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"Come with me to work," my mom whined, I looked at her wide eyed. My mom was mostly strict when it came to school, and always had a long speech when I was sick or missed school saying I was going to be a super senior.

"Mom, really?" She nodded her head. "I don't feel like driving." She mumbled, pouting. I sigh and nod my head, "Okay okay, let me just grab my stuff." She nods and I put my backpack away.

I dress in some clothes and grab my keys and my small clear backpack that my mom absolutely hated.

"Ugh, really Clementine." I laughed, "Leave me alone woman and come on let's go." She giggled and poked me. "Can you stop and get me a donut and some coffee." I groaned as we walked out to my ear in our drive way.

"Mom you better pay for my gas." She glared at me waving me off. "I will, I will."

As we drive I make my mom listen to the music I mostly listen to. She gives me a look, eyeing me suspiciously with a smirk.

She turns down the music making me playfully pout. "What's up with you." She says, spinning her finger around me. I laugh, "Nothings wrong with me mother. Can't a girl just be happy." I say, looking at the road but glance at her occasionally.

"Mmhm. No, someone's making you happy and all...lovey dovey." I groan. "Mom please don't." I say laughing. "Look at you! You can't stop smiling, it's weird!" My jaw drops, "How is it weird?!" She shrugs her shoulders, a grin on her face.

"What's his name? Wait, it's Zion isn't." She snaps her fingers laughing, "I knew it!" She taunts and I groan. "We..how! How do you always know, that's weird." She snorts, taking a sip of her coffee. "Like I said, mommy powers! How does he look like? Is he older, what race is he, is he tall?" She drones, waving her hand for emphasis.

I groan, "Mom-" she cuts me off. "Clementine, you can speak on things. You're not gonna jinx yourself." How-does-she-do-this?!

"I can't help it. And anyways you've seen him." I mutter.

I roll around in a extra office chair, scrolling through my phone. I snuggle into the sweater Zion had given me. I wanted to go to school and see him but at the same time I was scared to, scared if he had changed his mind over the weekend and didn't want anything to do with me. Or he would just ignore me all together. I shouldn't be thinking this way but I couldn't help it.

Speak of the devil and he shall arrive

My phone lights up and buzzes to life. Zion's contact name popping up a single, Z. I shyly answer it.

"Hello. Where are you."
I hold in my grin, and girlish laugh.
"My mom...she wanted me to drive her to work."
"Mm, I thought you skipped to avoid us."
I chocked, u-us?! Us?! There's an us?!
"No, I wanted to see you today. But my mom was being a baby."
He laughed.
"Sounds like someone I know."
"Hey! Meanie."
"I miss you-and your annoying face."
He covered up quickly.

I pouted, "You think my face is annoying."
I pretended to be hurt.
"No I think it's cute and sexy when you try."
My chest swells.
He chuckles sexily.
"Come over to my house when you get off."
His voice is low and husky and just incredibly hot.
"I'll try, my moms been clinging and she kinda found out about you."
"Then let me meet her."

"What no. No way."
"Why not, you've met just about all my family except my grandparents."
"Because..I-i don't want to jinx us."
I said shyly. He was quiet.

"You think me meeting your mom is gonna jinx us? Baby, she knows we're talking. That's a fact, and I'm only talking to you. It'll be fine."
He consoled me.
"I'm sorry," I groaned. "I don't want to have you reassure me every second."
"Clementine, listen to me. I want reassurance too when it comes to certain things. I expect it. I don't care, soon enough I'll gain your trust and you won't need it as much."
I almost teared up.

"How are you so good at this?"
He chuckled.
"Because, I just am. So I'll be at your place."
I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'll see you later stinky."
He laughed.
"M'kay stinky face."
I laughed when I still saw he was on the line.
"Zion...do not."
"Do not what?" He questioned playfully.
"Make me become that."
He laughed.
"Alright, alright. See you babe."

I sighed and put my phone down, a slow grin appearing on my face.

"So I'm finally gonna meet him." I jump up. "Mom!" I gasp out, pressing my hand to my chest. "You almost gave me a freaking heart attack." She squealed and squished my cheeks together.

"I'm so excited! So he's coming to our apartment?" I nodded shyly, "Yes, mom." I answered and she smirked.

"Mom-do not be weird. And ask him stupid questions please." She rolled her eyes. "I won't! God." She said rolling her eyes. "I'm gonna tell your dad." My eyes widened and I grabbed her before she can. "No! No you are not are you crazy?!" She snickered, "I'm joking. I won't, I won't."

I sigh, giving her a look before I look away.

I smiled as I saw Zion, I shyly walked over to him letting him pull me into a hug. "Hi." I tell him shyly. "Hey," He leans down closer but my mom interrupts. She clears her throat and I quickly push him back a little.

"Mom this is Zion, Zion this is my mom." Right, right when he gives her that charming smile and she's already sold.

I was happy though, if my mom liked him then I was clear, but if my dad liked him...we were solid.

"Hello, I'm Zion. Nice to finally meet you." They shake hands and my mom swoons making me roll my eyes. "Hi, I'm Margo, nice to meet you to! It's good to see the face that my daughters been falling for." I was about to die. I give her a look and she smirks.

I sit back and watch as my mom and Zion talk, Zion giving his charming smile and laugh but suddenly my mom stops laughing.

"Wait...weren't you the one who caused Clementine to faint." I coughed, looking up to Zion for help. She looked between us, raising her eyebrows. "It was wasn't it?" Zion laughed coolly. "It's a long story but yes, sorry for that misunderstanding Miss Meza." My moms glance soon was evaporated.

"Alright, as long as it was just that." She said looking towards me and I gave her a look.

Zion's phone pinged and he glanced at it, he gave me a look and it was probably something for the kids. "I'm sorry, but I have to go back home. But thank you so much for the food and drinks, Margo." My mom smiled.

"It was no problem, Zion. Please come back soon." They gave each other hugs and I looked at her, "I'm gonna walk him down." She nodded giving me a little smirk.

He held my hand as we walk down the stairs of the apartment building.

"That wasn't that bad was it, Reeves." I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Not at all, Woods." He smiled, leaning down and kissing me. He pressed me against his car, "My moms probably looking." I said and he smirked. "Let her see how good I treat you." His tongue slipped into my mouth pleasantly.

His head dipped down and he kissed my neck.

"I better see you tomorrow."

And another update for our child haha


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