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I was going to kill Zion.

I spot him walking and run to him, hoping on his back and wrapping my arm around his throat. "You idiot! You gave me freaking hickeys." I hissed in his ear.

He grabbed me, flipping me over until I was in front of him. He smirked but frowned noticing I wore a turtle neck to hide them. "Of course, and why are you hiding them?" He says frowning angrily. "You dummy! My moms calling the doctor to try and get me on birth control." I growl.

He smiles, hooking the neck of my shirt and pulling it down to kiss the deep hickey he left on my skin. I shuddered as he did, "Good. Unless you're waiting until marriage." I glared.

"Shut up Zion. If I get on the pill it'll make me fat." I say pouting. He wraps his arms around me. "So that's a no on the waiting till' marriage thing?" I punch him lightly, turning around and walking to my class. "Baby! Baby, I'm joking!" He yells after me but I lift my hand up flipping him off.

We meet again in Mr. E's classroom.

"Baby," He mewls, "You know I was joking right. I'm not trying to pressure you to think I want sex and want you to do that with me so soon." I roll my eyes. "I know that, Zion. It's just, look at all these you've left," I say pulling down the neck of my shirt to my collar bone, showing just half of the hickeys he left.

He tries to hide his prideful smirk but he can't.

"Then I want you to give me one." He said and I sputter, "W-what." I whisper out meekly. He chuckles, kissing my cheek. "Mhmm, just thinking about it is making me h-" I squeal, pressing my hand to his mouth as Mr. E walks up to us.

"Hey Clem, Zion. How's it going?" Mr. E asks innocently. I smile shyly, "Good, how's your wife and son." I ask, slapping Zion and his wandering hands that had the audacity to try and move to my breasts.

"Alright," Mr. E says rubbing his hand on his face. "My wife wants to try for another." I gasp, "No way! Really! I thought you guys just said Wes!" He waves his hands, "Exactly! But I guess she still wants that girl." He says and I nod. "Well I hope everything comes out good." He smiles. "Me too." He laughs and I smile, shaking my head.

"Why are you wearing all black?" Zion asks as his eyes roam over my body.

I shrug, "It seemed like a good day." He frowns, "Aren't you cold. It's gonna rain, mi amor why didn't you wear something more warm." He says referring to the black turtle neck and my black skinny jeans that the shirt was tucked into.

"I'm fine, Zion." I say smiling. He sighs and kisses my jaw. I squish his cheeks, "Get to working." He glared at me. "You're gonna get it." He warned playfully, biting my earlobe.

I squealed, "Zion." I warned.

"Z." Uriah says, doing that guy hand shake with him. "Hey, Clem." I smile reaching for a hug but Zion tugs me back. "She's good." Zion says possessively and I roll my eyes, giving Uriah a sorry smile instead. He laughs and punches Zion, they seem to have gotten closer together which is good since Zion never really hangs with anyone.

We walk to lunch together, Zion's arm around my shoulders. My head leaning over to his chest, I was short enough that I fit right under his armpit which luckily smelled really good.

Zion always smelled good, and was always warm and roughly soft. I wanted to giggle at that but I felt myself grow tired as we sat inside the cafeteria, the noise comforting me even more. "Baby, Clementine." My eyes blink open stubbornly, but soon fall back and I'm slipping again.

"Mi amor, you need to eat before we have to go to class." I shook my head, "It's fine." I mumbled, burying my face in his side.

He rubbed my back, "No. It's not, come on." I sighed, opening my eyes and looking down at the food in front of me which was a quesadilla from Taco Bell. Nyah and the girls are giving me sly winks and smirks making me shake my head.

We always text and meet up whenever we can and squeeze in time to meet up, something I was happy about because I've never had that before.

So they were all caught up with Zion and me.

I take a bite of the hot cheesy thing, "Why're you so tired, does Zion have something to do with that?" Uriah asks and I whine, "Uriah, why? I thought we were pals?!" He laughs. "And no. I had to take my cousin to the airport early in the morning." I explain and they all have a look on their faces like they don't believe me.

"It's true!" I say with a pout.

"I'm taking you on another date." Zion says as we walk to our cars. I raise my eyebrow smiling, "Oh, is that so Mr Woods?" He nods kissing my jaw. "Very much so, tonight." I grin, "Okay, you're driving." He laughs, "You only use my gas." He says feigning hurt.

He pins my hips with his own, holding me against my car, "But I expect these lips on me." I blush. "What is up with you?" I say giggling.


Zion texted me, saying to dress in something warm and comfortable. So instead of my skirt I just pulled on some black slacks and grabbed my black belt, tying it all together. I grabbed another black turtle neck that I have that was a little more for this weather than the last.

"Clemens why are you wearing all black?" My mom asked as I brushed through my hair. I looked down at the clothes. "Because...?" I started to grow nervous. Guys did like girls who dressed in color. Zion always wears dark clothes...well sometimes.

"I mean...guys like girls who wear color, Clemens." She back with that nickname.

I sigh, "Okay," I rub my hands on my things. "I'll just change really q-" the door lets out a knock indicating that Zion's already here. I sigh and walk to the door.

I slowly open it. "Hi." He smiled, "Hello." He responds, "You ready?" I bite my lip. "Um, actually I think I need to change." I tell him, he furrows his eyebrows trying to look at my outfit but I keep the door cracked to hide myself from his view.

"What's wrong with it?" He asks, "I-" my mom cuts me off. "She thinks it's too ugly!" Only because you said something! I glare at her, Zion pushes through the door, analyzing the outfit.

"It seems like something you'd normally wear." He says, "It's not too black? Too old lady?" He smiles his hand pinching my hip gently.

"No, you look good, baby. Bye Margo it was nice seeing you." Zion said waving to my mom. She flashed a smile, waving back. Zion dragged me to his car. "You're never nervous about your outfits." He says curiously, "When it comes to you yes I am." I confess shyly.

He smiles, kissing my cheekbone.

"Don't be. I love how you dress." As we buckle up inside the car. I sigh and lean my head back against the head rest. "Hey, you." I say poking him, he chuckles. "Hm?" I smile looking at his side profile greedily. "Where are we going?" I question.

"To the fair." My eyes light up. "Really?" I say excitedly. "Yes." He answers looking down at me.

"But the kids are gonna be around. Zeppelin and the new nanny took them." I smile, "That's fine. You got a new nanny?" He shakes his head side to side. "My nana." My eyes go big, bigger than they already are. "What. Oh my god! And I'm dressed like this?! She's gonna think I'm some thirty year old dressed like this." I cry out.

Zion burst into a fit of laughter.

"Babe...no offense but you can look thirteen if you tried." I glared, "You just look like those cool teenagers." He says reaching out and rubbing my neck. "What do you mean cool teenagers?" I laugh. "Why are you saying it like you're thirty." He laughs with me shrugging his shoulders. "I dunno." I giggled shaking my head.

I screamed loudly as Zion picked me up. "No! You know I hate this!" I screamed and he threw me over his shoulder slapping my ass.

"Zion, Zion don't you dare. This is a family-" I squealed into his neck as he squeezed it. "You're going to hell." He chuckled, "And you're coming right with me." I scoffed, still dangling from his shoulder. "Actually, I am a child of god." He laughs, "Children of god don't get hickeys in cars and like it, Clementine." He chimes.

He sets me down and I craine my neck up to pout at him.

"Well, you see..." I press my fingers to my lips as I try to think of something to say but Zion smirks, "Exactly." I huff, "You win that one Woods." He takes my hand bringing it up to his lips.

I stare at the cute fluffy gigantic bear. I walk up to the booth that kept it hostage. "Hi, what do I have to do to win that." I ask the girl who manned the booth. She laughed, "Well, you have to shoot the balls from each marking." She says I look down on the floor to see the last marking too far.

I cough, "H-how much." She smiles. "Five dollars." I wheeze, I was a very cheap person when it came to certain things. But I still handed her the five bucks. She handed me the basketball. I stood at the first marking, and took in a breath. As I shot it it made it. I squealed and the girl clapped.

She handed me the ball again, and I stood at the second one. "Oh my gosh." I whispered, I lined up and shot it. And it made it! I jumped up and down. "Two more to go!" She told me happily. I smiled at her, I liked her she was nice.

Just as I threw the ball at the third marking it missed. "No!" I cried, crouching down with my head on my knees. "Sorry, maybe next time-" Her voice stopped. As her eyes went wide and she shifted on her feet.

"Clementine, you scared the shit out of me. Why would you just walk off like that." Zion tells me sternly, cupping my face. "Sorry, sorry." I say ducking my head. He sighs, looking me over once more.

"I wanted that bear." I told him, he glanced at the bear and back to me with a deadpan look on his face. "Clementine, these things are scams. You're never gonna get it, look," he says pointing to the marking on the ground.

"That's too far for you." I glare at him. "What're you saying? I can't do it?" His eyes lock with mine in a challenging way. "Yes, I am." He says bluntly. I raise my eyebrow, "You sure you want to say that, Woods?" A smirk makes its way on his face.

"I already did."

And that's how the bet was made. If I could win the beat he'd have to give me his blue champion sweater, and if he won...he gets to ask me one thing and I have to do it.

I was going first, the girl still ogling my boyfriend.

"Alright Reeves let's see what you got." He tease, I glared at him but soon ignored him. Getting into my zone.

I made the first shot, the second, third, and now I was on the last. I looked over to Zion and smirked, he narrows his eyes at me. Hello new hoodie-it didn't make it. I let out a sharp scream, "W-wait, Zion I was just," I laughed nervously. "Joking," He gave me a dark lustful look. "Oh where you?" He says in a sultry voice. I squeezed my legs together.

Damn him.

I watched anxiously, my hands covering my face as he easily made the first, the second, third and, fourth. I groaned, the girl handed Zion the gigantic bear that was almost his height. He give me a smug smile, I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay, fine. I'm no sore loser, what do you want?" I ask and he grinned. "You already know what, Clementine." He purred in my ear, nipping at my jaw.

I gasped at the touch, "B-but what about the f-ferris wheel." He let out a grunt, "Right after we're going to my car." I smiled happily, "Okay." He bit the inside of his cheek, "Hurry up." He says and I chuckle.

I smile and look out towards the city, my head resting against the palm of my hand. I look over to see Zion taking pictures of me. I blush, I turn my whole body towards him pressing my face to his chest. "Stop." I whine, giggling. "You're beautiful." He tells me and I laugh, I couldn't contain the happiness.

"And you're handsome." I still couldn't believe people never told him that.

"And smart, and funny, strong, and you smell really good." He laughs at the last one softly, I kiss his nose. "More." He demands and I smile playing with his hair.

"I love how I can be myself around you, I love your hands," I giggle, "as weird as that sounds. I love how you're so patient, sometimes." I tease, trying to get past my shyness. He kisses my cheek, "You're mine forever." He tells me and I blush.

Ima post again because why not

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