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"Nyah." I say snapping my fingers as I took an hour remembering her name. She was a pretty girl with curly hair and beautiful flawless skin. She was really sweet.

Soon I see people in the pool and I perk up walking up to Haley and Tess. "You guys, come in the pool with me." They instantly shake their heads, wordlessly. I pout, tugging their arms. "Come on, please?" I beg.

Erick and Devin laugh, nudging their girls.

"Come on, I'm going in." Erick nods. "Me too." Slowly they nodded and I squealed thanking them. We all went outside and I took off my dress and kicked off my sandals. I took my hair out of my scrunchie and walked into the huge large pool making me let out a squeal, I got out and walked all the way to the very deep end. It seemed to be 12 feet deep.

"Clem. Don't-" I jumped in, my four foot eleven self disappearing into the water that seemed pitch black because of the tile floor.

I let out a loud laugh, people around us clapping and I waved at them but that time took away from my floating and I could barely keep my head above water.

Crap! Crap! Abort mission! Abort! Abort!

Suddenly someone splashed by me, arms wrapped around me and held me up. Oh thank you gezus because I would've died.

"Thank you." I say a little breathlessly, he swam me to the edge of the pool so I can latch onto the ledges. I turned to see the most beautiful man, in the planet. My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up, his dark eyes bored into mine, and his olive skin looked absolutely amazing as water dropped down his body.

"I wouldn't want a death in my pool, so your midget self should stay on the shallow end." My jaw dropped and his hot face morphed into an ugly douchebag.

I splashed his face causing his jaw to drop and gasps go erupt.

"Dumb giant." I mumbled as I swam away.

Haley and Tessa choke me, "That was Zion Woods you idiot?" I cry and slap their hands away. "Who?" They push my head in the water. "The person who owns this house and who is throwing this party." I wipe my face, gasping in air. "Oh. Why didn't you tell me he was rude?" They sigh and shake their heads. Devin and Erick chuckle.

"Be careful, Clem. Zion can be a little hostile." I roll my eyes, "Man see I could be asleep in my bed right about now." I said before I sank into the water.

I got out the pool and ran down to the ocean, Haley and Tessa yelling after me. I didn't even notice their was secret stairs that go down to the beach. And it seemed like it was only reserved for the owners of this house because it looked so clean and distant from the public beach. I instantly jumped in, feeling eyes on me but I just thought it was Tessa and Haley.

After hours down in the beach Haley and Tess came down. "You weirdo why are you still down here by yourself." I pout at them a little hurt.

"Because you didn't come down here with me sooner." They sighed. "Because the party is up there. Now come up with us, they're staring the bonfire." I nodded, noticing their in their regular clothes. "Okay, I'll be back." I ran up the stairs, grabbing my bag and weaving around the people to get into the house. I looked for an empty bathroom downstairs but no luck.

Finally I found a room, and it's freaking huge!

I lived in a small apartment with my mom and my dog, which I loved don't get me wrong but everyone dreams of a modern huge room like this.

I dropped my bag and started to undress. Drying myself and pull on my bra and undies, just as I heard talking in the bathroom. I choke and start to panic, I peak around the corner, and see three boys.

Crap Clem you freaking idiot!

And of course it's that rude freaking giant! Zion, I mock in a silly voice in my head. I grab my sweats and quickly pull them on, I search for my shirt but I couldn't find it.

"Alright guys, come on. It's time for be-" I freeze as I see Zion. And he glared at me, I look down to see my shirt in my hand and I quickly pull it on, the red long sleeve stop at my belly button. "Hi." I squeak, the two boys giggle. One seemed to be fourteen, the other six.

They matched Zion but they both had colored eyes. The older green and the littlest hazel. "What's your name?" The fourteen year old asked and I took notice of something.

I smiled, "I'm Clementine, but my friends call me Clem." He furrows his eyebrows, biting the tip of his thumb.

"W-well what do your-I mean strangers call you?" I giggle. "Clem, you can call me Clem. What's your name?" I ask, he grins. "I'm Zephyr." I gasp, "That's such a cool name! Way better than mine." He giggles, and looks to Zion who's glaring at me with such intensity that it makes me want to jump out the window.

As Zephyr whispers something to him I wave my fingers at the little guy making him smirk.

"And what's your name?" I ask smirking back, raising my eyebrow. "Zack." He tells me, shyly. "I like that name too." Zephyr interrupts. "W-what about, Zion!" I look up at the tree man and shrug. "I like your name better, Zephyr." He lets out a loud laugh causing me to giggle.

"C-Clem, you're nice. And pretty." He tells me with a blush. "Thank you, Zephyr."

"Alright, let's go to bed." The two frown. "B-but I j-just made a friend! I just met Clem." Zephyr says with a wobble in his lip. I pout and pull him into a hug. "Friends always come and meet each other again. So I'll see you soon, okay." He bites his lip. "Promise?" I nodded. "Promise."

I walk downstairs and start cleaning up, finding some trash bags in the nice modern kitchen.

Gosh everything so black, grey, white in here. No wonder I keep blabbing about how freaking modern it is in here...but it's nice and fancy hehe.

I think to myself as I clean throwing the plastic cups into the bag.

After I'm halfway done with cleaning the living room I hear quick footsteps and my arm is grabbed, the bag ripped out of my hands. I blink and look up at that stupid giant. I glare, "Get off, Hands off!" I whisper yell remembering the kids are probably asleep.

I noticed how there was less people out in the pool, most out in the beach. The music on low.

"What the fuck are you doing-what were you doing in my room?!" He growled harshly in my room. "I didn't know it was your room, okay?! Geez, all the other bathrooms were occupied." I mumbled sadly.

"My little brothers saw your misquote bites." My jaw drops. "I'm a B cup thank you very much, and I had my bra on, smart one." I rip my arm out of his grip.

"You need help." He tells me, his eyes narrowed on me, before he grabs me again. "You don't say anything about Zephyr." I look at him crazily. "I need help. Man! Get out of my face." I say rolling my eyes. But he jerks be back, and I notice just how serious and crazy this dude is.

"I'm being serious...if you tell anyone that he has Aspergers, I'll end you." I look around.

"Are you trying to threaten me?"


"Then you should change the threat to something I'm scared of cuz death isn't one of them my guy."

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