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When I woke up I was in the nurses office, Zion glaring at me and me shaking in my boots.

He had a tissue to his nose and he sat in a Rollie chair. A woman in a suit talking to him, I had to blink and squeeze my eyes tight to hear.

My ears seemed plugged, and finally my hearing came back to me.

"Oh, momma. You okay?" I looked up to see my mom and I smiled, nodding. "Yeah," I croaked. "My head just hurts a little. Can I get some water?" Instantly a water bottle popped in front of my eyes.

I looked up as I gently grasped the water bottle. "Thank you." The woman resembled Zion, except she had green eyes.

"No problem sweetheart. So is everything good?" My mom glared at the woman. And I groaned, no no noooo. My mom always threw huge tantrums. Well, momma bear attacks as I like to call them.

"Mom-" she cuts me off. "Your son did something to my daughter!" The lady scoffed, "And your daughter did something to my son."

I cut in, "It's okay. I'm really fine." Mom looked to me and glared shaking her head. "Okay! So it's settled, hope you two have a great day." She waved by to us and left. I glanced over at Zion who's looking at me. I slowly got up, putting my head on my hands.

"Want me to take you home?" I shake my head no. "No, it's okay mom. I just have one more period left anyway." I gave her a smile and she looked me over with a worried glance.

"Come on, you got to go back to work. Im fine, I promise." She takes in a breath and nods her head, pressing a kiss on my cheek that made me blush. "Be careful, and text me when you get home." I nodded, "Love you, be careful." She walked out of the nurses office.

I slowly looked to Zion who clenched his jaw.

"So...I would like to say. Um, I wasn't going to tell anyone anything about Zephyr. Even though I don't see what's a big deal about him having Aspergers. And I'm sorry for hurting you." He stares and stared until he stood up and left.

I puffed out a breath and walked to my next class, well the office since I was also a runner for anyone that needed me to take notes and letters to teachers and students.

Four months passed and I've successfully avoided Zion and most of the populars.

Me and Tessa burst out laughing, Haley chuckling with us as she shakes her head. "Do it again! Do it again!" Tessa nods and does the silly face again causing me to almost topple over in laughter.

"Alright girls, lunch bell rang go to class." The security guard told us, shaking her head playfully at us. We nodded, I smiled and waved as I walked to the office. "See you guys! Your house right, Tess?!" She nodded, "Yeah! You driving?" I nodded rolling my eyes as I let out a last laugh.

As boredom settles in I swing my legs back and forth at the tall chair. A text message sets off a little ding on my phone causing me to look down a little excitedly.

I'm bort :/

I giggle at the text Tessa sent.

Me too :((

Hey, whatever happened to Zion and you? What did your mom say?

I sigh, after all that happened I didn't talk about it. Who knows if Zion wanted to, and plus I never really liked talking about my business.

*sigh* well after he chocked me, and you or Haley DIDN'T HELP, and I passed out and all of that my mom made a big fit because Zion's mom is kinda mean and yeah after she left he just stared at me until he left. :/

SORRY I WAS JUST SO SHOCKED. And what the heck, does he like you?


Because some people like that ;)

You're disgusting


I looked up as I heard the principals door open, I stashed my phone away. My face paling as I see Zion.

"Well Zion, you have to have a tutor because your grades are not looking good what so over. And this could hurt the scholarships you have. I don't want to here no ands or buts this is for your future, and your coaches have agreed." I was scared that the principal would ask me to come over and I'd be his tutor but nope, this isn't some book.

"Wendy Alvarez will be your tutor. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and-Wednesday. If she says you haven't showed up even a minute late-you're off the football team and The lacrosse." I glanced a peak at Zion to see death in his eyes, I was surprised that it wasn't towards me.

Sike, spoke too soon.

He looked to me and clenched his jaw, the bell rang and I got up running out of there. I actually knew who Wendy is. Poor girl, well hey maybe she'll end up making a friendship.

Ana is such a lil romantic smh she honestly like-I don't even know she's just- I don't know you gotta know her to understand haha

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