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I walk into the front door and guess who's standing by the door...Mr.Plutarch Heavensbee.

"Hey Plutarch"
"Hey sweetie and how many times have I told you call me dad?"
"Um...urm ..I'm working on that but I'm getting close"
"Ok so what's up?"
"Oh just wondering can I have a sleepover with my friends?"
"Sure, but first tell me how many and how many of each gender, and their names."
"Ok there's Annie, Madge, Johanna, Glimmer,
Clove, Peeta, Gale, Finnick, Cato, Marvel and that's all."

"Oh ok yah you can have a sleepover."
"Ok thanks plu-...I mean dad."
"No problem sweetie just no funny business!"
"Ha like I'd want that!" I yell while running up the stairs and get everything ready for the sleepover.


First day and a beautiful girl like Katniss already asked us to sleepover.

Once I walk through my front door my mom comes up to me and gives me my baby sister Kyle,(A/N Peeta's mom is nice in this book)

"Hey mom, um can I have a sleepover at a friends?"
"Um sure sweetie just can you frost the cupcakes and you can bring them to your friends."
"Wait is it finnick?
"WHAT! Then what friend?"
"Hah mom she's new. Her name is Katniss Everdeen-Heavensbee"
"A Heavensbee?!"
"Yah why?"
"Nothing just isn't he filthy rich"
"Yah just like us, why do you care?"
"I don't just tell me please invite her over one day I want to meet her."

And then I start to frost and pack.


Everyone is finally here except for peeta.

Knock, knock, knock

"I'll get it!"
"Jeez, kitty does have claws"
"You bet she does" I say while laughing while walking towards the door

"Hey Peeta I'll take those"
"Ok thanks"
"No problem just go and sit wherever you want"

"Ok so now since we are all here let's play truth or dare!" Finnick yells
"OK!" Everyone yells
"Ok so Peeta truth or dare?"

"I dare you to go upstairs and look at katniss room and see if you can find something extremely special to her and come down here and put it in her if she says yes it's precious she says no you need to kiss Glimmer for 5 minutes"

And with that my heart drops to my stomach, he can't find what's the most important thing to me, it's impossible.

"Deal" Peeta says and then he runs upstairs


I can't believe I have to come into her room but it's actually pretty nice her walls are purple with a frame hanging n one wall and it says Katniss.
It's really pretty but now I need to start looking

Ah ha I think I found it was a locket that had a K on it.

I ran downstairs and said "I think I  found it"

"Ok then bring it over here" Finnick says
Once I do I give it to katniss and she opens it and starts crying a tiny bit.

"Soo...kitty is that it?" Finnick asks
"Umm...yeah..y-eah it is."shes still crying I feel so bad

"Why are you crying?" Glimmer asks
"Uh..well no one knows about this but Madge...and um Annie."
"And it's weird because Peeta gets dared and comes out with the right thing, and I'm also crying because this locket meant so much to me when my father died and um when I opened it I saw a picture of  him, Prim, my Mother and I"

"But it's ok now let's keep playing"

And then once we are done we have Some snacks, talk and then fall asleep.


Hope you liked this chapter

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