"Who brought you?" Steam clouds my mother's face making me unable to see her face when I walk into the dining room. I mentally sigh and roll my eyes.
"A new guy from school," I tell her, not getting into details as I really don't want to make conversation with her after what she did in the morning.
"What's his name?" She asks, majestically oblivious to my reluctance to talk to her at the moment or choosing to ignore me because she doesn't give a shit if I'm mad. I think is the second.
"Mason Reid," I say with clenched teeth and she purses her lips in concentration.
This is some sort of game to her. Every time I mention someone to her she tries to remember the guy's whole family tree and then she proceeds to tell me the family's entire story and gossip until I know the family better than myself.
Meet the entertainment for adults in small towns.
Her face clears up with realization and frowns as she clears her throat. "Well, I'd be careful with that guy. I don't want you fooling around, you need to focus on your studies, okay?"
I roll my eyes. "Sure, whatever,"
"Sit down, honey. Food's ready,"
Honey... really, mom?
"I'll get Molly," I say flatly and turn to walk down the hallway in search for my sister.
Once I'm a couple of meters I debate over knocking... Nah.
I barge into her room not giving a shit, and find her in her underwear singing with a blouse over her head and her hairbrush in hand in front of the mirror.
"Blair, what the hell?!" She screams and I cackle until it morphs into a full-on laugh.
"What the hell, me? What the hell are you doing, Momo? You look stupid," I point to the garment on her head and she quickly removes it.
"You are stupid," She crosses her arms trying to look hostile but I can see her blushing with embarrassment.
I giggle. "Food's ready, come on," I get out and go to my own room to change into my black leggings and a dry-fit shirt to go to my dance class at six.
I eat and hum along to make my mother think I'm actually listening to her mindless rant about how groceries are so expensive nowadays until I finish my meal. I get up, put my plate on the sink and go towards my room to do my homework.
After a while, my phone pings besides my notebook and I turn to see who's texting me before smiling.
Hey, girrrrrl what r u doing? U busy?
I text her right away.
Not much, whats up?
I'm having a crisis right now. I'll call you.
Seconds later, my phone rings and I accept Merina's call.
"Hey, what's up? Everything okay?"
"Yeah... well, kind of... I don't know what to do," She sounds distressed over the phone and I furrow my brows while turning on my swivel chair and curling my hair around my finger.
"About what?"
"About Kyle," She whines and sighs heavily. "I don't know if I should tell him to fuck off or just help him out just this time and get this over with. Today he approached me after school and was kind enough to remember me that I had until Monday to give him an answer, and I'm stressed and confused!"
"He's got some nerve," I grumble and Merina echoes my tone.
"I know right? He's such a douche!"
I cringe remembering our plan and how I haven't approached Liam at all. "I haven't talked to Liam, Meri. It slipped my mind, but I'll do it tomorrow as soon as I see him,"
"Yeah, it's okay. I know you were busy after school with Reid. I hope Liam says yes because I'm dying here," Merina sounds so worried my stomach clenches and I feel a pressure forming on my chest. Kyle is a douchebag.
"If this thing with Liam doesn't work out, what are you going to do?" I ask her. "You gotta have an option B. And obviously you'll count with yours truly on anything you decide to do,"
She chuckles. "Thanks, B, you're awesome." Another sigh. "I guess I'd just do as he says and pretend we're together until all of this is over," Meri sounds so unsure and insecure.
"Just remember that if one does it once, would do it twice. What if it isn't enough and ends up liking having leverage on you?" I know I'm confusing her even more right now, but she needs to consider the whole prospect before getting herself into something she might not be able to get out of later.
"I guess I'd just tell him to fuck off then," She laughs and I do so too. "What more could he possibly want from me? It's not like it isn't killing him talking to me already to ask a favor. I'm sure after all this, everything will go back to normal. He doesn't care, he'll just stop talking to me without even thanking me." She pauses and then continues. "Not like he hasn't done it before," She murmurs the last part and I frown.
"Well, yeah, that's definitely a possibility," I agree with her.
"Anyway," She elongates the word and I prepare myself mentally because I'm sure of what she's going to ask about. "This isn't the only reason why I called you, B. How was tutoring with Reid?"
"It was as any other tutoring session I give, Mer, nothing out of the ordinary, he just needed patience,"
"Oh come on, don't be like that," She whines annoyingly and I roll my eyes.
"Nothing happened! I mean, nothing special at least. We just talked about music and our lit's project, but that's all," I assure her, but once something's in Merina Rogers' head, there's no way to get it out.
"Hm... did he look hot concentrated? Does he bite his lip while he works, or a pen?"
I bark a laugh. "What the hell, Meri?"
"Everyone does something while they're concentrated, you pucker your lips or bite them sometimes," She says like is the most natural thing to say to someone.
"How did you even notice that?" I'm laughing hard right now; she's such a creep.
"Oh shut up, I know you since we were six, don't pull the creep bullshit on me," She says through giggles and I sober up.
"Well, I didn't notice anything, sorry to disappoint,"
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
I did notice that the darts his tongue out in a very cute way while frowning when he's concentrated.
Stop right now, missus.
"You're lying, I know you are. He's so handsome I'm sure no one in this world resists him, not even you," I can picture her knowing smile and I'm instantly annoyed because it is knowing. "Come on! Give me something,"
"Well," I start doubting if I'm getting myself into my own hole. "we discussed music. He took my earpod and said I listened to boring music. He called James Arthur boring! And then we fought because he said that music was all about sound, which is not true. Anyway, I won because he didn't remove my music from his ear from the moment he put it in until he dropped me off,"
"He drove you home?!" She screeches and I have to take the phone away some centimeters to avoid getting deaf.
"Yeah... He was just being civil, Mer. Jesus,"
"Well, yeah... but maybe he wanted to spend more time with you," She says cheekily and I laugh to humor her and stop talking about him already. "So, what does he drive? An old Mustang? A red Porsche?"
"No and no. He has a navy old truck. A Lariat," I smile, knowing where she's going with this.
"Ohhh... so he's kind of a sexy country boy, huh? Family-centered, beer kind of guy... Blair, you got a lot on your plate," She squeals and I laugh at her while I'm thankful she can't see me blushing from the other side of the phone.
"I actually remembered your stupid hypothesis when I saw the truck," I confess through an airy laugh.
"It isn't stupid, it is Cosmopolitan-based!"
"Yes, because that's so trustworthy," I chirp and she laughs.
"Ah..." She sighs and I wait for her to continue. "Blair, what do I do?"
"Well, I guess you'll have to say yes and let him think you're willing to help him until I can get you out of it, hopefully," I add in the end, because if there's no other way I can take matters into my own hands, I don't want to break a promise I know I can fail to sustain.
"Okay, fair enough. Will you talk to Liam tomorrow?" There's so much hope in her voice I can't can't help but feel the same way. I really want Liam to help and my hope just raises my expectations.
"Yeah, sure," I say, there's knocking on my door and before I can say 'come in'my mom's inside.
"Dance class is in half an hour, Blair," she says in a gentle tone that makes me want to crash the phone in my hands.
"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute," I say coldly and she disappears, leaving the door open behind her. What is it with moms and not closing the damn door?
"Hey I gotta go," I say.
"Yeah I heard, I gotta go to, I got boxing class in- RIGHT NOW, OH MY GOD, BYE!" She hangs up the phone and I laugh loudly shaking my head. That girl doesn't lose her head just because she's got it attached to her body.
I walk downstairs hastily, grab my earpods, a hoodie, and a water bottle and go out the door into the fresh air toward's Shaun's studio. On my way, my phone starts vibrating and I take out of my pocket to see my dad's picture on it.
"Hey, daddy,"
"Hey, baby! How are you doing?" I can hear the pressuring steam of the numerous pots on the stove from my dad's kitchen and I picture him wearing the apron Molly and me got him for his birthday some years ago, white chef hat over his hair and sweat trickling down his forehead.
"Good, I'm heading to the studio, what's up? how's work?"
He sighs tiredly. "Good, I guess. There's a lot of work in the restaurant but everything is good. I'm actually having an event on Sunday, would you help me waiting tables like the last time?"
"Yeah sure,"
"And tell some of your friends too! We'll need help, I'll pay you guys thirty dollars for your services," He says with a voice that resembles that of a TV announcer. "And remember this Saturday is the twins' birthday,"
"Yeah, I know... What was it that they wanted for their birthday again?"
"Ben wanted a doctor kit and Ty wanted a set of Star Wars swords just two minutes ago. Though I don't know for how much longer that's going to last,"
I laugh softly remembering both gremlins and how different they are from each other. "I'll tell mom to help me bake a cake for them, what flavor should we make it?"
"Anything with chocolate will work," He says distractedly. "Owen, that goes into the fridge first! What are you doing?" My dad shouts and I cringe. I hear a muffled conversation before my dad is talking to me again. "I'll call you guys later sweetheart, gotta fix this before it's too late,"
"Okay, dad. Talk to you later,"
"Bye, Blair,"
"Bye," I say softly and hang up.
Today my muscles ache deliciously from the thorough activity yesterday at Sean's studio. He continued the choreography where we left it off the last time and again reminded me to think about going to help him over with the younger groups.
I sit up with eyes half-closed and stretch my back until it crunches. I roll my shoulders and sigh tiredly. Yesterday I came back and did homework until almost eleven thirty.
Better get this day started to get it done and over with.
Forty minutes later I'm walking through the school's hallway to my locker and find my friends mingling in front of the one beside mine, which is Camille's.
"Hey, guys," I salute them and they greet me back. "Anyone interested in winning some cash this weekend?"
"Your dad's got another event?" Danielle turns abruptly with a set of wide eyes.
"Yes, so... anyone?" I look at them expectantly and Danielle is already eagerly bobbing her head up and down.
"Me! mememememe!" the blond raises her hand while her lids peel off of her eyes as she jumps towards me.
"Okay! okay, Dans, you're in." I laugh.
"I want too!" Meri says and Camille nods and we all turn to Tori expectantly.
"Well... I've never done it, but it could be fun," Tori murmurs and smiles softly.
"Perfect, I'll tell dad-" I stop abruptly as something collides forcefully some meters beside mine.
Paul falls to the floor while he looks furious at his attacker. Oh, God, not again.
"Come on fat ass, get up!" Cole shouts at the fallen boy, that lies still on the floor with pent-up anger and great fear in his eyes. "Or are you too heavy to get up?"
Everyone behind Cole laughs and that's when I spot him. Reid is amongst them, laughing his ass off as well. Having fun at the expanse of a younger boy, a much more vulnerable boy than them.
Paul is two years younger than us. He has always suffered through this, but lately, it has become worse because it seems he's finally had enough of Cole's and his jerk gang's shit that he actually talks back to them.
"Come on, Tank," Reid steps up and spits Paul's all-time nickname with disgust. "Repeat what you just said about us,"
My eyes zero in on the owner of the cruel voice. I stare at him openly, my friends are forgotten behind me as if I'd just entered a dream as a spectator and the only focus point was the scene developing in front of me.
Reid looks like a fierce lion, hostile, deadly as he slowly crouches down to grab Paul's chubby cheeks harshly in one hand. "Not so brave now, huh?"
I hold my breath as my stomach flips violently inside me.
Is this who he really is? I can't help but feel betrayed and stupid for ever thinking, even for a split second that he could be an exception to the rule.
I watch Paul inhale and I brace myself internally.
Please don't Paul.
Do it, Paul, do it for yourself, don't let them ruin you!
Don't talk back, please protect yourself.
Stand up for yourself!
My thoughts scream all these contradictions at him at once but my breathing ceases when he starts: "I said..." Paul stands up from the floor and squints his eyes towards all of them. A crowd has them surrounded already. "you're all a bunch of stupid jerks,"
"Oh really? well at least I'm not a stupid ball of fat that doesn't know when to shut the hell up!" Reid pushes him against the lockers and everyone laughs behind him. I spot Liam looking annoyed and mad, but he wouldn't talk.
I shrink back as I hear what he calls him as I become conscious of my own figure.
Is that how he sees me? If he didn't need my help, would he treat me like this?
I'm petrified, my breathing's shallow as I walk up to the mass of bodies but it's the right thing to do.
"Blair, what are you doing?" Merina tries to stop me taking my arm but I walk hastily towards the center.
Paul is standing against the locker and before Reid can give a step more towards him I put myself in front of Paul.
"Call it off, Reid, stop this right now," I try to stop my voice from shaking but I'm nervous as hell.
An evil laugh resonates from the bottom of his throat. "What are you? The avenger of the defenseless?" His eyes shine with maliciousness and it just fuels my fire.
I put the best badass face I can muster and put myself directly in his face. "No, you know what I am? I'm the only one here mature enough to end this stupid fight,"
I turn around while everyone lets out a loud "oh" and I roll my eyes at their foolishness.
"This is none of your business, Blair," Reid says behind me and I look at him disbelievingly.
"Oh and so that is why I should step back and watch you all harass a boy just because you can? He's much younger than all of you, you're such cowards!" I say courageously.
"Come on, balloon-Blair, we're just having fun," Cole says from behind and I feel like I've been punched in my gut. It's been years since I've been called that.
"Wait, wait!" Kyle hollers from the back. "Wasn't she 'Bear' now, Reid?"
My stomach plummets and I look at Reid with stupid disbelief written on my face. How could he?
"Ha! Indeed a big, fat bear,"
Everyone laughs at me, and I feel my courage diminish significantly after that. I'm rendered speechless due to the great knot formed on my throat, so the only thing I do is roll my eyes at him and turn to Paul.
"Are you okay, Paul?" I give Paul my hand and he takes it gratefully. There's a bruise forming in his left cheek, and Reid's fingers are still imprinted in the boy's face.
"I'm okay now," He lets a small smile form.
I direct a harsh glare to Reid, whose face holds a dark, unreadable expression. I move my gaze to Cole's when I hear his stupid cooing.
"Aw, we have a new, big couple here guys! How come I didn't think of this before?!"
I feel my cheeks get warm as everyone laughs and mocks me.
"Yeah, whatever Cole," I mutter. "Go have fun with someone of your size the next time," I bite back before he smirks.
"Like you? Though I think you have some pounds on me,"
Again, everyone is laughing at me, at his comment.
From my peripheral vision, I see Reid chuckling to himself. Tears start to blur my vision so I look down with a sarcastic smirk on my face.
How could I be so stupid, so trusting, so... gentle with him?
I knew it was just a matter of time before he showed his true colors but I never thought it would be like this.
I feel everyone's mocking stares and pitiful gazes on me.
How could I be so stupid?
"Okay, shut the fuck up, everybody. It's enough Cole!" I hear Liam shout and a beat later, a pair of tall heels are clicking on the floor, making everyone leave the scene.
I bite my lip to keep it from quivering as I walk up to Reid again. I watch him stiffen as my teary eyes connect with his and I feel a minimal satisfaction deep inside.
Yes, asshole, you hurt me, but this is the first and the last one.
"I hope you've had your fair share of fun," a broken whisper comes out of my lips, something flashes in his eyes but his face is unmovable.
This is who he's choosing to be, then...
"Come on Paul, let's go to the nurse's office," I say to Paul and he nods. His eyes linger on my eyes, acknowledging my tears but knowing better than to point them out aloud.
As we start walking, I hear quick steps approaching and I brace myself. I feel a hand in my arm and I almost hit Liam with it as I shake the touch off harshly.
"Blair I'm so-"
"Save it, Liam. Have fun with your friends," I hiss at him and keep walking.
"Blair, you have all the right to be mad, but I'm not like them, I'm actually apologizing, and I'm sorry,"
"Then if you're not like them, why would you hang out with them? What makes you different?" I challenge back as I turn back around.
Liam looks at a loss for words and I sniffle and wipe my flowing tears angrily.
I'm showing my vulnerable part to someone I barely know and that I'm not so sure that deserves that kind of trust anymore.
"That's what I thought," I hoarse out, my voice sounds like sandpaper, broken.
I turn to start walking again but stop and turn again for the coup the grace. "If you want people to believe in you, and that you're truly different, start by proving it to yourself,"
And with that, I disappear down the hall.
Hello!! Intense chapter right? Thanks you guys for reading up until this point you don't know how happy that makes me!!
There's a pic of Miguel Bernardeau who acts in the Spanish series "Elite" and who I imagine as Cole Stevens!
Love y'all! Keep reading and please comment, vote and share!
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