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Guardian of the Minoan Maze

A guard of the Minos Labyrinth, who kept his pledge even after the kingdoms fall. He has blocked off intruders who covered the kingdoms heritage for a century with an unusually huge arm.

Legends from the Land of Dawn say that the Western Desert's Minoan Kingdom possesses a mysterious labyrinth. In the maze is a statue of giant minotaur, which the people consider to be the mecca of the Minoan Kingdom. Some say that there is a group of mercenaries who guard the entire maze. The Kingdom produced a lot of precious jade, which brought the Minoan people great wealth. Very quickly, the entire kingdom was lost in the intoxicating allure of gems. Even many mercenaries, tasked with guarding the sacred maze become corrupted, abandoning their duty. Only one stayed―Aldous, who had never forgotten his duty and guard the Minoan Labyrinth.

Until one day, a god came from the heavens to punish these lands. The powers of light and dark decimated the entire Minoan Kingdom, which even Aldous could not escape. The two streams dark and light energy surged into his body. Aldous thought he was about to die. However, the two streams of energy collided, causing great changes to his body. His skin grew long-black scales that could resist most attacks and monstrously large arms that could easily strike fear into people's hearts.

When Aldous awoke from his daze, he found his people's kingdom all gone and the mysterious maze was now sealed by some unknown force. The remaining minotaurs decided that Aldous would stay to defend the maze, while the others travel across the Land of Dawn to find answers. News of a mysterious force sealing the Minoan Maze spread quickly to the Abyssal Kingdom. To gather this strange energy, Selena decided to bring her Abyssal Demons with her to the entrance of the Minoan Maze―A huge battle was about to begin.

Legends from the Land of Dawn say that the Western Desert's Minoan Kingdom possess a mysterious labyrinth. In the maze is a statue of giant minotaur, which the people consider to be the mecca of the Minoan Kingdom. Some say that there is a group of contractors who guard the entire maze, somewhere inside which, lies the Twillight Orb. It is also what led to the downfall of the kingdom, because, with the fortune powers from the Twillight Orb, the Kingdom produced a lot of precious jades, which brought the Minoan people great wealth. Very quickly, though, the entire kingdom was lost in the intoxicating allure of gold and riches. Even many of the contractors. The Minotaurs tasked with guarding the sacred maze became corrupted, abandoning their duty. Only one stayed―Aldous, who never forgot his duty and continued to protect the Minoan Labyrinth. Until one day, a god came from the heavens to punish these lands for their corrupted constitution. The powers of light and dark decimated the entire Minoan Kingdom, which even Aldous could not escape. The two streams dark and light energy surged into his body; Aldous thought he was about to die. However, the two streams of energy collided, causing great changes to his body. His skin grew long-black scales that could resist most attacks and monstrously large arms that could easily strike fear into people's hearts. When Aldous awoke from his daze, he found the people of his kingdom all gone and the mysterious Maze was now sealed by some unknown force. The remaining Minotaurs decided that Aldous would stay to defend the maze, while the others traveled across the Land of Dawn to find answers. News of a mysterious force sealing the Minoan Maze spread quickly to the Abyssal Kingdom. To gather this strange energy, Selena decided to bring her Abyssal Demons with her to the entrance of the Minoan Maze. Meanwhile, Asterion, the strongest of the Minotaur heard the Twilight Orb's call and needed to return as he knew what he had to do, but Aldous wouldn't let him in, as he had fled away once.

"My fists are unflinching!"

"Hmm... You're looking a little lost."

"Words are meaningless. Now, talk with your fists!"

"I always fulfill my contracts."

"Abandon hope! All ye who enter here."

"The labyrinth shall never fall!"

"You... do not belong here."

"[giggles] You have returned, Minotaur."

"Time to die!"



"I'm... not... lost.."


"Detective Aldous... at your service."

"No one jeopardizes Los Pecados, not on my watch."

"Not a single crime can be forgiven."

"Yield! You specks of dust."

"For years I wandered, only to seek unequaled power."

"Between my finger and thumb is the power of all the stars."

"[laughs] Not wise to confront the realm watcher."

"Hmm... Like a moth to the flame."

"Show your fangs, mortals."

"Worthless humans."


"Through the stars!"

"Meteor strike!"






"Divine punishment... [grunts] has come..."

"My soul will endure..."




"Pathetic fools, there's no escape!"

"I, Starscream, am now the leader of the Decepticons."

"It's time for action, not words. I am the leader of the future."

"Time makes all things possible; I can wait."

"I am my own master."

"All hail Starscream!"

"You are a fool, Megatron."

"You should be honored, you wll be the last survivor of your kind."

"I deserve to lead."

"Who disrupt my coronation?!"

"Victory is made of the ashes of one's enemies."

"Come and get a taste of my blade."

"How do you feel, mighty Megatron?"

"Yes, yes, master."

"Decepticon, attack!"

"All Decepticons, mobilize!"

"Starscream in pursuit!"

"[groans] My time will come..."





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