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The girl who exerts herself to save her father

As an adventurous child, Layla set off to explore the world after she received the Malefic Cannon from his father. Unexpectedly, Layla fell into the hands of Laboratory 1718. Her father gave himself to the lab as a hostage in order to save Layla. To make up for her mistake and save her father, Layla picked up the Malefic Gun and set out on a rescue mission

In Eruditio, the world's forefront of science and technological advancement, one can find countless brilliant inventors. Layla was born into a family such inventors. But because of the time-consuming nature of their work, Layla's parents had no time to devote to their daughter. As a result, she was raised primarily by her elderly grandfather.

As the most outstanding scientists in Eruditio, Layla's parents had always hoped that she would continue to expand her knowledge of science and become inventors like them, leading the vanguard in making new and amazing scientific and technological breakthroughs. However, Layla had no interest in science. She didn't get along with her parents at all, especially not with her father, and developed a personality and interests quite different from theirs. Instead of setting her heart on the mysteries of science, she looked up to her grandfather, a former member of the Eruditio City Guard, and cultivated an adventurous spirit and irrepressible sense of justice under his stewardship.

Under her grandfather's guidance, young Layla would often practice various fighting techniques and find ways to hone her reasoning and investigation skills. As she grew older, her thirst for knowledge grew too, and soon her desire to explore the world beyond her homeland became so strong, she could no longer contain it. In Layla's mind, the technology of Eruditio should not only benefit the city and its people, but should be used to change the world.

However, Layla's father warned her that the world outside Eruditio was lawless and filled with danger, and that young Layla needed to mature a little more before even thinking of embarking any kind of adventure. But Layla's resentment and frustration toward her neglectful father resulted in this warning falling on deaf ears. She ignored him completely, convinced that this lack of support was his way of avoiding his responsibility as a father.

In fact, the truth of the matter was that Layla's father loved her more than anything in the world, and he used the most advanced Leviathan technology of Eruditio to build a Malefic Gun for her. However, fearing that Layla would refuse any gift he tried to give her, Layla's father gave the Malefic Gun to Layla's grandfather, who then handed it to Layla as a gift from him. But what Layla's father hadn't anticipated was that this gift would only cause Layla to yearn for adventure even more.

On her sixteenth birthday, Layla stealthily grabbed her Malefic Gun and slipped out of Eruditio under the cover of darkness to venture into a big, wide world.

She eventually reached a remote city-state in the southwest of the Moniyan Empire, where many children had mysteriously gone missing. Now, she finally had a chance to try out the fighting and tracking skills she had learned from her grandfather. After investigating the region and following the trail of clues, Layla found the gang of criminals who had been kidnapping the city's children, and followed them all the way to their headquarters, determined to put an end to their wicked deeds and rescue the poor children.

But what Layla didn't know, was that these were no ordinary kidnappers, but evil scientists from Laboratory 1718, who were kidnapping innocent young children for use in their horrible human experiments. Enraged at the thought of the kidnapped children's suffering, Layla picked up her Malefic Gun and broke into the holding area.

The difficulty and danger of the ensuing battle far exceeded anything Layla could ever have imagined. In the heat of battle, the Laboratory 1718 operatives recognized the Leviathan technology in Layla's hands, and thus they decided to change the purpose of their operation... Eventually, the kidnapped children were saved, but Layla fell into the hands of the evil scientists, who took away her Malefic Gun. Layla was imprisoned in a dark dungeon, and just when she had lost all hope, she was suddenly released and returned to Eruditio.

But when she returned to Eruditio, an even bigger shock awaited her: Her father had defected from the Scholars' Union and had become a member of the evil Laboratory 1718. All at once, a storm of reproach and responsibility fell upon her. Despite the fact that she never got along with her father, Layla couldn't believe that her calm and rational father would become a member of the fanatical Laboratory 1718.

Layla fell into a mire of confusion, and all she could do to maintain her sanity was focus on training and keep learning constantly in an attempt to forget the reality of the situation she had found herself in. As time went by, Layla grew in maturity, and her old grandfather came to the end of his life.

On his deathbed, Layla's grandfather told her that she had been abducted by Laboratory 1718 because they had recognized the Malefic Gun she wielded, which her father had made for her. After Layla was kidnapped by Laboratory 1718, her father had no choice but to take her place in order to save his beloved daughter. He was taken abroad and forced to serve Laboratory 1718.

Before turning himself over, he made the rest of the family promise to never tell Layla the truth, so that she could grow up without having to bear the burden of guilt for his fate. Layla finally understood the motivation behind everything her father had ever done and had said to her, and the true depth of his love.

She understood... and she became stronger. Under the light of the setting sun, Layla picked up the Leviathan rifle prototype her father had left behind and set off on her quest to find Laboratory 1718.

2016 - 2019

Layla was born in to a family of guns. Lively and outgoing as a child, she had always been optimistic and full of a sense of justice and adventure. She always dreamed of becoming an emissary of the Land of Dawn, who would fight to protect it's peace. Her father was the most famous firearms master in the Land of Dawn's City of Scholars, but as a child Layla wasn't interested in the gunrunning inventions of her family. As she grew up, she desired to become a famous mage and study at the Ursula Academy of Magic, where she could learn the magic of her dreams. But alas, reality is always known for being cruel. Her dreams were heartlessly rejected by her father, who apparently, dreamed of the day when the City of Scholars would surpass the Magic Academy in both fame and power. He spent his time researching ultimate firearm technology that would be more powerful, than anything possessed by the Magic Academy. In his research, he consulted many ancient records before discovering that deep down, within the Southern regions of the Abyss, lies a magic stone, that, if harnessed, could be used to produce firearms of incredible power. He felt that his goal of surpassing the Magic Academy was now within reach.

Paying no mind to the concerns of his daughter and wife, he embarked on a dangerous expedition into the greatly feared Abyss. The road was far, but her father finally found the Magic stone, he was looking for, on the edge of the Abyss. Seeing that he would soon succeed in creating his ultimate weapon, Layla's father we brimmed with excitement. After returning home, he worked from dawn to dusk on his final creation, not stopping even to eat or drink. However, his joy did not last long. Excessive contact with the magic stone caused his mind to fluctuate and eventually lose its normal functioning. To everyone's surprise, his temper worsened as his actions became strange and erratic.

Meanwhile, strange and terrifying creatures silently entered the City of Scholars, in search of their lost magic stone. The stone belonged to the Lord of the Abyss, who allowed nothing to be taken away from his realm. The creatures that had invaded the peaceful city, could sense the stone's location. To retrieve what rightfully belonged to them, they ambushed Layla's house within the City of Scholars. Amongst the chaos, her mother was killed, and her father, who had completely lost all reason was away for some work. The young Layla was terrified as it seemed that she, too, would fall victim to the claws of these strange beings. At the last second, her father appeared and drew off the attacks, leaving Layla with no hope, except for her father's newly-created Malefic Cannon. Layla pulled hard on the trigger, and the gun sprung to action, just as the monsters leapt to attack her. The energies from the gun were so strong that their blast waves hit her father too. No longer of a reasoning mind, he silently looked at Layla, filled with pain and grief, before holding onto his injured arm and jumping out of the window. It was thus that Layla's father left the City of Scholars. Layla decided, she would learn more about the technology behind the Malefic Cannon and represent the City of Scholars, throughout the land as she searched for her father. She trained constantly, and at the age of 16, embarked on her path to becoming a hero.

"We can do it!"

"Keep it up, until you are as brilliant as me."

"I will drive away the darkness."

"We can do it."

"Time to shine!"



"Ready? Go!"

"Hope only dies when you give in."

"[hums a tune]"

"Keep it up, until you're as brilliant as me!"

"We can do it."

"From now on, I would never back down."

"Pfft... Ever thought about getting some training at the Eruditio"

"There's no future for you, lab rats!"

"A small mistake might blow the whole thing you fight for."

"Everybody makes mistakes, and good kids make amends."

"That once little girl, is gonna save someone this time."

"Now, I know better. I'm stronger."

"I'm not that whiny girl anymore."

"Time to shine!"

"Father... come back home..."

"Get lost or get arrested."

"Score one for Layla!"

"It's nothing personal."

"One down!"

"Wooh! Target down!"

"No case too small for officer Layla."

"Fugitives? Yeah, momentarily."

"Let's put the energy gun to the test."

"Target in sight! Layla taking the lead."

"Watch out, my ammo has piercing eyes."

"They picked the wrong fight!"

"Let's loosen up a bit."

"Want the "Ever Cube"? You'll have to go through me!"

"They have the right to remain silent."

"I joined S.A.B.E.R. for a reason."

"Is it weird that I just feel energetic seeing you?"

"Thank you for the care, medic!"

"Have a blast, big guy!"

"Hello, big fella."

"Tell me your jokes, Cyclops. I'm getting bored."

"Yes, Cyclops, focus!"

"Captain, Layla ready to engage."

"I'll do my best, Captain."

"S.A.B.E.R. squad arriving on site."

"This is the price you pay!"

"Energy blast!"

"Requesting... backup..."

"I need a medic..."




"I just feel like shooting something from time to time."

"Hey, you over there, say 'Hi' to my energy gun!"

"You want some bullets? Free shipping!"

"Aim... shoot! That's it!"

"Hey! That's not polite!"

"What? Go Away!"

"What? [relieves]"

"Follow me! There's no time for fear now."

"Of course people pay attention to me... It's me!"

"It took me ages to perfect my battle suit. Stunning, right?"

"The Enders are freaking me out... with their ugliness indeed."

"The training tests are just easy peasy... [scoffs]"

"Humanity is always on the winning side."

"One shot fired, one Ender down."

"Uhmm, I usually train on my own."

"Shush! Target in sight."

"After all, we Aspirants are the protectors of all humanity."

"I told you my secret place just on a whim. Ugh, it doesn't mean anything."

"The best Aspirant is right in front of you."

"Soon you'll see me come out on top again."

"Rules? Never heard of them."

"I never miss my target."

"I'm just walking around, I don't wanna join them."

"Huh? The... outside world? H-how should I know."

"Well, maybe she can do better as a teammate. I still doubt it though."

"I guess, she's prepared to lose."

"Now, you know who's the best Aspirant."


"Target acquired!"

"What... happened?"




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