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I hold Zion's hand tight as his grandfather smiles down at me. "Hello, Miss..?" He trails, "R-r-reeves." I stutter out. He chuckles, "Clementine, Reeves." I correct. He smiles and takes my hand, "How do you do, I'm Ralph Moss." I wanted to scream out, I know who you are! But I contained myself.

"It's amazing to meet you." He laughed, "Ah, only amazing, eh?" He teased, my face beating up. Zion chuckled as he saw my face, he soothingly squeezed my hip.

"I'm just teasing you, Clem." Ralph said laughing with his grandson. I tightly nodded my head, keeping my lips tight. I was trying to contain myself from doing anything weird. When I'm extremely nervous, like right now, I tend to...cramp up. Literally. "She's shy, grandad. She thinks you and granny are going to hate her." I glare up at Zion, how dare he lay out all my cards like that.

Ralph chuckled, "Maybe your granny but not me." I pouted, why do they keep saying this?! Is it because I'm short?! Is it because my hair is short?! Is it because I have weak old brown eyes?! Is it because I'm seventeen?! Oh I know...Zion is rich and hot and I'm broke and average looking.

I cramped up, leaning over and crouching down on my heels and put my arms around my middle as I let out a squeak. I squeeze my eyes tight for a second before I open them and let out a small breath.

Zion picks me up. "What are you doing you little weirdo." I look at him with wide eyes, I give him a shake of my head and quickly catch up to Ralph. Zion chuckles, kissing the side of my head. "My jaw hurts." I tell him scared that his grandmother would somehow see that imperfection. Zion smirked Ashe gently rubbed my jaw bone, "My bad." My face dropped and I rolled my eyes, slapping his hand away.

He chuckled, "Baby, baby relax. My gran has a certain taste of girls that she'll like me to date, she just has a certain taste for everything. But that isn't going to persuade me from not loving you, ever." I blink, "It's not that...I just want her to like me, Zion." Zion glared at me, bring his hand back and slapping my backside hard. I whine, "Ow! You big idiot." He glared back at me.

"And you're a big headed midget." My jaw drops. "At least I don't snore and wake the whole hotel up." He clicks his tongue, laughing lamely.

"At least I wasn't the one who almost got kicked out for your screaming-" I cover his mouth with my hands as I jumped on his back. "Shut your big mouth! I was screaming because-" We were interrupted by the one and only Diana Moss. "Because?" She trailed elegantly, her sharp judging eyes looking me up and down as I dangled from Zion's neck. I let out a whimper, quickly letting go of Zion.

My heels clicking back down on the floor. The two elder couple stood at the front door. She wore a red, black, white patterned coat and a black dress and ankle boots.

"Hm." She muttered, her eyes looked away from me to Zion and a grin broke out on her face. My heart was crushed, "Oh! My boy!" She squealed as she pulled Zion into a hug. Zion chuckled and hugged his grandmother. I look o Ralph who gave me a soft smile. "Look at you dear!" Diana was from London and went to the most elite school but dropped out when she found she had an opening.

That opening was another very famous Fashion designer who was older than her and the rumors go that...she had relations with certain people to climb her way to the top.

And I respected her for it. For everything she did to get to the top. She was my absolute idol. And she absolutely hates me. "I miss you too, granny. Come on, let's get inside so I can introduce you to my girlfriend." I watched as Diana pouted, "Do I have too?" I stifled a grunt, I put my fist to my lips and slowly started to crouch down again.

"Yes, be nice." Zion seethed, Ralph pulled me up, laughing quite hard. "Let's go now."

I looked at the house in complete awe, if I thought Zion's house was nice...his looked like a cheap pink Barbie doll house. Not even the dream house. The flooring was pure marble, she of course had a spunky black and white clear tile. Her grand staircase white and clear, at the bottom where I stood a huge Christmas tree with at least a million gifts bellow it.

I let out another noise, "Clementine." I span around coming face to face with Diana. She obviously wanted to kick me out with the blank look on her face. Zion gave me a warm smile, lacing our hands together and presented me to his grandmother.

"Gran, this is Clementine Reeves. The girl I've been talking about." He grinned, kissing my knuckles. "Clementine, this is my grandmother, Diana." I smiled shyly at the woman as he grandson cheekily nips at the skin on my hand. Her eyes instantly catch it and she purses her lips.

"Hello," I wince, I didn't know how to even say a proper hello to the lady. "Hello." She trails sighing loudly, and looking to her right. "Well, there are other guests in the next room. Zion, love, I can't wait to introduce you to so many other people." My heart deflated.

As we walked I tried to shake my hand free of Zion's, I felt so defeated what was the point of even holding his hand. Zion squeezed our hands together, "What do you think you're trying to do." He whispered darkly into my ear.

I sighed softly, not even bothering to look at him. He tugged me into his side and wrapped his arm against him. I pressed my cheek against him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

And introduce Diana did, ever single girl in this room seemed to be single, and perfectly fit to Zion. Their greedy eyes shamelessly looking Zion up and down. Obviously he was there type, hot and rich.

And while he was getting greets and his ear was getting chatted off he had the audacity to say, "Go and sit down, I'll be there." So here I am, stuffing my face and holding back tears. It was a pathetic, I know. Wanting to cry just because one of my boyfriends family members doesn't like me but obviously, Diana was important to Zion. And Zion loved his grandma.

Jesus, I just realized I haven't even met his mother. She'll probably hate me too!

I stab my fork into the beautiful cooked steak. "Easy there." Someone said, I looked up bored out of my mind. I've been sitting here by myself for over an hour. A handsome guy looked down at me and smiled, tilting his blonde head. "...hello." I say awkwardly, looking back down at my food. Why is this dude here? Can't he see I'm wallowing.

He took a seat next to me. "I was wondering why someone as gorgeous as you is sitting here all by herself." I sigh, pressing my cheek against my palm. "My boyfriend...he's a favorite around these parts." I whisper, he surprisingly caught it. "Aw, shit. The girl of my dreams has a boyfriend." I look up, laughing.

"You barely know me." I say shaking my head. "I might just be with Zion Woods only for his connections." I say rolling my eyes. "And are you?" The pretty boy says. I scoff, "Of course not! Which should be a perfectly solid reason for Miss Diana Moss to love me! But no, she has to go on and hate my guts. I love her grandson so much, and this is the thanks I get?" The guy laughs loudly.

"See, that's exactly how my dream girl would act."

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