea, and Momo rushed up to it to try to help. She saw it tried to make something with its ink before it passed out. Momo got the Dragon Pokemon out of the water, and she Heald it with Brock's help.

They learned that a bunch of Tentacool coming and they tried to figure out why when they met an old lady who looked just like Brutella. They realized that she might be related to Brutella. They went to see what this old woman was doing, and they learned thanks to Team Rocket's Moweth. They saw a big Tentacruel talking through Moweth.

Momo and Ash were able to calm down the mad Pokémon, and him and his friends left after Ash promised that no one would build here. The there old hag was cousin to Brutella. They were glad to see he be taken away by Officer Jenny.

The little Horsea that they helped had also helped them. Ash ended up catching it because he wanted to go with Ash. They stayed at the Pokemon Center for the night before they left the city.

Momo called Lance to tell him where they were. He was glad they weren't okay and that they were doing okay. He had a few challenges, and he couldn't come and see them for a while. Momo and Ash were okay with this. They got used to it as they grew up. Trainers tried to challenge Lance and end up losing.


Thank you for reading, and I'm sorry if it's short. I'll try to update again soon. Thank you again for the support, and I'm glad you like my stories. If you don't like my stories, then don't read.

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