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Time skip(at night)

yn's pov:

(it's almost time for taehyung to come home and here i am cooking dinner for him and jimin is in his room playing video games and i think he is upset from me bcz i told him to hide that incident from his brother but i will talk to him later , i was in my  thoughts when i feel two mainly hands wrap around my waist , i flinched but)

tae: shhh its me wifey (i feel relaxed just by hearing his voice ,he put his head on my shoulder while back hugging me )

yn: when did u came? (in lil surprise)

tae: when my sweet wife was in her deep thoughts(smiling) 

yn: oh ! 

tae : so what were u thinking btw that u didn't even feel my presence hmm?

yn: about you

tae : about me ?

yn: yes

tae: aww so much love huh ? (she just smile)

yn: sooo! how was your day ?

tae: tiring as always (making pout)

yn: i know bcz u work so hard. 

tae: awww so u were worried for me huh wifey? 

yn: obviously then for whom else i will worry.

tae: that's the point(smile proudly)

(he stand quiet for a while and then he placed his nose on the back of her neck sniffing her soft scent after sometime he break the silence)

tae: how was your day princess?

yn:(no response)

tae: i'm asking u something princess?

yn: Aaa-dinner is ready ,Let's go first ,u must be hungry (she said avoiding him and breaking the back hug)(but before she can walk he stop her by holding her hand )

tae: what happened(worried)

yn: nothing taehyung what type of q's is this ? 

tae: then why are u not looking at me (lil angry)

yn: it's nothin-

tae: then look at me (in demanding voice) (A/N be like : ashley look at me 😂😂)

(that's when he look at him and he became serious)

tae: u cried? (serious)

yn: no! (avoiding eye contact)

tae: don't lie(serious)

yn: why would i? 

tae: then why are u continuously avoiding eye contact)

yn: I-(he cut her off by asking another q's)

tae: why your eyes are swollen?

yn: o that's , actually i was just cutting vegetables

tae: vegetables?

yn: onion idiot.....(forcefully smile)

tae: are u sure? 

yn: obviously why would i cry ,when..when jimin is here (she changed the topic)

tae: youuu!!!!! 

yn: aww look u so cute when u get jealous (pinching his cheeks)

tae: enough u already ruin my mood (cutely)

yn: aww (kiss his cheeks )is it ok now ?

tae: no i want more(pout)

yn: pervert(slapping his shoulder lightly)

tae: ouch it hurts (fake crying)

yn: ok ok now go fresh up , i'm setting table

tae: ok (peck her lips )

after sometime

(tae came and sit while she started serving him )

tae: where is jimin (he asked)

yn: in his room( she sigh)

tae: what happened ? is he not coming to have dinner( while looking at her)

yn: idk i asked him and he says that he is not eating and before i asked he entered restroom

tae: go and tell him i am calling him 

yn: he will not listen ,i am sure 

tae: why? what happened? 

yn: idk (walking towards kitchen)

tae: ok i will ask him by myself (in lower voice)(he call jimin)

yn: what a lazy person(in lower voice but enough for him to hear it, he glare at her and she smile cutely)

yn: i mean he is just upstairs go and ask him (murmuring in mouth)


tae: hello? 

jm: hello ,what happened hyung is evey thing alright?

tae: yes. where are u ?

jm: in my room,why?

tae: and why is this so?

jm: i'm not getting what are u saying?where is yn? u are at home right?

tae: yes i am and she is also here but u are not 

jm: huh?

tae: what time it is jimin?

jm: 9:00 pm why?(yn mentally faceplamed herself)

tae: idiot! it's time for dinner , come downstairs we r waiting 

jm: sorry hyung i don't feel like eating

tae: i'm not asking ,i'm ordering u to come and have dinner with us 

jm: but-(before he says something tae cut the call )

end of otp

tae: see! so simple, he is coming(proud smile)

yn: yeah yeah u and your brother both of u are same  

tae: no but i'm more handsome(yn just shook her head being done with him)

(after sometime and sat at front and yn started serving him quietly)

tae's pov:

(some thing is wrong,why these both devils are sitting quiet so, i tell yn to sit infront of me beside him they started eating when i asked)

tae: did u both fight?(they both look at eachother then )

jm:(roll his eyes)

tae: woah woah woah! something is wrong what happened?

yn: nothing happened

tae: then y u both are not fighting or talking while eating what's the problem?

yn: why would i fight with him? right jimin?(she bumped her shoulder with his indicating him to speak and in return he just nodded)

jm: yes hyung she is right why would we?

tae: that's good then give eachother a quick hug (they both side hug eachother )

yn: sorry(whisper)

jm: hmm

tae: ok now eat (they all eat while chit chatting like a happy family but jimin was a bit concerned about them that if he is doing right or not by hiding this from his brother)

(after some time we are done with our eating yn was in kitchen probably helping maids with dishes and jimin was about to get  up from his seat so i asked)

tae: follow me u 

jm: me?

tae: hmm(while walking ahead, he came out at backyard and sit on bench)

jm: hyung?

tae: sit (without looking at him)

jm: (gulp) w-what happened?(tae look at him)

jm's pov:

(first i was too concerned about them that if i am  doing right or not by hiding this from my brother and when he asked me to follow him a fear start rising in me and then he asked me to sit with him what if he knew that what i'm hiding then i'm dead for sure so i asked but he cut me off)

jm: yes-

tae: u both fought right?

jm: hmm? 

tae: when i came i saw yn's eyes were swollen, and i know that she cried but she refused to accept

jm: oh ! no no we didn't fought i swear 

tae: are u sure 

jm: yes hyung 

tae: ok if u are saying so , ok i trust u but 

jm: but?

tae: jimin if i saw tears in her eyes again then u will pay for it bcz i leave her in your responsibility got it?

jm: hmm( i nodded)

tae: words 

jm: yes! 

tae: ok go! and do u need something ?

jm: no! (i shook my head)

tae: ok (he smile)(i was about to walk away but i stop and asked him )

jm: hyung( he look at me ) actually i need something( i look at him)

tae: oh and what it is ?

jm: i want a hug from my brother

tae: (he smile and get up ) come here my boy (he opened his arms and i run and hug him tightly )

jm: thx hyung 

tae: you are my boy ,my proud (and then he back off) ok go now 

jm : hmm (then i left and after sometimes he also left)



     hey guys i wrote another chapter for u, hope u guys enjoy 

drop your reviews lovelies❣️ 

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i will update soon so yup byiee...........takecare❣️  

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