"I am the demi-goddess of Motunui"

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You looked to your side, and saw your poor best friend in shock. She looked as if the world had stopped, what was she supposed to do now? She closed her eyes and asked the most important question, the one that everyone wanted to know especially you. "Why did you bring me here?"

The glowing, relaxing ocean just stared as if waiting for her to answer. You too were waiting, wanting to know why the ocean chose her and why it brought her here. "I'm not the right person." Now you saw Moana handing the heart, the item that was the most precious to her throughout this trip, to the ocean, as if saying to pick someone else. But, who? Moana was the perfect person for this trip. You knew in your heart that she cared for her village deeply, and so did you. You wanted to make the village people so happy with what you would have done. But now...it's over. Again the ocean just waited. "You have to choose someone else."

"Moana, no," you whispered. But in your head you knew that this was probably for the best. If you were in her shoes you wouldn't want to do this task anymore either. "Choose someone else," she said putting the heart towards the ocean. You could tell there was hurt in her face, and rightfully so. Now she was crying a little and almost begging the ocean, "Please."

After a long silence the ocean took it and went back down with the heart. Now Moana was sobbing, you came to her side and hugged her. What else could you do? You both embraced each other in this time of sadness and anger. Why couldn't life just be easier? You both cried together. All of a sudden a glowing light came from the ocean. You and Moana stood up and watched it. It looked like a sting ray. "This is her grandma," you thought. You and Moana just looked shocked.

As you both were looking at the creature, a voice was heard. "You're a long ways past the reef." You both looked up to see Moana's grandma. You have always love grandma Tala, she was like your grandma. "Grandma," Moana questioned in a whisper. You both just stared in astonishment. You knew that Moana missed her grandma so much, she was much like her. I mean you missed her too and you weren't even related to her. "Guess I chose the right tattoo," grandma Tala said. She then smiled at both of you.

"Grandma," Moana shouted. You also ran to her in tears, getting to see her was so amazing for you, you really did love her. You all embraced. "I tried grandma," Moana said. "I couldn't do it." She was crying to her grandmother, and so were you. "Me too," you now spoke up. "My whole life has been a lie. I wanted to do was make everyone proud but all I did was fail them. All I did was make things worse, that's what I'm always good at."

"Both of you...it's not your fault," grandma Tala said as she spoke to both of you. Placing a hand on Moana's cheek. "I never should have put so much on your shoulders. Both of you. If you both are ready to go home, I will be with you." You and Moana looked at the kindest person in front of you. She understood you and you could relate to her the most. Tala would never make fun of you or be rude to you. She was very important to you and Moana. You both sniffled, as this moment and the previous one was very emotional. You all took a hold of each other's hand. Moana took a hold of the paddle and waited. You stayed with grandma Tala, as she spoke up, "Why do you hesitate?"

"I don't know," Moana answered. Then Grandma Tala stood up.

"I know a girl from an island"

Moana looked back to see her grandmother sing, you looked up. You loved the way her grandmother sang, she would do it all the time when you and Moana were kids.

"She stands apart from the crowd
She loves the sea and her people"

Grandma Tala sang as she made her way to Moana. You got up and walked towards your friend, listening to Tala's words.

"She makes her whole family proud"

Grandma Tala put Moana's hair behind her ear, while you took a hold of her hand. Moana glanced up towards you as you smiled at her.

"Sometimes the world seems against you
The journey may leave a scar"

Now grandma Tala was behind the sail and peering through the fabric. You were still holding onto Moana's hand.

"But scars can heal and reveal just
Where you are"

Tala came from the other end of the sail, and pointed her fingers upward to the dark sky.

"The people you love will change you
The things you have learned will guide you
And nothing on earth can silence
The quiet voice still inside you"

The reflection shone on the water was of you all holding hands again, grandma Tala put her hands under both of your chins as she was singing.

"And when that voice starts to whisper
Moana, you've come so far
Moana, listen
Do you know who you are?"

You all stood there hand in hand and looking up into the stars. As grandma Tala asked this, you waited to see if Moana would answer.

"Who am I," Moana questioned.

"I am a girl who loves my island
I'm the girl who loves the sea"

Moana let go of your hands and went to the end of the canoe and stared into her reflection in the sea.

"It calls me
I am the daughter of the village chief
We are descended from voyagers"

As she said this she took a hold of her necklace.

"Who found their way across the world
They call me"

Now there was a glowing boat and the voyagers were in the sea!

"I've delivered us to where we are
I have journeyed farther"

Now you and Moana were looking at the chief on the boat and he looked back at both of you. It was an incredible sight to see.

"I am everything I've learned and more
Still it calls me"

Moana took a hold of her necklace tighter. You and Moana saw the chief open his sail.

"And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me"

Now a whole bunch of boats were sailing, you looked around in shock.

"It's like the tide; always falling and rising"

Moana made her way up the sail, and hanged on from their singing with her beautiful voice. You just smiled and you were relieved to see her happy.

"I will carry you here in my heart you'll remind me"

Moana made her way down and took a hold of Tala's hand and put her forehead to hers.

"That come what may
I know the way"

Moana made her way to the edge of the boat.

"I am Moana!"

She then jumped into the ocean to get the heart back. She was going to finish this. When she got back up she made her way to you, Tala was now gone.

"Wow Moana, that was amazing," you cheered.

"Thanks, how do you feel?"

"Not much better, I still feel worthless. I still feel as if I can't do anything right. And to top it all off, I am a goddess, and I can't even be one. I don't even know how this works. I...am so...lost."

(You put this while you sing) (the parentheses is the original lyrics to help you know where it would be at, and the "quote marks is the one I made.)

(Dear Theodosia, what to say to you? *original*)

"All I ever wanted to do was" *readers version*

You had your head down as if in shame. Moana looked at you seeing your pain made her hurt.

(You have my eyes. You have your mother's name)

"Bring you joy and find my true self"

(When you came into the world, you cried and it broke my heart)

"But I mess everything up, like I do all the time"

You cried a little while you were singing, it hurt you the way people treated you. The way people laughed and bullied you for being different.

(I'm dedicating every day to you
Domestic life was never quite my style)

"My heart was searching to love someone

Someone that made me feel special"

In this line, you were singing about Maui. Maui meant everything to you, you loved him, and he broke your heart and left it that way.

(When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart
And I thought I was so smart
You will come of age with our young nation)

"On this journey, I figured out, that the love of my life

Has become such a strife

But I will never give up on our village"

You lifted up your head and made your way to Moana and took a hold of her hands and smiled.

(We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation
We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you
And you'll blow us all away...)

"I vowed to help you, and I am here for you

I will travel the amount of a mileage

I'll cross the world for you, restore the heart for you

I finally know who I am"

You were standing up and dancing with her and brought her to the middle of the canoe. Moana laughed at your mileage joke. You looked into her eyes, you were going to do everything you can to make the village safe.

(Someday, someday
Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday)

"One day, one day

Yeah, I'll cherish who I am

One day, one day"

You stopped dancing, you shrugged when you sang and cried and laugh, knowing this was you and you were going learn to love yourself. And yes you were starting to.

(Oh Philip, when you smile I am undone
My son
Look at my son
Pride is not the word I'm looking for
There is so much more inside me now)

"Oh Moana, you have given me courage



That is the word I would use to describe myself

For all the things I've done"

You took Moana and sang to her face, your head dropped from the shame, the disappointment Moana must have on you. Only to be lifted up by Moana's hand and a smile appear on her face. You laughed, and smiled also.

(Oh Philip, you outshine the morning sun
My son
When you smile, I fall apart
And I thought I was so smart)

"Oh Maui, was my true love

My love

When we touched, it's like my world had stopped

But now my heart has dropped"

As you sang this line you went to the top of the sail and put your hands up to the sky, your tears were streaming down your face now thinking about...him. You looked to the stars, and just cried. Then you got back down. Moana looked at you in shock but also as if she knew you loved that demi-god. She knew how you felt about him.

(My father wasn't around)

"I wish we didn't end like that"

(My father wasn't around)

"I know it hurt you so much," now Moana sang.

You turned around surprised to see your friend sing with you. She gave you a hug and you hugged her back.

(I swear that
I'll be around for you)

"But we will make it right," you both sang in unison. Looking into each other's eyes as you sang, with smiles on your faces.

(I'll do whatever it takes)

"I'm glad you're my friend"

(I'll make a million mistakes)

"I'll be with you till the end," Moana sang as she broke the hold and pointed at you.

(I'll make the world safe and sound for you)

"We'll do everything we can," you both sang on the top of your lungs closing your eyes for those high notes. (Now this part is you and Moana singing in unison)

(Will come of age with our young nation
We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation
We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you)

"Never give up on our village

I vowed to help you, and I am here for you

I will travel the amount of a mileage

I'll cross the world for you, restore the heart for you"

You and Moana sang while you put your arms in the air to feel the wind.

*Now it goes only back to you singing*

(And you'll blow us all away)

"Oh I finally know who I am"

You both looked at each other and made your way down.

(Someday, someday
Yeah, you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday)

"One day, one day

Yes, I love who I am

Today, today"

As you were singing those important words, you looked into your reflection and Moana came up and smiled at you, you also smiled and cried from happiness. You were happy with yourself, you didn't care what people thought, you loved yourself. You both embraced crying from your friendship that you had. You both looked at the heart and knew what you both had to do.

Then you and Moana made sure that the boat was ready, you secured ropes, everything.

"I am Moana of Motunui"

You and Moana stuck your hand into the ocean just as Maui taught you both.

"Aboard my boat. I will sail across the sea."

You both put your hands up to measure the distance, or to find your way.

"And restore the heart of Te Fiti."

Moana let go of the sail, and you were on your way. Sailing through the seas once more.

As night turned into morning, you sailed to your destination. Moana was controlling your ship, while you were telling her where to go and to inform her when you guys made it.

"There it is Moana," you said pointing to the black smoke, engulfing the island. You and Moana headed into it with no hesitation.

As Moana put her hair up she said, "Te Ka can't follow us into the water. We make it pass the barrier islands, we make it to Te Fiti. None of which he understands, because he is a chicken."

You laughed, put your hair into a bun (you don't have to if you don't want that) also and nodded your head signaling that you were all for that plan. That was when you saw the fiery Te Ka. You and Moana heard the roar it made but that did not stop any of you. You just stared at it not scared anymore. Just as Te Ka was going to hit you both, Moana moved out of the way, while you used your powers in order to get out of there. Te Ka smacked its hand on the water, the fire going out.

"Nice," you yelled.

"We're not done yet."

As you both were sailing into a different direction, Te Ka broke into fire again seeking for revenge. Now crawling towards you and Moana's canoe, Moana looked into the direction of the gap. Te Ka then lunged a fire ball in front of your canoe. Making the canoe dip into the water and coming out again. Te Ka was coming closer and closer and then made its way to the front of the canoe only to question itself. You and Moana were engulfed in the debris of the rock. Te Ka looked to the side and saw you and Moana escaping the smoke. You and her smirking at it. It looked shocked, then you let the sail out while Moana was sailing it. Moana made her way into the middle, Te Ka saw that and threw another fire ball hitting the rocks near the gap. Rocks falling every which way in you and Moana's path, you now were scared. You both shrieked, not knowing if you were going to make it out alive. A bolder made Moana lose her balance and drop the heart.
"No," Moana yelled. You tried to catch it but to no avail. It went passed your hand. Then the unthinkable happened, Hei-Hei got a hold of the heart.

"See I knew you were good for something," you said. Hei-Hei tried lifting it up but it kept slipping, you and Moana saying "no" each time it slipped. He finally got a hold of it, and gave it to Moana, "Nice work."

You and Moana were ready to face anything, just then a boulder came crashing down in front of the canoe and the boat went through the water that the boulder produced from the splash. You finally made it through. You and Moana were so surprised.

"Te Fiti."

"I know Moana, we finally made it."

Just then Te Ka came barging through the rocks hitting you and Moana and sending you lunging through the air. You both fell into the sea. Swimming and trying to make it onto the canoe again. Moana got out and looked around for you, "Y/n, y/n, y/n where are you?"

You tried to escape, a piece of your clothing was under a rock. Gasping trying to get air, trying to escape this trap, but to no success. Finally, Moana came and helped you get free. Moana lifted the rock and help you swim to surface. You gasped for air and coughed trying to regain your balance of breathing. Moana helped you get on the canoe and she sat on after. You and her trying your hardest to get the boat back up and sailing again, but you noticed Te Ka looking at you both. Just as it was going to get the canoe, you heard a hawk noise. You knew who it was...it was the man who broke your heart.

Maui came as a hawk and transformed in mid-air into a human, then cut Te Ka's hand off. You and Moana yelled in unison, "MAUI!"

Te Ka looked at its hand and gasped. Maui then came flying on the canoe and Moana laughed. "You came back," Moana said.

Maui just laughed and mini-Maui nodded. You on the other hand were angry, just because he came over here doesn't mean he is forgiven. You still needed an apology. Maui tried to send you a look of happiness, but you gave him a death glare, as to not buying it.

"But your hook," Moana questioned. "One more hit and-

"Pfft Te Ka's gotta catch me first," Maui answered.

As this was said you all heard a roar in the background.

"I've got your back chosen one. Go save the world." Maui said as he flipped over the boat.

"Maui thank you," Moana said.

"Yeah whatever thanks I guess," you said while looking down.

"Your welcome," Maui said as looked at you both ready to take on any challenge. Maui did his famous shriek, and transformed into a bug. He came close to Te Ka's face and looked at it square in the eyes. He then transformed into a whale and put down the fire on Te Ka. Moana rowing away, looked back seeing Te Ka turning back into its fiery self. You then took off and flew towards Te Ka to help Maui. As Te Ka was going to go towards Moana, Maui had bitten Te Ka as a shark. As Maui was doing that you lunged your powers on Te Ka, one after the other. Now in a glowing state, you were giving everything you got at this monster. Maui then turned into a lizard and hopped onto the shoulder of Te Ka. He made his way around until you heard him say, "Hot, hot, hot." This made you laugh a little even though you didn't want to. Maui looked at you and smiled, you couldn't help but smile back, only to shake your head scolding yourself. He made his way out of the palm of Te Ka and turned back into a hawk.

"Why were you so mean to me," you questioned while yelling.

"I'm sorry y/n, I really am. I was scared."

"Scared, really, that's the best you got. Do you know you broke my heart?"

"Like I said I was scared."

"Oh no, now you're gonna be scared, scared cause I'm gonna whoop your a-"

"y/n, watch out!"

At that moment you were hit in the face by Te Ka's hand and landed into the ocean. You were blacking out a little from the hit to your head. But you made out a figure coming closer to you and it was not Moana, no it was Maui. Maui got you out of the ocean, and help you stand back up on a rock. You winced as you touched you head.

"Thank you, Maui."

"No need. Listen y/n, I am truly sorry for telling you those things. I understand if you don't want to see me no more. But I was scared, I will never be brave like you. I will never amount to you. I see you as someone so amazing, so daring, someone so right for me. I'm so sorry y/n. Please forgive me."

You stood there in shock. Would this count as a confession? Maui left leaving you in that state.

"But Maui," you whispered. You needed to tell him the truth about how you felt.

Moana was on the boat sailing trying to make it to Te Fiti. Maui went

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