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Zion sat me down on the foot of his bed. He crouched down and took off my heels that were hurting my feet so bad.

I try to lay down but Zion makes a tsking noise. "No, pretty girl. I have to take off your makeup." I pout, my eyes closed. "B-but I did it so good." He chuckles. "I know, you looked very fucking hot tonight." I take off the wig myself and laugh.

"Now I'm bald!" My eyes are open and I can see Zion's pretty handsome smiling face. I sigh at him adoringly. "You're so handsome." I tell him, I was now drunk. We stayed at the party more than we thought we would.

Thank god my mom is out with her boyfriend and thinks I'm staying with Nyah at her house.

He smiles, kissing my cheekbone. "Thank you. No ones ever told me that." He said chuckling. I gasp, "What?!" He shushes me, laughing. "Baby, the kids are asleep." I gasp, pressing my hand to my mouth. "Sorry, babe." He hums, kissing my neck. "I like that. Here, get dressed in these before I eat you up." I gasp.

"You're a human eater, Zion?" He laughs rolling his eyes and slaps my ass. "Get dressed."

I push out my lips and walk into the bathroom. Unzipping the tight dress and letting it stiffly drop to the floor. I wasn't even wearing a bra, only underwear because that's all that seemed to fit in the dress. I yawn and slip on the large shirt. I giggle as I press the shirt against my nose.

It smelled so good!

Zion knocked on the door. "Occupied." I sing and the door opens and I gasp, jumping to face him. He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Hey handsome." I say giving him a wink. He snorts and walks over to me with some makeup remover wipes.

I frown, "Why do you have those?" He smirks. "You jealous." I nod my head. "I ran out at home." His smirk drops. "They're my moms...if you care." I smile up at him as he starts cleaning my face.

I lean against him when we're done, "Hey." I whisper looking up at him. "What's up, baby." I step on his shoes. "We never danced at homecoming." He smiled down at me. "You know I don't dance, pretty girl." I frown. "Please? Pretty pretty please." He leaned in, interlocking our fingers.

"Give me a kiss." I smile and press a kiss to his lips making him groan. He bites my bottom lip before he pulls away.

"Mm, one more." I shake my head, "You said kiss so now we dance." I hop on the bed and put on some music I'd know he'd like.

He chuckles as the old school slow songs played and I walked back over to him. His hands wrapped around my waist as I playfully dipped myself, letting my arms down at my sides. He span me around making me giggle, I clumsily bumped back into his legs.

I stood on his feet as we stared at each other, leaning in closer and closer until we met into one of the many kisses we'll ever share together.

I wake up to warm arms around my body and a heavy feeling on my head. I sit up, my heart surging awake as I see Zion, his chest naked and arms draped over me.

Oh my god...we kissed so many times. Oh my god! I dirty danced on him! And ALEXIS OR EMILY REORDERED IT. I quickly grab my phone texts from my mom almost have me fainting.

Mommy: how was your party. You better have not had sex with anyone Clementine Elaina Reeves.

Of course not mom! I'm good about to eat breakfast see you later love you.

I click out of the app and move to Snapchat, my face heating up as I see all the things I posted and what Alexis posted. "Oh my gosh." My heart dropped a little as I notice a dm in my Instagram box.

And it's from him.

How was your favorite day? It seems like you had fun.

You looked absolutely delicious.

I ignored him, locking my phone. "Morning, baby." I blush, looking down at Zion. His eyes are still closed but his head is now in my lap. My hand finds is way in his hair. "Good morning." I jump as the door gets kicked open.

A slender tall man walking in. His hair kind of long, he resembled the boys and Xavier. This was Zion's brother.

Zion narrowed his eyes and covered me with the blanket and his body. I leaned against his back, kissing his shoulder noticing how tense he was. "Aww, little brother pulled a girl last night, hm. She looks a little young? Is she fifteen." I gasp. Zion's hand rubs my thigh, "Why you hiding her? Scared she'll find your older brother hot."

The man chuckles. "Wouldn't blame you." Zion grunts.

"What the hell are you doing here Zeppelin. I thought you OD." I peaked to see the young man clench his jaw. "Thank you for the worry. But no, actually I went to rehab, for six months." Zion seemed shocked and I smiled. "Do you expect money?" He laughed and shook his head.

"No. I just want to be back home, I want to be with my brothers." Zion rubbed my thigh as if it was calming him.

"How do I know this isn't one of your fucking scams, Zep. I don't have the time and the boys don't need that happening again. Especially so close to the holidays." Zeppelin sighs.

"I'm serious. I, as sappy as this fucking sounds, met this girl. And she flipped my whole life around. I wanted to be better for her as soon as she punched the shit out of me." I cracked a giggle making him try to peak over Zion's broad body.

"You must know how to feel though, huh little bro?" Zion takes in a deep breath, "Just-get out my room and I'll deal with you in a second." Zeppelin grins and nods his head. "Okay!" He closes the door as he leaves.

I crawl out from behind Zion.

Sitting in front of him, he leans into my touch as I cup his face. "You okay?" He nods his head and pulls me closer. "I liked those five seconds of waking up next to you. I miss them." I smile, giggling as he kisses my cheek.

"Who was that?" My heart speed. Zion looked at me, "Who dmed you?" I bite my lip looking away.

"Some guy." Zion looks me up and down. "A guy I should be worried about?" I quickly shake my head. I knew that if the roles where switched I'd want him to tell me what was happening.

"Remember when I told you how I wouldn't go out with Brayden because I learned my lesson?" He nodded and I blushed handing him  my phone full of the suggestive messages he's left and the funny sarcastic remarks I've sent back and the many times I've just ignored them.

"Who the fuck is this?" Zion growls.

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