Anger issues

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"What happened?" Wes asked. Oh shoot! We still needed to talk about what happened and... I still don't know how I feel. God this is not helping.
"Oh nothing," Addisons replied all to quickly, she's a terrible liar!
"Ok now you have to tell me!" He pouted his lower lip and pulled out the puppy dog eyes. What was I suppose to do? I almost slipped up, I didn't know what I was going to say, all I know that it wouldn't be good. Like an unsaid prayer, the bell rang saving me from what ever bad thing I almost did. I ignored Wes and walked straight to the assembly hall. Addison was quick behind me along with Bree and Eliza. We walked down the corridor and took a seat on the benches. Addison was on one side of me with a spare seat in the other side. I noticed someone sit down but I didn't look up. I had my head in my hands whilst rubbing my temples.

An arm snaked round my waist pulling me closer to them. I opened my eyes to see none over then Wyatt. I couldn't help the smile that escaped my lips which he returned. I rested my head against his chest, I don't know but I've only known him for not too long yet, we acted like we had none each other for years. It felt normal to talk and snuggle into him, maybe he was right about the mate thing.

The assembly started but I didn't move my head and I ignored all the stares I was getting. Mrs lee was mainly talking about president stuff and it turns out Zed and Addison was back on speaking terms, she had forgiven him for what he did and they both apologised to me. Zed was still running for president and he said it was so zombies could go to prawn and be made equal, but I think he still wanted to take Addy to prawn which maybe harder then he thought.

Soon enough the assembly was over, I didn't want to move but I was forced against my own will. Wyatt stood up and pecked my forehead before joining back with the pack. I watched him as he laughed and joked with them. That was until I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I twisted to try and see who it was but was no use. I gave up when I saw Addison and Bree just following like what? Someone just removed me from where I was and their acting normal? Finally he put me down and it was none over then Wesley Pitton.
"What was that for?" I practically yelled at him.
"What? That's what I'm asking you?! You were technically sat on the mongrels lap!" Ok he crossed the line!
"Hey! Why would you say that! Just because your human and normal doesn't mean you should pick on the people around you! I used to get bullied because of my hair and you was always the one to step in and help me, now look how that tables have turned!" I spat back at his comment and walked of. How dare he! I didn't turn around to see if anyone was following me. I ended up ditching the rest of school and going into the forest. Thankfully I brought a book so I went and sat on a stump and read allowed to the birds. The book was a romance, I know seen as the position I'm in it's probably best to not but it was the only one I had. I read a page or two until I heard a sound like... someone was there. I jumped from my spot and after I did I felt two strong hands grab my waist. "Shhhhh, it's me wy." I didn't mean to but yes I screamed.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I playfully punched his shoulder as I turned to face him our faces were not even an inch away. His lips were so close that I felt an urge to pull myself closer to them. His warm breath felt nice in my cold skin. I looked into wyatts eyes to see he was looking at my lips. In a matter of seconds he pushed his lips to mine. Without a second thought I kissed him back. I stumbled back and hit a tree as his lips moved from my lips to their corner, then down my neck then making their way back.


[ what do you guys think? I hope your enjoying this story so far! Who do you think is here? Hope your all safe and if your enjoying this story go and check out mine and ncgirl18 story 'one beat of the same heart'~ Maddie :)

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