"Bear, come on, this will not get us anywhere, I said I'm sorry!" I could practically hear his goddamn smile, meaning that what he said was just to placate me which just riles me up more and makes me ball my fists.
"Beeear," Reid whines like a spoiled child behind me but quickly our dear librarian shuts him up and I thank her with a subtle smile that she returns sympathetically.
"Stop. Throwing shit. At me." I finally break the silent treatment for the first time ever since detention started.
"Then turn around, talk to me,"
I refuse to turn and speak other than that phrase because really, I only did it because it was vital for my mental sanity to get him to stop throwing eraser chunks at my head. It was driving me take-a-chair-and-throw-it-out-the-window-mad.
Toc. Toc.
"Fuck, just stop it already!" I whisper harshly and turn to him nostrils flaring and eyes narrowed into the most deadly stare I can muster.
But he fucking chuckles at me.
"You know, I should be mad at you for sending me to the hospital this last two days,"
I scoff and turn to finally face him.
After our quick meet up with principal Callahan and Rick spilling the tea faster than anyone said 'tell me what happened', Reid's parents took him to the emergency room and was hospitalized for two days, giving me the chance to mentalize for the next two weeks of hell and tell my mom patiently that I'd be leaving school later than normal because I got fucking detention for two damned weeks.
She was surprised because yes like you're thinking right now, it is the first time ever in my academic history that I've gotten detention. And it isn't even something that I did!
Anyway, detention just had to start on a weekend. Friday. The day where you just want to leave school as fast as you can and go out and have fun I'm stuck with the person I hate the most in the world.
Yay me.
"You had that coming. And you're also stupid enough to bring something you're also allergic to, to prank someone else. That, my friend, is due to your pure state of idiocy,"
He leans in and I widen my eyes before he says in a sexy throaty voice: "God, Iove it when you talk so nerdy and proper to me,"
I huff and turn around before he can see me blush, but sensing my discomfort is enough to make him laugh and get his fill.
"Okay guys, you can leave now," Mrs. Remy tells us and I all but snatch my backpack form the floor and ignore Reid who's calling me from behind. Of course, being the athletic one, he catches up and we start walking side by side. Liberty's completely deserted by now, giving off a pretty calming vibe from the usual hustle and bustle.
"You know, now that you lost, you have to at least make an effort and tolerate me because if you don't this relationship is not going to work," He says matter-of-factly and I scoff again rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, well the only relationship we'll have is by e-mail when you send me your essays and analysis through it. Maybe my phone, but not by calls though, to ask any questions. That's it,"
He suddenly stops mid-step and I turn around to face him. "Why are you so adamant on not working with me?" The way he says that to me makes me feel kind of bad for him. Sincerity and frustration color his tone, and a little bit of hurt shines through, too.
"Because I'm done, Reid. I'm done being the doormat everyone, especially you and your friends step on every time you want. You were kind just to get something out of me but when the time came you just..." I sigh and close my eyes. I don't have to discuss this shit to him again. "We already discussed this," I dismiss him and continue walking but then he steps in front of me, his eyes wide, with a raw feeling of desperation showing through his endless chocolate pools.
"Bear, hey, I'm sorry. I know I've said it a million times but this time I'm not joking nor do I'm saying this to just get it out of the way or shit. I truly am. I understand that I hurt you and I promise it won't happen again,"
I stay silent, and for a while I let him brew in his own anxiousness until I decide to ask him: "Why did you go through all that trouble to continue working with me? Your grades?" I want to know if this had anything to do with him being expelled and wanting to clean his record for college. I want to understand him and his actions because no one in their right state of mind would go through all that trouble to work with someone, even if they're fucking Einstein.
He looks surprised by my inquisition and for a moment he stays silent until he clears his throat, looking sideways. "I... I wanted to apologize for being an asshole and make it up to you working and being a good partner. Showing you I can be good. Mostly that.... and because I need to increase my GPA too, if I'm being honest,"
He looks at the ground and I frown. He doesn't want to tell me about the military thing and I get it, but considering that I already know of his situation, wouldn't he just take any opportunity, any hand offering help? Why make a big fuss about working with Rick?
"Rick has decent grades and is a great tutor. You could've avoided me and yourself all of this," I motion with my hands referring to our two weeks of detention. "I don't understand why you are so adamant to work with me. Why me?"
Maybe for the first time in my life, he has no comeback. He looks to the side and scratches his neck out of nervousness. "Because you're..." He starts but trails off looking away again.
"I'm what?" I pressure him and look at him expectantly.
"Because you're- you're better," He states simply. I frown in confusion and he looks me in the eye solemnly to explain himself further. "You're genuinely kind, smart... You believe -well, believed in me and in the fact that I could do better. I noticed that you give a mile more than what you're asked for, always. You don't just help others you... you inspire," He finishes off with an earnest voice.
I open my mouth in wonder but close it right after, regaining my composure. I didn't feel my backpack slipping from my shoulder until I now realize it's hanging from my elbow. But can you blame me, after hearing one of the most beautiful words that anyone's ever said to me?
He said 'you inspire'... do I inspire him? Does he mean I inspire him to be better? I didn't know that was how he perceived me... then maybe he could always be lying but judging by the way he follows my gaze with his, unwavering, I think there's a hard chance.
"And you're also strong, hard-headed. You gave me a hard time and I recognize you were a great rival," He smirks and I giggle. "I really am sorry, Bear. It took time to realize that I was a fucking asshole and that you're an amazing person that didn't deserve what I did,"
I nod pensively. I want to ask him if Paul or Rick deserved it but I bite my tongue. I still am not fond of the way he treats people like them for example, or how he didn't give a shit stepping over them to get what he wanted. I still feel the need to be cautious. Call me distrustful but I don't want any more surprises. If he turns his switch again and decides to be an idiot, that will make me shrug it off easily.
"Fine, you're forgiven," I give in and he looks taken aback for a few seconds before he smiles. He truly smiles! No condescending smirk or shit-eating grin, a true smile that reaches his beautiful brown eyes.
I chuckle. "Yeah... I mean, everyone deserves a second chance,"
"So... when do we start?" He starts rubbing his palms together
"Dude, it's Friday. Give me a break. I'll text you. Sam and I worked on Pride and Prejudice this week but only got the analysis half-done. We'll keep on working with that,"
He simply nods. His eyes twinkle happily and I can't help but wonder if I did the right thing.
When we reach the school's doors I smile awkwardly at him and wave goodbye. I made plans after school with my girls and they were waiting for me at the café from last week since I'd have to walk and that's the nearest place from here.
I'm cutting through the park when I become aware of the rumble of an engine behind me. When I look behind me, Reid looks beyond amused through his windshield and I frown with an equally amused, but confused smile. "What?"
We both keep advancing at the same speed and he rolls the passenger's window down. "Bear, if I was some crazy asshole trying to kidnap you, I would have done it two minutes ago without even drugging you,"
I blush but adopt a defensive stance, crossing my arms and jutting my right hip out. "What do you mean?"
"That you're so into your own world you didn't even notice me coming behind you since you crossed the school's gates," He chuckles and I roll my eyes but my blush only intensifies. He caught me there, so I start smiling embarrassedly but quickly I cover my face with my hands making him laugh.
"Want a ride?" He offers with a mocking smirk and when I feel that heat has finally come down from my face I put my hands away and bite my lip. What will I say to my friends when I arrive with him?
"I-I'm not going home right now," I said and he simply shrugs.
"It's fine,"
I look at him again and nod slowly. I stop walking and he stops his Lariat. I open the door and close it carefully. "Where are you going?"
"To Lola's Café, please,"
He nods and after that, we both don't say a word. Five minutes into the ride the silence is so thick I feel the urge to sigh heavily, my breathing's shallow as to not make any noise. I want to jump out of the car or just-
"Want to put some music?" He asks me and I smile mischievously at him.
Or just put some music.
He rolls his eyes when he sees my expression, knowing exactly what I'm thinking about. "It's almost two months and you haven't forgotten about that?"
"Nope," I pop out the 'P' and smile to myself but then freeze and voice out the sudden thought that crossed my mind. "How come you never put your music in your truck?"
He coughs. "I-I just don't,"
"Oh come on, put some! I want to hear your taste in music since mine is so... boring," I smirk at him and he just rolls his eyes again.
"You'll make fun of me," He mumbles and I laugh.
"I'll make fun of you for being so ridiculous, that's what I'll make fun of,"
"Why don't you just show me? It can't be that bad,"
"I mean, I have a very eclectic taste, I told you before. I listen almost every genre-" I shut up almost instantly. Had I fallen silent moments later, I would've missed it. "What did you just say?"
"I listen to country music," He mumbles, almost imperceptibly but I caught all that sentence perfectly.
I squeal and laugh until he grunts and I swear I see him blush a bit. "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, I don't care,"
I chuckle wiping a tear from my eye, coming down from my laugh attack. "I-I'm not laughing 'cause I find it funny that you listen to country music, I find it funny that you're embarrassed about it,"
He looks at me eyes narrowed and brows scrunched.
"I mean it! Why would you be embarrassed? I listen to it too! It's really good," His frown disappears and a small grin forms on his lips.
"I know right? It's pretty underappreciated," He says and I nod along. I don't know why there are people who hate it.
He hands me his phone and without taking his eyes off the road, he presses some buttons on the radio until Chris Young fills the silence between us. I scroll down his playlist and there I find mostly country and rock music. Some mainstream pop songs and I'm surprised to find Billie Eillish.
Before I can continue prying into his personal playlist he takes his phone from my hands, leans over and opens the door for me. "There you go," I look out the window and see he's stopped a block before Lola's and frown. Okay then...
He's frowning and I don't know what got him in such a pissy mood. We were just listening to music... have I been rude somehow and not notice?
"Just get out already, Blair," He says harshly before his eyes fleet up and look forward, then down at his lap again. He refuses to look at me in the eye.
He called me Blair...
I huff and jump out of his truck and before I can give him a piece of my mind, he's gone. I sigh, feeling my insides burn with anger. I knew the nice him wouldn't last.
When I reach the café, the sight of my friends makes me smile until I see their serious expressions. "What's going on?" I ask them all and they all look at Merina.
"It's Liam... I talked to him about the pictures and asked if he got a hold of Kyle's phone yet... you were busy with Reid and Rick and I took matters into my own hands,"
"And?" I ask, falling in the seat in front of her. "By the way, I'm sorry I forgot completely about that-"
"Sh, shut up, it's alright girl. Nothing to be sorry about,"
"So... what happened?"
Danielle turns to look at me. "He may put up the pictures today,"
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