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I can't believe I was so stupid to think Katniss would cheat on me. But of course she takes me back and says she's sorry she didn't release earlier. I can't believe I actually got trapped in Delly's accusations. Wow I'm really stupid,but if I have Katniss I'm ok.

Tonight we are going out to the club since we all are 18 except Katniss she's 17 and turns 18 in a week. I already gave Katniss the necklace and she's wearing it with her go,d and black dress. WOW she looks...what's the, but I snap out of my thoughts once Katniss starts laughing with all ten girls.

"Huh why are you guys laughing?"
"Babe you said I look hot out loud"
"Oh..damn it" I curse under my breath
"It's ok,let's go!"

Then we head into the limo and go to the fancy club called shinelle (sorry I don't know if this is a real club) once we get out if the limo the security guard takes Katniss I.D and just let's us all in.
"Babe how come he just let us in?"
"Oh my uncle owns this place with plutarch"
"Oh ok"


Wow the way Johanna dances is Wow since when did I become like this? Whatever she's my girl and if any man touches her they'll hands will be snapped in half.

"Babe do you want a Bloody Mary?"
"Um sure"
"Ok it doesn't have alcohol but it's really tasty" she says then walks off to the bar. I decide I should make catnip a but mad at me. But I guess Johanna saw me smirk and asked
"What are you up to?"
"Oh just how to get catnip to get mad at me"

"I don't know,honestly"
"Hey barinless"
"Yah?" Kat asks
"Wanna go to the dance floor?"
"Um sure"
Then they both walk off but before Johanna whispers in my ear'sign her up to sing' and thats what I go ahead and do.


I see Johanna and Katniss talking to some dudes.
"Hey babe do you see those people?" I asks Cato
"Yah why?"
"Well they're talking to Katniss and Johanna"
"Yah it's ok,isn't that your uncle Steve and your other cousin Dylan?"
"Oh yah oops"

Then I just go into the dance floor and start to dance with all the other girls while the boys sit and start talking. Once I hear that someone is going to sing a song I listen very closely, and I start to look at Johanna who's grinning like a wild man.
"Jo what did you do?"
"You'll see clover"

"And here is Katniss Everdeen" the man says I look at Katniss she looks confused so iq push her up on stage.
"Hello darling so you want back round dancers or anything?"
"Um actually yah..."and then she gives us a wild grin.
We all walk up and she tells us what song were singing and dancing to.
"So what's your song?" The man asks
"We're singing maniac by girlilicous"
"Ok well start when ever your want"


Here I go,lord please help me.

Lock me up
Lock me up
Lock me up
Up up

I got a love disorder
Sick from paranoia
Cause my Hearts been
Broken ya

I need some
'Cause I start to
When the feelings
Get too familiar

And then I
Get that itch
And my eyes
Begin to twitch
Someone is
Taking over

The walls are shaking
And I'm paranoid
Can someone stop the noise
In my head?(whoa oh)
The clock is ticking
I'm about to crack
Just like a maniac
On the eh-edge

Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Maniac x2

Could be schizophrenic
All I know is
I don't remember

Where they took
My feelings
I still mend
The whispers
Is it cold
'Cause I got ten shivers

Can't feel my
Seeing things
That don't exist
Which one is
Taking over

The walls are shaking
And I'm paranoid
Can someone stop the noise
In my head?(whoa oh)
The clock is ticking
I'm about to crack
Just like a maniac
On the eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-edge

Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Maniac x2

I need a

There goes the
They should

Lock me up
Lock me up
Up up x2

I see Peeta smirking and all the other boys,watching us being put in a jail cell.

The walls are shaking
And I'm paranoid
Can someone stop the noise
In my head? (Whoa oh)
The clock is ticking
I'm about to crack
Just like a maniac
In the eh-edge

Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Oh oh oh uh-oh
Maniac x2

Lock me up
Lock me up
Lock me up
Up up x3

And then the song is over.
"Wow you guys were amazing an you sing another song but just you Katniss?"
"Um yah but I'm just gonna have 4 other people go and I'll sing another song"
"Ok have a good one kat"
"Thank you" then I jump off stage and into Peeta's arms.

~Finnick~ just plain old WOW I can't believe they just sang that song. THAT SONG OH MY GOD THAT SONG! Once Annie is done singing she jumps into my arms just like Katniss,Madge,Johanna,Delly,Glimmer and that's all.

"Hey you did amazing" I say to Annie
"Well you guys weren't to bad yourself"
"We all saw you guys smirk when we started to climb out of the jail cell"
"Oh yah you looked hot doing that"
"Yah well I won't do that again cuz I'm never and I repeat I'm never going to jail not even if it's to save your ass" she says and I just start to laugh.

"So Katniss what song are you singing next?"
"Well I honestly don't know I was thinking..." And she gets incur rotted by people coming over to us.
"Hey we heard you guys sing and were wondering if you guys want a record label" a man says
"Oh well um we don't want a label now but maybe in the future" Katniss says and everyone agrees.
"Ok well here's my number and have a great night" then he walks away.

We all are tired we just go to the hotel and start packing,bringing our stuff to Katniss and Peeta's room then we all slept there.

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