"Congratulations Blair! You lost five and a half pounds this week!" Sandra Quinn, my nutritionist smiles at me, showing her perfect white teeth. I smile politely at her as she continues with the usual procedure of taking my measurements. My neck, my arm, my waist, my hips and my thigh at the end. "Also four centimeters from your waist, two from the hips and another two from your thighs. You're going great! By the end of the year, you should be reaching your goal!"
"She would've lost more weight faster than that, but she's been slacking off a bit with the food," My mother chimes in as casually as she can but I'm not the only one who notices that she's rained on our parade and ruined the good and relaxed mood.
Sandy smiles nonetheless, she adjusts her thick, brown, oval-like glasses over the bridge on her nose and proceeds to tie her blond hair in a ponytail.
"Oh, it's alright Mrs. Saunders, it's better actually when patients lose weight at a slow but steady pace, because the faster they lose it, it means they're not eating and by the time they finish their 'diet', they start eating as they did before, which causes the body to store the sudden intake of food as fat, because it doesn't know when it'll be in a kill-me-diet again. They get even more weight than what they lost in the end," After Sandra's explanation my mother simply nods like she's reflecting over this new information.
"What you shouldn't be slacking off in is with the dancing, Blair. I see Shawn's got you on your feet all the time, that's working for you!"
"Yeah, I'm trying though, I've got a lot to do with school. We're preparing for college, choosing career..."
Blackmailing and back-stabbing ex-best friends, assholes being my partners from projects, my future in the hands of Sam and Rick to be saved from the said asshole, a bet about the asshole being no longer my partner...
Sandra laughs nodding. "I get it, sweetie, it's okay. Try your best to fit in at least four days a week of exercise and keep following this diet to a T and everything should be fine," The recently printed diet softly lands on my hand and my mom instantly takes it to see the menu and check what she'll have to get from the supermarket this week.
After paying Sandy and saying our goodbyes, we get out of her office and walk around the parking lot towards the car. As usual, my mom is all bark but no bite. Her threat about me not going anywhere today because of my appointment with Sandy was discarded much to her displeasure because I know she'd rather have me locked up than drive me anywhere.
The plan for today is to have Merina tell the girls all about Kyle and the blackmail over coffee and I'm itching to tell them I'm in trouble as well. Venting won't solve the issue but I really have to let all the venom out before it kills my nerves.
When we arrive at a picturesque café with comfortable outdoor couches and tables in the middle I smile when I see Camille already there with Danielle and Merina.
"Don't order anything sweet or any bread, Blair. You've just come out of Sandy's office and you heard what she said-"
"Okay, mom, I get it. I'll call you later," My monotonous voice seems to shut her up and I get out of the car before she starts rambling about my weight. Again.
And remind me that I have to watch what I eat. Again. Like my life hasn't been like that for the past fifteen years of my life.
"Hey, guys!" I salute them, shaking my dark thoughts, and they all smile at me.
"How did it go?"
"I lost five and a half," I state proudly and they all squeal. I love telling them about my process because I know they'll be supportive and be it five grams or five tons, they'll congratulate me nonetheless.
"What are we celebrating?" Says Tori as soon as she arrives at the table and Danielle hugs me tight by the neck. "This girl lost more than five pounds this week!"
"Woah, Blair! That's awesome!" Tori smiles broadly at me and I do the same.
"Thanks, girls," I say and I look meaningfully at Merina before she nods. It's time. "Now to the matters at hand..." I trail off and Meri clears her throat while Camille frowns.
"Yes, what is it, Meri?" Concern laces Cam's voice and a variety of versions for that same thought run out of my friends' mouths.
"Okay so... long story short, Kyle is blackmailing me into being his fake girlfriend with a picture he took of me peeing outside the party last Friday," She says and everyone wears the same shocked and enraged expression I wore when she told me.
"What the fuck?"
"I can't understand-"
"Yes, I'll have a cappuccino please," Tori murmurs and we all look back at her. A millisecond is all it takes to transform her into a living apple while she's raising her finger, pointing at the menu for the waiter to see her order.
"Uh- I can return in some minutes," The waiter uncomfortably leaves and I cringe feeling bad for him.
Silence reigns, and we're still looking at Tori.
"Sorry, my mom's picking me up in an hour," She whispers ashamed and blushed a deep red.
I snort and Merina laughs under her breath.
"But what the hell? How haven't you chopped his balls?" Danielle's face is red too, but for much more murdering-like reasons. Merina sighs tiredly and runs the palm of her hand over her face before I speak up.
"She can't, if he has those pictures he'll put them up everywhere and she won't see the end of it,"
"Well, you did say if... If he doesn't?"
"I can't risk it, Cam," Meri retorts and the frown on Camille's face deepens. "I don't know for sure, but I'm not risking it. We have Liam helping though, Blair convinced him to go through Kyle's phone,"
"He agreed?" Camille and Danielle shriek and Tori looks utterly surprised.
"Well, yeah... he's a nice guy. I actually never doubted him. Why do you sound so surprised?" I ask them and they shrug.
"Well... he's kind but he pretty much follows their every move; he has been friends with them since forever. Why wouldn't he prevent Kyle that you guys are planning to delete those photos?" Tori mumbles and everyone is rendered speechless. Camille and Danielle have an apologetic gesture in their faces that says that they support Tori's reasoning and my confidence crumbles significantly.
We won't know if he's serious until I check in for a progress report on Monday.
Or until Kyle does the unthinkable and actually acts upon his threats.
No biggie.
Merina just shrugs. "I guess there wouldn't be much to do, right? I'll be his fake chaperone until he gets tired and that'll be it."
I have the words forming on my tongue, but I don't want to bring the topic up. I don't know why I feel awkward talking about a boy with my friends that isn't anything special to me. I always pictured myself talking about a boy in a dreamy way, sighing and telling them how awesome he makes me feel and all that cheesy stuff.
Nothing like that has ever happened, I've never liked anyone like that so this topic is completely new territory for me. This being my first experience dealing with boy troubles isn't exactly what I had in mind.
I opened my mouth but closed it, hoping no one saw me gaping like an idiot but Danielle caught it. "Spit it, B," She commands and I find myself recoiling into my seat, hugging the decorative pillow tighter to my stomach out of nervousness.
"I talked to Reid today," I bite my lower lip and everyone looks at me wide-eyed.
"And?" Merina looks at me impatiently, urging me to continue.
"Well he... he kind of wanted a truce, he didn't apologize though. He still wanted to be partners with me for the literature's project," I look at Danielle and she sets her jaw and rolls her eyes.
"What did you tell him?" Tori asks me and I feel proud at the direct comeback I did then.
"I told him that there was no point in continuing this misery for the both of us when it was obvious there was bad blood already... that it was awkward,"
"Fuck... to think we were the dream team at first. Fucking Brandon," Danielle mutters.
"Anyway... I told him I planned on changing partners behind Zimmerman's back. I'd work with Sam and he'd work with her partner and we would just deliver our work with the original team members on it. I'd be doing my project with Sam and Reid would work with Rick on hers."
I take a breath and they incline towards me, taking in my every word. "He said there was no way that they'd agree, and he made a bet. If they say yes, he'll get out of my way but If I lose, and they say no, he said I'll have to be partners with him on everything," I grunt and massage my temples with my index fingers applying pressure.
"Interesting..." Camille mumbles imperceptibly while the rest of the girls look at me with sympathy.
"So we're both expecting big news on Monday," Merina sighs. She looks lost for a moment, looking at the table before resolve takes over her features. "Guys... he asked me out, like for the fake thing,"
"Oh my God!"
"That little fucker!"
"Son of a bi-"
"Yes, and a turkey sandwich please," Tori's soft voice cuts through the commotion.
"TORI!" We reprimand her and the waiter runs away awkwardly once again.
"GUYS! This is a Café! For eating and drinking, I want to eat! I'm hungry, okay?!" She crosses her arms pettily and I can't help but burst out laughing along with everyone.
"Where is he taking you to?" I ask her and Merina rolls her eyes.
"It's not anything special, he just wants the poor girl entangled in his cobweb to see him with me at this stupid party and end things once and for all with her,"
"What a coward," Camille huffs and crosses her arms indignantly.
"Yeah... he's not even good enough to break up with a girl on his own," Meri smirks and silence settles around us. I arrived here at five and it's almost six already.
"Will you guys come with me?"
"When is it?" Danielle already looks interested in getting a night out with some alcohol, dancing and alcohol.
"Tomorrow, please come along, I won't survive the whole night alone with him,"
"I'll see if I can catch you, girls, there. Ben and Ty's birthday is tomorrow. Actually, I have a cake to make when I get home,"
"Please, B. Try to come with us!" Danielle says, and it is evident she's made up her mind on going to that party at all costs. I smirk knowing she never misses the opportunity to go out. She's my go-to when it comes to partying and dancing the night away, and I'm hers. I've said it before, I love a good party.
"I will, I promise," I smile, feeling giddy. I have now two things to look up at for tomorrow. That reminds me...
"Hey, are you still up for coming to serve on Sunday's event?"
"Yes!" Camille chimes in and they all nod enthusiastically.
After that deep talk, we proceed to order our food much to Tori's relieve. We talk about trivial things for the rest of the night, our plans for college, the color for our prom dresses, how they've already been looking at them in the few shops we have in town, and other stuff of the sort.
By the time we leave the restaurant is almost seven thirty. I told Merina she was driving me home and she simply nodded with a knowing smile on her face. I grinned back at her. It's always like this between us, I don't even have to ask her, she assumes already that I'm riding with her; when there's a party she simply tells me she'll have coffee ready and her makeup displayed on her vanity for me to do it for her.
I really love my best friend.
I'm home now, with an apron on and music playing at a decent volume. I bob my head to the beat and dip my finger into the chocolate icing I made.
"Stop eating my icing you fatass!" Molly shrieks and bats my hand away.
Well, the chocolate icing Molly made.
I have to admit that while I have the brains, Molly is the homey one out of the two. She even knows how to do the laundry, she gets the right amount of water for rice every single time and sweeps and mops the floor 'correctly' though I don't know what the hell that even means. I mean, as long as the dirt goes away it counts right?
My mom's a clean freak and she always praises my sister for that, so even if I don't get how you can possibly mop or sweep badly, I accept and embrace the fact that I'm kind of useless in the house chores department.
"Shut up, mammoth. It's not like I'll finish the icing in a spoonful. Chill," I roll my eyes proceed to break the Hershey's chocolate bars and almonds we'll sprinkle messily over the cake. My mom's supervising us from the living room as she cleans the surface of the coffee table for the gazillionth time this week.
"Stop fighting girls, Jesus. Molly, poke the cake with the stick to see if it's done already," My mom commands and as Molly retreats to do that, my phone burps a text.
Hey, Bear tutor me for the next math's quiz?
At first, I'm confused as I look the sender isn't registered in my contacts but when I read the way I'm addressed I know exactly who this is.
What the hell is wrong with him? Hasn't he taken the hint yet? At least he was decent enough to add a question mark at the end. Maybe he did it because he knew it'd possibly help his case.
Can't. I'm busy the whole weekend. I text him back dryly and hmph to myself while crushing almonds and chocolates a little bit more forcefully than before. It's not exactly a lie, I'm having the twins' birthday party tomorrow, a party later at night (hopefully), and a shift on Sunday with my dad.
Why am I even justifying my actions to myself? It's not like he's been exactly nice with me.
My phone pings again and my curiosity gets the best of me. I look at my phone's screen and read even sunday?
Especially on Sunday, I think to myself but I don't text him that, choosing not to answer.
"Dammit, Blair! Put that thing away! You guys don't leave that thing for anything nowadays!" My mom reprimands me and I instantly mute the damn thing.
It continues to vibrate so I grumble and take my phone with me to my bedroom and give Reid a piece of my mind while my mom keeps talking about the glory days when phones were leashed with a cable.
I open up my messages and type furiously.
Stop Reid! What the hell do you want?
I look up at his messages from above.
what are you doing on sunday?
Hey, answer me
I wont stop bear, dont challenge me
The rest of his messages are a cluster of random letters sent to make me angry and I huff in annoyance because it fucking worked.
are u still mad at me?
yes, I'm still mad at you. I think I was clear enough on that before
I'm busy, stop texting me
what are u doing?
who the hell gave you my number btw?
I asked first
I don't care
I wait for a bit before he types his answer.
I have my resources
your turn...
I'm baking a cake for my brothers' birthday
didn't know you had brothers... how old?
Why the hell was he asking?
they're 8 tomorrow.
so... sunday's unoccupied?
not for you
oh come on.. please?
When I deliberately don't respond to his text I smirk. It feels good torturing him like this. Am I being too harsh?
you'll regret this, bear
That text was accompanied by a purple emoji with horns and an evil smirk that almost made me smile.
once I win the bet, you're so fried.
So much for smiling about this idiot. With that text, my lips fall and I huff while answering his stupid text.
we'll see on Monday. I'd start checking out for math teachers in the area.
we'll see about that...
After that text, I don't know what to respond, so I leave it like that.
Did he just text me to remind me of the bet? I mean... if he had at least a bit of common sense he'd know that I would say no to that, so why bother?
I look up and see the sequence of numbers that is his phone. Should I save it?
Why would you want his number? Is not like you guys talk or anything.
Well... he has mine. Why shouldn't I save his?
I shake my head and decide to not give it any more thought than necessary. I won't save it because, after Monday, I'm sure there will be no more interaction between us.
Or so I hope.
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