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"I can't Zion, I really can't." Even I could hear Zeppelins loud rambling from Zion's phone. "Just relax, I'll be there in an h-"
"No, Zion. You need to come now. I-I don't want to snap."
Zion heaves a sigh.
"Alright, I'm leaving right now."

He hangs up looking at me with such defeat in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this. You deserve better and I have to l-" I mush my hand to his lips.

"Be quiet. And let's go." I quickly walk to the kitchen thanking and apologizing to the cook. I bring our plates and walk out with Zion to his car. I look over to Zion who's deep in thought, I grab his aux cord and plug it into my phone. I hop on my Spotify and put in my favorite playlist on.

Songs that'll make Zion just a little less worried about our date and his brothers.

As a familiar song strums on he gives me a crooked smile, I grin back at him.

We soon arrive at his house, I laugh loudly as I accidentally hit him with the car door. "Clementine." He groans, rubbing his chest where I hit. I pout, standing up and rubbing his chest. "Sorry, you did that to yourself though." He glared at me playfully. "I was trying to be a gentleman." He tells me as we walk to the front door.

"Gentle Zion? That's something I'd like to see." He rolls his eyes and opens the door letting me walk in first.

My eyes widened at the sight of the trashed mansion. I scream as Zack runs past us butt naked. Zion pressed his hand to my lower back, "Hold on babe, it'll be just a minute." I swoon, I found that very sexy for some reason.

I walk in slowly, scared that Zephyr or Zeppelin might be naked as well.

Zion grabs Zack before he can run around another corner of the house. Zack screams, obviously on a sugar high with chocolate and powdery substances on his face and chest. "What is wrong with you? You know you can't eat sweets!" Zion snaps, Zack still giggles in his arms.

I look up to see Zeppelin coming down the stairs. "H-he's up there. He won't stop crying, and he wouldn't take his medicine." Zeppelin said, stressing.

I walk over to them. "Hey, why don't you help me with this stinker here. Okay?" Zeppelin nods and takes Zack in his arm. "Go help Zack, okay?" He nods kissing me on my cheek. "Okay." His eyes linger on me even as I turn and follow Zeppelin.

"I'm sorry, Clem. I didn't mean to ruin your first date together." Zeppelin says as he scrubs Zack clean. Zack looks up at me with a wig and bread made of bubbles. I smile at him, pinching his nose.

"It's okay, Zeppelin. It's hard, I understand. And you can't be under that much stress right?" He nods, "Still, I just want Zion to be a normal kid. He's been doing this since he was twelve." My heart sank a little.

"But you can help with that, right? I mean I found a girl that makes everything...feel like fucking rainbows." I laughed, "Oh? What's her name?" I asked as I got a towel for Zack. "Faith." He says smiling, I grin. "How'd you meet her?" I ask, while he wraps Zack in his frog towel.

"Well," he laughed. "I was...going to steal her purse and she whooped my ass so bad." I gasp, laughing. "I-I'm sorry." I said though my laughs. He chuckles with me, "No. go ahead. I understand."

"She beat me so bad I flinch when she kisses me." I pout. "Oh no." I laugh, "Where is she?" He sighs, "Probably at school. She's studying to be a doctor." My eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh really? That's really cool." He nods a warm smile on his face as I hand Zack his tooth brush. "Yeah, she's so smart. She snapped me out of it, made me realize that what I'm doing is so stupid. That in the end, it wouldn't be worth it." Zeppelin tells me softly. I smile at him, taking his hand. "I hope to meet her soon. Maybe we can have a family dinner?"

His eyes sparkle, and he laughs. "God. I can't wait until Zion takes you to meet our grandparents. Who, are both best friends." He said referring to both his grandparents.

My cheeks flush, "Oh gosh. I hope we can last that long." I say in a whisper, it brings me a sharp pain to think about us ending.

"You better. My brothers need you in their lives, especially Zion."

We bring Zack to his bedroom, Zephyr still crying and screaming but it's calmed down a lot. "I'll stay with Zack." I nod my head, "I'll be back." Zeppelin gives me a smile and closes the door to Zack's bedroom door.

I open the door to Zephyrs room quietly, Zion looks over his shoulder. Looking tired and stressed, I open the door wider, stepping inside and closing it. Zephyr seemed to be in his bathroom.

I was pulled into Zion's side, "Hey, everything alright?" I ask, he nods his face pressed against my shoulder and neck. I cup his face, "Everything is going to be fine. Okay."
"My family problems ruined your first date and our first date together." I shrug, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Zion, as long as it's a date I'm fine. If we were just laying in bed watching vines and funny stuff I'd be happy." His face clouds over with something but it's soon washed away.

"You're too...amazing is this a joke? Are you fucking with me, Clementine Reeves." I smile, our noses rubbing together.

"My mean, grumpy self will appear once in awhile so be prepared." He laughs, leaning in closer and closer until a sharp scream interrupts, and Zion is shoved back.

I gasp out as I see Zephyr going towards his brother. "What are you doing?!" Zephyr screams. "Y-you know I love her!" My eyes widened and my heart sinks. Oh no. "Zephyr, relax-" I gasp as Zephyr punches Zion in the face. "F-fuck you! Clem is mine! S-she loves m-me too! Get away from her! Get away from us!" He yells.

Zion clenched his jaw, his eyes darkening.

"Zephyr, Clem loves you as a friend, as a brother. Clementine and I care for each other and like each other." Zephyr screams, "Shut up! Shut up! You're lying! You are a liar!" He yells hysterically, pounding on Zion's chest which looked to be too much for him to handle.

"Zephyr please-" I stumble back as his hand whips around and slaps me in the face, hard.

My eyes are wide and I hold my hand to my cheek. Zephyrs eyes widening, "What the fuck is your problem, Zephyr?!" Zion bellows, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him. "Zion-" his yells drown out my voice.

"I'm sorry-I'm so so sorry. Clementine, I'm sorry." Zephyr wails, I go in between the two, "Zion, go. You need to chill out." Zeppelin comes in, "Clem, go and make sure Zion doesn't go on a rampage. I'm good, I can handle him right now." I nod, looking to Zephyr for a little bit longer before I take Zion's hands and walk downstairs.

We walk out to the large backyard, I look around amazed but I snap myself back to reality.

"He hurt you. How else was I supposed to react, Clementine." Zion speaks after fifteen minutes of complete silence.

"I know, Zion. But you didn't need to escalate it. It was just a slap." His nostrils flared, "No. You just-he knows what's right and wrong." I sigh, leaning my head against his chest. "It's kind of my fault. I was maybe giving him the wrong idea..." I mumble. "It's not. He's confusing his feelings with love." I look up at Zion and he leans down kissing my nose.

"Fuck this was such a disaster."

blink blink PLOW another chapter! For those who actually read this! Yeah! Whoo! Yup..! ahhhhh

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