Chapter #34

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heey girl! sorry I missed our meeting at ginas :(

are u guys mad at me?

what did i miss?

I look at Merina's messages thinking of something to say, but I can't help but see flashes of Liam's hurt face in my mind, of us meeting without her and the disappointment we felt. I want to confront her, I want to interrogate her, ask and see how far has her fake relationship with Kyle gone... if it's even fake anymore.

I look at her second message and cringe because they're all indeed pissed, especially Danielle. She had a group of friends before us and they all started splitting due to stuff they did, stuff just like what Merina's been pulling lately. She's been scared and alone, so she gives her back first before she faces abandonment.

As for me, I know this girl... we're more than friends, she's like a second sister to me and I don't want to give up on her so easily and so quickly. I refuse to, just as I refuse of her actions, that I know are influenced by hanging with the wrong crowd. With that in mind, I look up to check if Ms. Zimmerman is watching me, take out my phone and type a reply.


it's alright, dont worry

Can we meet today? 

I've got to keep working with Reid on our project but i'll be free afterwards.

I decide not to answer her last two questions, given I want to talk to her in person and I don't really want to cause more drama and tension between her and the other girls. I want to asses with my own eyes and ears what I heard from Liam and what it seems to be so apparent to Danielle, Tori, and Camille.

"Ms. Saunders, put that phone down,"

I spring in my seat and look up to see Mason grinning at me from over his shoulder. I grin and roll my eyes at him. "Shut up, Reid,"

"Ah, there we go with the eye-rolling and the 'Reid', thing... I thought we were past that,"

I giggle. "I forgot my eye-rolling medication today," I say playfully, and Mason hollers in laughter. I mimic him and then everyone is turning to look at us with curious expressions, everyone except for Danielle and Ms. Zimmerman. Danielle has a crazed, fangirl smile and Ms. Zimmerman looks boringly exasperated and done with life in general.

"Reid, Blair... glad you worked through your differences,"

"Indeed we did," Reid answers her and turns to wink at me cheekily, giving his words a pretty different connotation. I hit his arm while I look at Ms. Zimmerman with repentance and give her an apologetic smile.

Chuckles break through the classroom and I bury my face in my arms with a groan hearing a snake-like laugh that stucks out. You know, the ones where air breezes in-between ground teeth and a pressed tongue... It catches my attention and I instantly know who it is.

"I'm a witness..." Cole, the owner of the obnoxious laugh raises his hand in the air and I look at him, he's smirking at me, then looks at Mason. "Friday's phone call was pretty interesting, right bro?" He puts his hand down slowly.

What the fuck? Did Mason tell him?

I go down further in my seat to hide while Danielle is looking at me with clear surprise written in her face. She mouths "What the hell?" and I mouth back an "I'll tell you later,". Everyone lets out deep oh's and whispers erupt in the classroom. Fucking small towners, can't mind their own business.

I feel weird vibes going on around me, floating back and forth between Mason and Cole. Finally, a strained laugh vibrates in Mason's chest and I turn to look at him, but his back is facing me. "Yeah, it was, right Bear?" He looks at me with the same mischievous glint in his eye, the same weird connotation to his tone that has everyone laughing again.

I blush furiously and my temper rises. Are he and Cole making fun of me? It looks like it... again. He's not denying me anymore but making me feel like a fucking joke. Crossing my arms, I recline back in my seat with a straight back, daring, and throw the same one he pulled on me days ago. "I don't know which call you're talking about,"

"Okay, that's enough guys!" Ms. Zimmerman tries to placate the situation but Reid makes a show of turning his body completely facing me and anticipation eats my insides. I see Cole smirking and having too much fun out of this from my peripheral vision and cringe.

This is a joke. I'm the joke.

"Well, when we talked on Friday, love, have you already forgotten about me?"

Did he...?

Did he just-

Did he just called me...


"Okay, Blair, Reid, out of my class,"

"But I didn-" I start protesting but Ms. Zimmerman won't hear a word about it. I huff and pack my things before rising from my seat, aware of the overwhelming presence that is Mason Reid walking behind me.

As soon as we get out and the classroom door is closed reality sinks in... I've been kicked out of class for the first time in my entire life! Fuming, I turn around and jam a finger into Mason's muscular chest. "You... you idiot! What the hell was that for?"

"What the hell was what, baby Bear?" He feigns innocence with me and flashes me his most charming smile, dimples on display and all... And that nickname that makes my stomach fuzzy.


"The love thing! What's wrong with you? Don't do that!"

"You gotta be more specific Bear, I don't understand what you're implying, I just reminded you of a call we had on Friday,"

"How does Cole know?" I inquire, feeling a little hurt that he knows about a rather... intimate moment I thought only the two of us shared. Mason's confidence cracks a bit but he smiles, either way, shrugging it off.

"He kind of heard the other day," He looks away for a moment but then turns his gaze to me, smirking. I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at him with suspiciousness.


"This is the first time you've been kicked out of class, isn't it?" His amusement is contagious and soon enough I find myself smiling stupidly at him.

"Is it that obvious?" I giggle.

Mason breathes out a gravelly chuckle and nods. "Fuck yes, Bear. You looked so taken aback I swore you would cry in there,"

I bark a laugh and hit him square on his chest lightly. "Oh, come on... You're exaggerating," I sober up and look up at him and finally become aware fo the closeness between us. He's smiling at me the same way he did a few days ago when he told me I should let people see me. His gentle but burning brown eyes are settled on my face and a small tender smile tugs at his lips. There are slight dark circles under his eyes and his eyebrows are messy but he looks perfect.

I let myself look at him and for once my mind is quiet. There's no resistance when I should be fucking running away because I know I'll only find rejection with this guy. We're so different yet when we're together... I don't know... I feel like we can be.

I'm so lost staring up at him I don't catch what he just murmured and I blink to get me out of the trance. I laugh lightly through my nose and shake my head. "Sorry, what did you say?"

He blinks and pauses for a couple of seconds before he chuckles rather awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck. "Enjoying the view, aren't we?"

I blush furiously and laugh loudly out of pure nervousness. "You wish, Mason. You wish..."

More like I wish he wished.

"Ooh, but I do. Won't you grant me such honor?" He wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk in place while he gets his face two inches away from mine. It's just like when we first met: him just being himself and I not knowing whether he's flirting or laughing at me. Only this time I'm enjoying this way too much to know it is just him kidding around.

"In your dreams," I roll my eyes and try to appease my wild heart, beating like a drum in my chest.

"Well, that's a start," He hangs his arm around my shoulders throwing me a smirk and I look at him weirdly. What is it with him today? The bell rings and he sighs, stands up and snatches my backpack from the floor, speed walking away from me before I can even ask him what he's doing.

"Hey! Mason, what the hell?" I speedwalk trying to catch up but I can't, where the fuck is he even going?

"This is so immature, just give me my backpack!" He chuckles and I fume, going from speedwalking to a full-on sprint. "You're such a child!" I finally catch up and pull on the string of my backpack. "Give me that you vandal!"

"What the hell, Bear, not even my grandma talks like- HEY! Ouch! Stop!"

I stop punching him and hiss out. "Give it back!"

"I'm carrying it for you!" He looks at me like I'm the one that's lost her mind and I frown.

Wait up... what? He's... is he just being nice, really? 

"But... why? No," I shake my head.

"Yes, baby Bear, I want to be a gentleman today," He smirks and I can't help but be left more confused than ever. I see he takes a left and continues down the corridor where my next class will be. 

I've persecuted him for kindly carrying my stuff to the classroom.

Wow, I feel like a reverend idiot. Still, why would he...?

"There you go," He smirks and crosses his arms after putting my stuff down on a desk beside the window on the fourth row. The area where I seat in most of my classes.

Still confused, I smile weirdly at him. "Thank you, Mason,"

"You're welcome, baby Bear," After those words spur out of his mouth, I hear sharp intakes of breath behind him. Some girls that were in here waiting for the teacher to arrive just heard what he said and have already started gushing about it. I can't help but feel anxious about it but what are they all gonna say without it sounding far-fetched?

Out of nowhere, Mason comes near me and puts a folded post-it note in my hand. His fingers brush my palm slightly and I can feel the callouses on them and the warmth of his skin. I feel the heat rushing from my palm onto my face as I look up at him and he winks at me before leaving me speechless.

I unfold the note and read: 

Baby Bear, 

remember: our project today, my house at 4pm

btw, i've got a surprise for you

your admirer, M.


Hey guys! sorry I took almost two months to update... Jesus that's a long-ass time lol. Anyway, thanks for the wait, sorry again. November was a HECTIC month for me and coming home for christmas got in the way, packing and yada yada. 

I feel rested and ready to write again!! This story is coming to an end and you guys don't know what awaits you *laughs evilly*

Thanks for reading!! Comment, vote and share please!! I love youuu


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