Little wolf

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"What the hell addison!" I shrieked.
"Did you ever think I'm might not want this? You just assumed, no you didn't even assume you just did it." I went to storm away when a familiar hand grabbed my wrist but I shook it off to quick.
"Harley, you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine Wy, I just need some air." And with that I walked out the den. I took in a few deep breathes before I heard someone approach me. I turned around and for some reason, my eyes glew a yellow, no red. I only knew this because the side if my vision looked like leds where there. I felt my fangs grow and I saw that my necklace was illuminating purple.
"Harley, are you ok?" Wy asked.
"What's happening to me?" I asked and pointed to my eyes. I could've sworn he mumbled something along the lines of 'well I still see the same beauty' awww, yeah no. Not the time.

"Your our alpha, you will lead our pack. Your senses are heightened it can take a while to get used to. You can smell better, hear better, all that stuff. Your emotions are also heightened, so when you hate you'll really hate, when you love... you really love. Our sense of touch is also heightened." And without saying no more his hand lightly caressed my face sending a tingle there. When he moved his hand I still felt it there. Without thinking I grabbed it back and placed it back to my cheek. All he did was smile which revealed his dimples and fangs.

We stood there, admiring each other and he glanced my lips and we inched in closer and closer until we was not even a Millimetre away. Our lips were basically already touching... as I said that his lips brushed against mine. At first the kiss was soft, slow but then it started to become more intense. He pulled of the jacket I was wearing while I took of his. I had my hands knitted in his hair whilst one of his hands was on my back and the other a bit further down. His lips caressed my skin on my neck, my cheek and then he found my sweet spot. Gosh was he right. His kisses felt like they were in my bones but it felt somewhat nice? I couldn't help the small groan that escaped my lips. He  stopped and chuckled and then pulled away. I instantly craved for his lips again and I could see he wanted it too. "We should probably head back inside, see what the packs doing." He put his hand in mine and we walked back inside. We had both put our jackets back on and soothed our hair a bit but it wasn't as neat as before.

We walked in and the only eyes on us was our friends. Addison looked at me and she squinted at our hands then our hair... and excited glint struck her eyes as she put on a huge smirk. I gave her the 'don't make it obvious look' and she returned me with a eyes roll that spoke 'fine but your telling me letter' she raised an eyebrow a me. I cringed at the thought of having to tel her because no doubt she would not let it go. I gave her a subtle nod before turning to the others. Sometimes I'm pretty sure me and Addison telepathic. Oh well. We walked over to where they were standing and they all waited with a slight awkward silence. "Hey, Harley are you...ok now?" Zed asked me. Addison continued to smirk she elbowed Zed slightly and cocked an eyebrow at him as realisation hit him he cringed away. "Take that as a yes then." He muttered to himself but we could all hear, apart from the humans.
"Well, harls we should probably head off home?" Then it hit me. I would be returning home to my parents who reinstated the anti-monster laws Abbas is in charge of zombie patrol. This is going to be fun, note the sarcasm.
"Addy I Dont know... what about mum and dad?" I watched as she thought it over as I literally saw a  light bulb light up above her head.
"Well I'll guess you'll just have to stay here for time being." She shrugged and looked at the wolves. They all agreed that this would probably be best. I went to say bye to Addy but she grabbed me first and pulled me aside.
"Tomorrow you spill everything and anything that happens tonight." She wiggles her eyebrows in a weird way, as much as I wanted to laugh I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. She walked out with the rest of the zombies and human and gone home.

I walked back in the den to see that it looked pretty empty now.
"Where is everyone?" I asked the only person in there... Wyatt.
"They've gone to bed, speaking of that. We Kinda ran out of rooms but you can stay with me if you want? If not I'm sure we can-"
"Wy I would love to" I smiled and pecked his lips.
"Ok then, little wolf," he smiled.
"Little wolf?" I asked, that was new.
"Well I want you to have a nickname only I call you," he smiled, "come on let's get into bed." I just chuckled and followed him to his room.

[hey guys how was this chapter? I hope you enjoyed the little Hyatt/ warley moment. Speaking of what's is there ship name?
Hope your all safe an ok,
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~Maddie :)

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