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Once all the girls came over we all got dressed did or hair and then makeup. All the girls wanted to do something simple for makeup so we did smokey eyes,and for hair we all did a bun or left our hair down in waves.

Once we all are ready we just sit around until Peeta texted me saying

(P=Peeta k=Katniss)

P😘-babe are you guys ready
P😘-ok meet us in the lobby
K🎯-ok we'll be there in 10
P😘-ok love you
K🎯-love you too

Once I stopped texting Peeta I told everyone and we all are now walking down the hallway.
"Hey girls wanna have dinner with us?" A random dude says
"Um no thank you" Annie says
"Why not? We are hunks and you guys are hotties" the same dude says
"Shut up cause we are taken" Johanna snaps at that guy
"Oh so we are dating now?sweet" that dude and his friends say

I whisper to Annie 'Annie text all the girls and tell glimmer to do backflips to the dudes with me and then tell her to stop in front of them and slap their face and run' after I say that everyone looks at their phones and me and glimmer start doing backflips.

"Hey boys" I say
"Sup pretty lady" another dude says
"Ok so about dinner?" Glimmer says
"Yes?!" Another dude says
"Well we'd like to.....*slap in the face* not go so shut the hell up and go already" I say
"Ooh feisty me likey" another dude says
"Hah feisty ok glim let's go!" I say then me and glimmer do front flips to our group again until we reach the boys.


I see the group and I see people doing front flips but I'm wondering who?. "Hey guys do you see those people doing front flips?" I ask
"Yah. Whatever here come the girls."Finnick says

"Hey babe sorry we are late just retards kept asking if we wanted to go to dinner with them so me and glimmer...did backflips to them and said 'so..about dinner' then I slapped him and started to do front flips here" Katniss says

"Whoa, calm down and breath I wasn't going to ask since you said 10 minutes and it's only been 8" I say and she calms down

"Anyways you girls look nice"Jacob says
"Yah come on Annie,I'm hungry"Finnick says starting to whine
"Let's go!" Katniss says


Once I see what all the girls are wearing I say they look nice since they all do but Madge is the most girly one so I can tell why she is wearing a lot of pink. Once we arrive at the restaurant I can see it's extremely fancy.
"Kat um why did you bring us here it's like extremely expensive" I ask
"Haha Jacob I'm filthy rich my stepdad arranged it for us" she says
"Oh ok"
Then Katniss says the reservation name and we all sit at a 12 seater.


Once we all sit down we all just start talking except me and katniss we are texting eachother.

(K=Katniss C=Clove)

K🎯-hey clover
C💥-hey Kat
K🎯-so what's up?
C💥-oh um look to your right then look straight
K🎯-um ok
K🎯-what the hell why are they here?and near my cheer squad!
C💥-me have no idea
K🎯-clove thats not funny stop trying to make me laugh😂
C💥-fine but I'm serious I have no idea
K🎯-oh my flipping lord they're coming over here act natural
C💥-ok is this face natural

Then I show Katniss a wide big smile.
K🎯-haha a little bit less smile😂😂
C💥-ok let's stop ttyl
K🎯-ok clover

Once our food gets here Delly's minions come over and say.....


Once Delly's minions come over and say...
"Delly why are you here?"
"Um cause I am" Delly says and I try to hold in a laugh
"But I thought you said you couldn't come or..."
"Yah well I didn't want to go with you guys,sorry" Delly says
"Oh but didn't like that Everdeen girl force you to stay in panem or she'd split your throat open?" One of them say and once she says that I spit my drink and start to choke a little.

"Babe is that true?" Peeta asks
"No! Why would I do that to your sister?!" I say
"Well the girl is saying it for a reason" mike says
"Ugh I need to go to the bathroom" I say getting aggravated
Once I get to the bathroom I tell clove to come.

C💥-hey want me 2 come with?
K🎯-yes plz
I wait about 5 minutes
"Hey it's ok you never said that"
"I know but...."
"But what Katniss?"
"Nothing..really it's nothing"
"Are you sure?"
"Yah just what if he believes her and not me we'd be over in a second"
"Don't worry Kat he'll believe you
"Ok I'm fine now I just needed to breath"
"Oh ok let's go"

And then we head back to our table where Delly's minions are sitting.
"Hey not to be rude but you guys are sitting in my spot" I say
"Oh does this seat have your name on it?" A girl with blonde hair says
"No,but this restaurant has my step fathers name on it...so yah it does" I say and everyone just sits their in silence.
"Actually never mind you can stay there I don't feel well so I'll just pay and go to the hotel."
"Oh ok that would be great everdeen" a girl with brown hair says

And then I pay and drive to the hotel.

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