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◦•●◉✿Unexpected visitor✿◉●•◦

I looked up at the dim sky as the tears continue to freely fall down my cheeks. With the wind and all the voices in my head, i didn't notice the person calling my name until they were right in front of me.

"Ozioma are you alright ? I've been calling your name for a whole minute now " Aunty Ada said turning my head.

I looked at the familiar face of my aunt and I felt my resolve breaking.
"Aunty.. She's.... She's..gone" I said my silent sobbing growing louder by each word as i searched for any type of comfort in her arms. Aunty Ada embraced me and sighed.

"I know she's gone but accidents happen ,we have to move on. Life doesn't end just cause one person dies Ozioma." She says sternly cupping my cheek and forcing my eyes up to hers.

My light brown eyes clashed with her dark ones in a silent contest.

I won but i clenched my fist and backed away.

"How could you say that..." I wispered hurt ...

" She isn't just one person...she is my mother!" My volume increased. My breathing turned rapid.

"How am i supposed to live ?... How could i..."
I couldn't complete the statement as I broke down again . She tried to hug me again.

I softly shoved her hands away from me. "Im sorry i want to be alone. " I said quickly wiping the stray tears with the back of my hands.
She looked at me for a moment, as if judging if she should stay or not.

She forced a smile " Ozioma '𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘣𝘪'.... Go and sit down under the shade, ill find you something to eat ok? " She spoke reverting back to native dialect.(Take heart.)

"No need, i'm not hungry" I said stopping her. She paused, her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something but decided against it and threw me another forced smile.

"Of course dear, just relax" She said patting my shoulder and walking away from me.

I stood there alone, burial music playing, as the voices in my head got louder. They blamed me for everything... and the worse part was that...they were right.

I buried my head in my hands, as more tears leaked out.

How could i not notice ?, she was missing for two weeks and i was out there partying and enjoying my pre graduation.

Whenever i called her, she wouldn't answer.And when i called her friends they would brush it off, saying, she lost her phone and nobody has her new number or she traveled for urgent business.

Its my fault for not realizing sooner. I'm a horrible daughter. I looked up from my hands and at her coffin.
I walked slowly towards it in the middle of the field, ignoring the sorry looks and looks of pity people threw at me.

'Mom im so sorry.'
I thought as I reached out to touch the skillfully carved wooden coffin but a hand grabbed mine stopping me. I turned back.

I scowled at the person i saw." What do you think your doing ?" I asked angrily.

Uncle victor, aunty Ada's husband sighed "You cant look at the body Ozioma" He said. That sentence made me all the more angry.

"And who are you to decide that? " I asked, harshly freeing my hand from his grip.

"Trust me... It's better if you don't open that. " He said seriously.

"Trust...𝙮𝙤𝙪....?" I blinked like i couldnt believe he had just said that.

He lowered his eyes." Ozioma ..."
"You seriously expect me to trust...𝙮𝙤𝙪.. ?"

"Ozioma let me land firs.... "

"You told me my mother was 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚, every fucking time i called, you lied to me day after day, and at my graduation you tell me my mother is dead... And you have the 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙... to tell me to trust you? " I asked venom coating every word.

" I didn't tell you because I knew you would drop everything and come home were at the brink of graduation when she went missing. " He explained frustrated.

"That didn't give you the right to lie to me about my mother ...of all people!!!"

He opened his mouth to say something but the arrival of aunty Ada shut him up.

"Dear, there someone you must meet urgently " She said to him clearly panicked, ignoring my whole existence. I rolled my eyes at that.

Aunty Ada had already taken his hand and was about to pull him along before he tugged her back.
"Calm down first, who is this person and why are you so anxious for me to meet anyway ? " He asked quizzically.

She glanced at me for a second before looking back at her husband "we'll discuss it on the way... Please...lets just go first " She almost pleaded .

Uncle victor looked at his wife, then sighed and looked at me as if trying to say 'This talk isn't over' before walking away with his wife. I glared at his short retreating figure in response.

With uncle victor gone, within minutes the anger i felt reduced giving way for the sadness to creep in and replace it.

The breeze blew again, my dark brown locks along with it. As i brushed my hair out of my eyes, it brought me back to the question I've been asking myself since i could remember.

'Who was my actual father.... where was he now, does he miss us, does he even know i existed, does he realize mama is....'

A new rush of sorrow enveloped me. If i could give up my hair just to bring her back i would.... I would pull it out strand by strand just to see her again, to hear her laugh, to apologize ... to say goodbye.

Uncle victor and his wife came back shortly after, he was wiping the sweat off his forehead with a pure white handkerchief. He had a weird expression on his face... like he didn't know if he was meant to be excited or scared.

He stopped in front of me ."Ozioma, come with us,...Now! " he ordered turning around and walking away, leaving no room for argument.

I scowled ...but out of respect for elders I quietly obeyed without question, but my ancestors just love testing my patience.

Aunty Ada scowled impatiently, "Ozioma walk like you have life in you" she scolded sharply and my patience thinned but I held on for my own sanity's sake.

"Where are we going?" I asked them in a low voice as we left the burial grounds.

"You'll see... soon" Uncle Victor said gruffly, effectively shutting down the topic.

I stayed silent letting them lead me into the road.
It was afternoon already, but instead of the sun to be blazing, as usual, the sky was dark and me.

Maybe the sky lost its mom too......

"Ozioma this is Mr. Marigold ..." She started, snapping me out of my thoughts. She gulped with anticipation.

"... And he would like to have a talk with you."Aunty Ada finished with one of her signature fake smiles

I stayed quiet observing the man that stood in front of the black car.
A full American man.... Blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Dark ink trailed from his back neck down, his shirt covering the rest.

He looked about 50 or older, but nobody could deny it...he was handsome for his age.

"Adele... how old are you?" he asked folding his arms and looking at me up and down like I'm a piece of meat he was about to buy.

"How do you know my name ?" I answered back with narrowed eyes and aunty Ada nudged me, and signaled with her eyes that I should shut up.

I rolled my eyes.

He studied me quietly before smirking." Just answer the question. " he said.

We kept staring at each other until I gave up.

"22 this year. " I answered and he nodded again, brought out his phone and started typing something then finally he took a picture of me.

"Who are you? " I asked as he wanted to take another picture.

For the first time since I started speaking is to him, he smiled. But, wasn't a real smile... It was a business smile... fake, practiced.

"Adele I'm your father .... Your real father " he said not dropping the smile. No body made one sound after that.

I blinked once....twice...then I laughed .

I laughed so hard my insides hurt.

By the time I was done the man's.....Mr Mary something.... face didn't look too happy and my aunt and uncle looked at me like i committed an abomination.

I stopped, still panting. Then my smile completely fell. "Oh you're not joking? " I asked confused.

"Ozioma this is no joke... you see i told you every thing would work out in the end... It was all part of God's plan... If your mother hadn't died....." The glare i sent her was enough to shut her up completely

It seemed Uncle victor didn't get the message, cause he picked up where she left off.

"She is right Adele, first of all i didn't believe it but he gave us evidence " He said showcasing the piece of paper in his hand.
I snatched it from his hand, my eyes running through every last word. It was clearly a DNA test and it was definitely positive. I scowled.

I forced down the bile that threatened to come out of my throat and let out a mocking sigh.

Uncle victor looked at me happily. " See, you can finally be with your real..."

I cut him off by ripping the paper, and throwing the remains in their faces.... much to his horror and to our visitors amusement. Uncle Victor face twisted into an ugly snarl.

"Adele have you gone mad! " Uncle Victor bellowed at me. I glared at him.

"What were you expecting ? " I asked sarcastically, slowly inspecting all of their faces. No body answered.

"No tell me.... did you expect me to say ..'oh daddy welcome, i'm sure you got the milk, lets go home, or...don't worry about missing 22 years of my life, in fact i'll make your favorite this night '. " I said mockingly.

"Adele what..." Uncle Victor started.

I completely ignored him.

"And you.... If you were really my father you would know ..... that my mother... The woman you left 22 years ago....with only a child and pain ... was buried today... " I said holding back my tears.

"I'm aware that Nneoma was buried today that's why...."

"...If you knew, then why did you choose today of all days to give me your fucking bullshit !?!" I snapped.

He scowled...'ohh Adele, you made the scary mafia guy ass move.' a small voice in my head nagged but I pushed to the back of my mind.

"See little girl.... don't get ahead of yourself because I gave you a little respect.... the only reason you're still alive is cause your my daughter." He warned lowly.

"Can't you hear properly..."I asked and Aunty Ada looked like she was about to faint.

" I said i'm not your daught......"

"What she means is that.... this is a lot to take in and she'll get back to you tomorrow. "Aunty Ada said stepping in front of me with a strained smile. My lips twitched in irritation

" I will no......" I started angryly.

" You will stay quiet" She cut me off lowly, with a glare and turned towards him with a smile and an awkward chuckle.

" Forgive my best friend's daughter....after the death of Nneoma, her daughter hasn't really in the right state of mind......"

I gasped .....Did that woman just call me crazy ...... respect should enter bush.

"she's really sorry Mr. Marigold, please don't take it to heart.... After all she's your daughter...." Aunty Ada calmed.

"God forbid it " I said snapping my fingers. " I'm not his daughter so stop saying otherwise..... In fact my mother told me my father is dead.... "I smiled cruelly

"...So even if your my real father......your dead to me..." It happened so fast i almost thought imagined it.

I held my stinging cheek as i looked at uncle victor's outstretched hand in disbelief. He was still panting in anger.

He had just slapped me...

"Your life is more interesting than i thought, too bad your going to leave it. " Mr Marigold said with a dark chuckle .I sent him a glare that was enough to kill a grown man, but he didn't even flinch. Instead he scoffed.

" You have until the end of tomorrow to accept my offer ... when you do, we'll talk then " He said finally getting into his car and driving off.. leaving us standing in the middle of the road like idiots.

Uncle victor was already pacing angrily and his wife was trying to calm him down. My jaw clenched

"You slapped me!! " I said angrily, and he hissed. " And so..? " He asked i smiled in disbelief.

"Why... did you slap me ?? " I asked through gritted teeth. " Cause you were talking rubbish.. " He answered simply.

........I lost it.

" Talking rubbish...talking rubbish!!! How the fuck was i talking rubbish ?? " I snapped at him.

He ignored me and continued pacing.

Aunty Ada clicked her tongue "Ohh God Ozioma... This could have been it. " She said running her hands through her braids. I stared at her.

"A once in a life time opportunity... See the money he was going to give us. You could have found your dad, gone abroad, lived a good life...but you fucked it up.... for all of us " She scolded.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing. My mom's best friend ... Could stoop this low.

"So you want to sell me away at the first chance you get, because mama is dead..?? " I asked still in disbelief.

Aunty Ada's face soured "No....calm down and listen...we only want the best for you Adele." She said almost desperately.

"Of course me to a complete stranger because he showed you a piece of paper and gave you some money..... totally safe... why didn't i think of that? " I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Ozioma its not like that... " She tried again.
"Come'on its exactly like that"Uncle victor said angrily. He didn't even bother hiding it.

"You don't have anything... no money, no job, no expirence ..Nothing!! Just a graduate degree from university and annoying stubbornness.... Do you think that would help you in this Nigeria." He said and I wished that my mother didn't give such good upbringing, cause the things I want to do this man ....

"Now that you see someone claiming to be your long lost father.... that's when you want to show attitude. "He scowled disgusted.

I took a good look at him

" First of all...I don't have one degree, i have two..."I started, just because.....

"How does that concern me..."he scowled.

"Cause it's still two more than yours, and secondly... " Anger painted his features at the on-point insult.

" I'm not as shallow as you....I don't need him to get rich...If I wanted quick money, i'd get a rich husband.... and lastly... "

"Even a 10 year old child knows never to trust strangers ....for all we know he could turn out to be lying.... take me abroad and sell me into slave trade...."

"... So?..."

"Excuse me"

" Is it our business... It's your country right? Since you have half of their blood... " He taunted with a sick smile.


" ....Just get out... i'm tired of all of you coming to this country and thinking you belong here, just... leave ." He said finally walking back into the burial.

Aunty Ada gave me one last look of sympathy before following her husband.

I was left there standing alone and speechless . I felt something heavy and wet drop on my arm... a rain drop.

The first one started a chain reaction and soon it was pouring. I took cover under the shade of a closed shop.

I hugged myself tighter as the reality of the situation of my life . I was alone... Completely alone.

I desperately wanted to cry, but it wasn't going to help anything... and I'm not sure if I even have any more tears left. I felt the cold from the rain seep through my bones.

I buried my face into my knees ....the sky may have lost something... but I lost everything.


A/N: Hello's me your fave author... i❤️yam... here with the first chapter of Mixed Colours (~‾▿‾)~.

Hey....If you know dat dis chapter gave you 3rd degree cringe😅... your not alone ... but please bear with me ...
it'll get better soon..... probably....ಥ‿ಥ

I have new found respect for wattpad authors.... typing is hard af ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Me thinking writing a story was going to be breeze.

Anyway, enough of my misery.....any Nigerians present (◍•ᴗ•◍)
This book is for all my mafia addicted brethren.
I really hope you like it sha....I lost so many nights of sleep for this book ╮(╯_╰)╭ . Please if u like leave a comment and vote. (~‾▿‾)~

From your beautiful author 💝
'I ❤️ YAM'

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