Chapter 12 ~ Traitor

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Starlight and Trixie ran down the hill as fast as they could. When they ran back into town, they saw that a house had been burned down. The two gasped. A bunch of ponies were running around in a panic. The fire hadn't been completely put out. Starlight turned to one of the more calmer ponies.

"What happened," Starlight demanded.

"I'm not sure," The pony whispered. Starlight rolled her eyes at the pony's uselessness. Starlight turned back to Trixie to see her trying to help the others stop the fire. It was almost completely out.

While Trixie did that, Starlight started looking for clues as to what happened. The one things she noticed immediately was that her front door was open. She slowly walked up to her house. A pony could be heard walking around inside. She walked in to see Double Diamond pacing back and forth. He stopped as soon as her saw her.

"Starlight, there you are," he exclaimed. "Did you see what happened outside?"

"Of coarse I did. But then I noticed my door open and decided to investigate that first. I'm assuming you found something."

"Yes!" Double Diamond gestured towards his bag on the floor. "I picked out the most important stuff and wrote down a lot of notes."

"Good. I'll review it all later. Now, people have noticed your disappearance and so we're going to have to come up with some excuse."

"Actually, before we do that, I needed to talk to you about something. It's about what I saw while I was in Ponyville." Starlight looked outside to see that everypony was still dealing with the fire. She closed the door and turned back to Double Diamond.

"What is it?"

"Okay so... um..."

"Spit it out!"

"It's about cutie marks." Neither said a word for a couple seconds.


"Well, it's just, I had forgotten what it was like with them. But then I saw everyone in Ponyville and how happy they were-"

"But were happier."

"Yeah, well, it's just... you said cutie marks were evil. That we couldn't truly be happy with them. But... I think your wrong."

"Wrong? No. You only saw half of it. Living with one is a totally different thing."

"If it's so bad then why does the princess of friendship and her friends have them?!" Double Diamond stomped his hooves on the ground in anger.

"Because she doesn't know the truth. But hopefully someday everyone will."

"Starlight... I want my cutie mark back..." He looked Starlight straight in the eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Please. It's been so long and... and..." Double Diamond paused. Starlight burst out laughing.

"Ha! Wow! Spend a couple weeks in Ponyville and suddenly you think you know more than me!" Starlight continued to laugh. "The answer is no. Now, if you'll-"

"Why? All I've ever done is doing everything you tell me to do. In fact, I like you Starlight. Why can't you do one simple thing for me and give it back?" Starlight got close to Double Diamond.

"Because you don't run things here. I do. And I say cutie marks are evil. Also, by the way, the feeling isn't mutual." Starlight started walking away.

"I know who caused the fire." Starlight stopped. "If you give it back, then I'll tell you. And if that's not enough, then I'll tell Trixie everything." Starlight smiled.

"So that's what you want to do. Hehe." Starlight levitated Double Diamond and threw him through the door. Everypony stopped to look at the commotion. "Traitor!" Starlight ran to the other ponies, hiding behind them.

"Starlight, what happened," Trixie asked.

"H-he went to Ponyville. He suddenly has the idea that cutie marks are good and that I'm the enemy. He tried to attack me!" Everypony gasped.

"W-what," Double Diamond yelled. "No! I mean, yeah, but-"

"See! He admits it!" A bunch of ponies approached him.

"Why," a pony asked.

"You don't understand," he pleaded.

"You know where he belongs," Starlight said. The ponies dragged him into the brainwashing house. After everything was cleared up, Trixie and Starlight went back to their cottage. Starlight told her version of the story.

When they got in, Trixie immediately noticed the bag on the floor.

"What's that," she asked.

"Oh, right," Starlight said. She grabbed it. "I'm not sure. I'll investigate it. You should go lay down. It's dark out." Trixie nodded and went upstairs.

Starlight opened the bag and started going through it. After a couple minutes, she finally found what she was looking for.

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