Chapter #41

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I feel like magic, and I think I radiate magic too. For two days in a row, a stupid smile has been on my face, making me the subject of conversation during lunch amongst my friends. I can't help it. I've admitted it to myself and there's no turning back. Also, Dr. Quinn has told me I'm doing good with my diet, maybe because I've been too busy being a foolish idiot to think about eating anything.

I've never felt better about myself and I think it shows. My stamina is at its top, my body has an actual figure now, my waist is thinner, my arms are too, my face looks more defined, my legs are getting toned each day and I'm thankful my butt hasn't completely disappeared. I still have to work out and reach my weight goal, but I feel good. 

I'm good.

"Blair why won't you tell us? It's obvious you kissed last night!" Camille cornered me on Wednesday while eating and I almost laughed.

"No," I told her. "we haven't kissed," I blushed but continued nonetheless. "Still, I think I might like him guys,"

Squeals, screams, hoots, clapping, and giggles were their responses. I felt so light when I said it. Like I just took a burden off my shoulders. My head has been flying over my head for almost 48 hours, all thanks to Mason's foolishness, but I distract my brain from going there, I want to enjoy being in love while it lasts.

I smooth down the dress one last time, wiping the sweat from my hands. I take the teardrop silver earrings my grandmother gave me for Christmas last year and carefully put them on. I touch up the eyeliner of the soft silver smokey eye I made on my eyes, and let out a nervous breath. My dad is looking at me with fatherly admiration from the doorframe and I smile at him.

"How do I look?"

"Beautiful, baby. You look like a princess,"

I giggle and take a wine-red lipstick and drag it over my lips. I add some clear chapstick to add a subtle shine and I'm ready.

"Take some bobby pins in your purse in case the hairdo falls off or something. Here's your coat," Molly advices.

"Thanks, mom," I jokingly respond to my sister and she rolls her eyes. I take the little box of bobby pins and put them inside my clutch before dropping it on Ben's bed along the coat to sit and put on my black strappy heels.

"You never told me you were with this boy," My dad murmurs and I blush before whipping my head savagely to look at her in bewilderment. He sounds kind of disappointed and mad. I shake my head softly and smile to appease my father. 

"It's not like that, dad. He's just a friend,"

"Mmhmm..." He grunts and crosses his arms. His jaw is set and I grin playfully at him. My dad is jealous of someone taking me out. What kind of parallel universe have I entered? The doorbell rings and I gasp and curse under my breath. I run to my dad's room and pass by Meredith laying on the bed, browsing Netflix. 

"Momo, please open up! It must be him!"

Today is the day. Jo's wedding. 

My fingers fidget through bottles and bottles of perfume until I found one I love. "Meredith, can I borrow some perfume?" 

"Of course, Blair! Anything you need!" 

I smile and spray the pink Versace fragrance on my chest, my neck and wrists. Meredith comes into the bathroom and smiles at me warmly. "He's here. Are you ready?"

I nod and wring my hands together. I make a stop on Ben and Ty's bedroom one last time to take my coat and look in the mirror. My dad is nowhere to be seen and I pray to God he's not doing the bad cop kind of thing parents do on first dates. That'd be embarrassing because as much as this looks like it, it is not.

I walk down the steps and freeze when I hear Ben in the kitchen talking rather intimidatingly with Mason. I curse under my breath and close my eyes. I walk hurriedly to the kitchen, covering myself with the coat out of instinct and finally make an appearance.

Mason turns and almost coughs up his water. Molly snorts at that and my dad shoots Mason a glare. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting, have you been here for long?"

"N-no, I was just... I got here early to introduce myself to your dad and your little brothers," He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh, okay," I breathe out and fiddle in place. 

"So what are your intentions with my sister?" Ben asks with the most deadly voice he can muster and Ty narrows his eyes. 

"Yeah, what are you intemptions?"

"Ben, Ty, leave him alone!" I scold them playfully and look at my dad for help but he looks oh-so-amused by this; he shrugs and continues cutting up vegetables for dinner.

I sigh and look to the little threatening monsters. "Guys, why don't you-?"

Suddenly, the door opens and in comes aunt Ericka, Jesse, his girlfriend, my grandma, Denise and almost every cousin, uncle or aunt in my family. 

"Has she left yet? How's the boy, is he handsome?" Aunt Ericka's strident voice travels from the front door and I grunt, pinching my eyes close. 

A mass of people parades inside my father's house until my aunt turns and sees me standing in the kitchen with Mason already standing from his seat behind me. "Oh look! Here they are, she hasn't left!"

Despite my irritation, I smile and salute everyone while thanking for their compliments. My aunts and cousins, even Jesse's girlfriend peer up at Mason in wonder and I cough awkwardly. "Um, so this is Mason, my friend. Mason this is my.... entire family," I grit my teeth and my aunts and cousins gush right in front of Mason as if he was some kind of museum attraction.

"Your friend? Blair, I thought you knew better than that!"

"Yes, darling, a man like that is one for you to tie down,"

"Grandma!" I shriek in embarrassment as everyone except for my dad laughs at my expanse. Mason simply smiles and takes my grandma's hand in his. "It's so nice to meet you ma'am. It's nice to meet you all, actually," Mason chuckles addressing everyone in the room. "Unfortunately we gotta get going,"

Ty takes his Star Wars sword and lights before sinisterly saying: "Not on my watch, wanker,"

Molly bursts out laughing and Meredith gapes. "Tyler! Language! Honey, say something," Meredith pleads support from my dad but he shrugs again, humored.

"I can't really show support or really deny that statement so I'll just stay quiet," 

Well, thank you very much dad.

"Ben. Tyler. Leave Blair and her friend alone, alright? Come here and pick up the puzzle you left on the floor, and you Tyler pick up your costumes, you left them on the floor," Meredith thankfully pulls my brothers aside, not before Ben narrows his eyes one last time and Tyler slides his sword over his neck menacingly to Mason. He chuckles nervously and turns to me.


"Oh, wait! Mom asked for pictures!" Momo says and I roll my eyes and count to ten. They're really going to wild extents to keep me here to embarrass me. I swear my dad paid them off or something.

A whole photoshoot later, we're being sent away by my whole family at the door. Jesse takes Mason by the arm and says: "Hands to yourself, okay? My cousin isn't just some chick,"

"Jesse, stop it!" I hiss while blushing furiously. Mason smiles reassuringly to my cousin. 

"I know that better than any one man, believe me,"

"God bless you and your boyfriend, darling!" 

"Grandma he's not my-"

Aunt Ericka cuts me off. "Yes be careful, don't drink too much," 

"Ericka," My dad grumbles and my aunt chuckles. 

"Well, don't drink at all, then,"

"Hey boy, come here," My dad motions for Mason to go over and my stomach tightens in anxiety. I can't hear my cousins or the rest of my aunts and uncles' best wishes while seeing my dad so serious and talking to him. Jesus, he looks like he's giving him a death sentence. 

"Okay, hun?" I hear to my left and I tear my eyes away from Mason. 

"Yeah, yeah. It's alright," I say mindlessly as I crane my neck once more to see Mason with a soft smile on his face and my dad with an emotionless expression.

"Blair, come here, baby," My dad calls me and now it's Mason's turn to say his goodbye's.

"What's up, dad?"

"Do you like him?" It's the first thing he asks me.

"I-I..." I stutter. "I don't know," I go for that because I have not the courage to speak the truth to him yet. My dad nods quietly.

"I think he does. And I think he's a great kid, just don't let whatever you're feeling keep you from choosing it. Don't let feelings overrule you. Choose with your heart but with your mind too, you understand me?" I nod. "You're a smart girl, baby. I'm so proud of you," His voice cracks and my eyes tear up. I hug him and bury my face in his chest.

"Daddy, stop," I chuckle and he smiles, kisses my hair and lets me go. 

"Be careful, Blair. Call me or you mom in case something comes up,"

"Yeah, I will," I wave y family goodbye and join Mason on the steps, while everyone piles up inside my father's house. "I'm so sorry they kept us that long," I whisper and he laughs.

"It's fine I got plenty of time to talk to Ben and Ty about how they're going to kill me if I make you cry. And to your father about you being so smart, intelligent, how you'll go to law school,"

"Oh..." Yeah, college applications... I should start sending them as soon as possible. Law school. Do I even want that anymore?

"And then I had your aunts and cousins talking about how handsome I am, of course,"

"Did they tell you that?" Oh God, they love to embarrass me, I swear.

"Oh come on, are we going to deny it?" He stops and makes a show by turning in place, hands pointing to himself. He looks hotter than I've ever seen him. He's wearing the tie I told him to wear over a white button-up shirt. The tux hugs his shoulders perfectly, and the pants... God.

"You don't look so bad today, I'll admit it," I chuckle and go for a joke, even though I'm hyperventilating inside. "Once you shower, you actually change,"

He smirks and gets closer to me, but the closer he gets, the softer the look in his face becomes. He takes a loose tendril of hair and puts it behind my ear, stopping my breathing. I look into his eyes as he looks into mine before looking down at my lips.

"So that's why you wanted a red tie?" He murmurs and I choke. Now that he puts it like that it sounds kind of... insinuating. Still, I nod shyly because that's the honest, pure truth, and because coming up with a lie when he's looking at my lips like that it's beyond impossible. He simply smiles. "Good. What better than to match with your lips?"

My eyes go wide with surprise and he laughs at my bewildered expression. He proceeds to lead me to his Lariat, his hand on my lower back while I'm on the verge of dying of feels, still shocked by what came out of his mouth.

What better than to match with your lips?

What better than to match with your lips?

What better than to match with your lips?

Before he can get in the truck, a red car passing by stops and the window rolls down. It's Lucy. Mason turns around and goes towards it. He stays in the driver's window for about five minutes before he comes back to take his place behind the wheel. Before Lucy drives off, I lift my hand and wave at her. She gives me an uncommon glare and I frown as she drives away from my street.

I frown and put my hand back down. "Everything okay?" I ask Mason and he mutters a quiet 'yeah' before turning, the engine on and flashing down the pavement before I can tell him he's being uncharacteristically stony.

We ride towards the wedding venue in silence and I look through the window as we leave the city's limits, and drive off into a country road. Mason's eyes are strayed on the road and I openly stare and run my eyes over his arm, the fancy clock on his wrist, the white flower ornament in his tux's pocket...

"Like what you see?" It's the first thing he speaks since we ran into Lucy a couple of minutes ago.

I smile. I decide to be bold because I feel like it; because the magic I felt when we were alone in his room has yet to wear out. "Yeah,"

He turns to me for a few seconds and smiles. "Me too,"

Silence reigns in again, this time tension is not present and I sigh comfortably before resting my head against the seat and looking out the window. Some minutes later, I feel some warmth envelope my left hand, and then it is being pulled to the middle console. Mason does nothing out of it, as if it was a natural thing to do, take my hand and drive while doing so. My heartbeats quicken as I stare at our joined hands with fascination. He even entwined our fingers. 

I'm about to remove my hand but he hasn't made anything out of this, so why should I? It would only show what I'm dying not to show: that he affects me.

But wouldn't let him hold my hand like he is doing now, just give him exactly that?

Oh shit, what should I do?

Mason squeezes my hand in reassurance. "Hey, stop worrying, I can hear you thinking from here. My family's going to love you, okay? I mean you've won mom, Jo and Damien, I think you're safe to meet everyone else,"

I play it off and follow the course of this conversation instead of admitting that his hand is what got me on an overthinking rampage. "Who is 'others'?"

"Uncles, cousins, my family's friends, and acquaintances..." He shrugs.

"Oh," Okay, now I'm definitely worried about that.

He chuckles. "It's okay, baby, just do your thing: flash them those brains of yours and they'll be at your feet like it happened to me,"

I laugh and choose to ignore the "baby" thing, though it didn't go unnoticed. "'Flash them my brains'? What the hell? Should I solve math problems to get them to like me?"

"Or maybe recite a poem as you did in English Lit." He shrugs and I frown confusedly.

"I never recited a poem in English Lit."

"Well, you recited it to me, when we were analyzing it,"

I open my mouth in recognition and turn to look at him. "I thought you weren't paying attention,"

He chuckles and with it, I sense an underlying sarcasm and meaning I can't understand. "Oh, believe me, I was,"

I don't know what to say to that so I stay silent. He isn't done talking though.

"I like it when you read, or when you discuss stuff you like. You get really into it and it's... I don't know... fascinating to see someone so passionate about something. It's inspiring to me. I like it when you sing under your breath when we're working; even though you think I can't hear you, I do. You just... get lost into all those things and I like to see you like that. So free and... detached without any barriers... So you,"

I'm speechless.

For the rest of the ride, I smile discreetly while looking out the window. He doesn't know it and maybe he said it just because, or to give a compliment or something... but that is the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to me in a long time. 

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