Jimin had taken a shower first. I was rubbing a towel through my hair to dry it off as I walked back into my room.
"You look like a wet puppy." Jimin commented.
"Then I'm the sexiest wet puppy to ever fucking exist." I flipped my hair right next to him, causing water droplets to splash against his face. He immediately started to rub it off.
Jimin was wearing one of the pairs of jeans I had picked out for him along with a shirt and the leather jacket.
Hell yes I was checking him out.
"You're so stupid."
"Where is the lie?"
I blow dried and styled my hair before slipping on my shoes and sweater.
"What are your friends like?" Jimin asked me as we made our way out of my house.
"Hoseok's a complete ass but a funny one, making him bearable to be around. Jin is an amazing cook and he's probably the nicest in our group. Namjoon is chill but extremely weird at times."
"Taehyung is the oddball of our group. Kookie is the innocent bean who isn't actually innocent at all, that boy- and then there's me."
"Well, what about you?"
"I'm just plain."
"You're far from plain. If I had to guess I'd say you were the the happy go lucky one who's always there for the others." I stated. It had to be true of course. Jimin stayed silent and blushed, the usual. I poked his cheek.
"Your cheeks are always red."
"Only because of you."
"Good, let's keep it that way."
We arrived at Hoseok's not too long after and I knocked on the door.
"Sorry in advanced if it seems like I'm ignoring you."
"I understand. But this means I get to have a little fun, doesn't it?" Jimin grinned, suddenly gaining confidence in himself. I felt my eyes widen as I turned to the side to look at him.
"What are you planning Jimi-"
"Look who finally decided to show up, Min Yoongi, long time no see." I quickly face my best friend and push past him into the house. I see Jimin go right through him. It still trips me out whenever he decides to go stealth mode and walk through things.
"Yeah, yeah, it's been years, so glad to see you after all this time." I say, bitterly sarcastic as I flash him my biggest smile. I walk upstairs to our usual spot, in his room. I meet the familiar faces known as my friends.
"Oh look it's Min! What's good?" Namjoon chuckled. He was sitting on the rug in front of Hoseok's bed next to Jin.
"Nice to see you out of school Yoongi." Jin said and smiled.
"Guys it has only been a week-"
"You missed our weekly study night! I needed your help in math." Namjoon complained.
"But you figured it out and got an even higher grade than I did!"
"Yeah, no thanks to you."
"I don't know how I'm supposed to respond here." I sigh and throw myself onto Hoseok's bed. Jimin sits next to me. Hoseok finally comes in the room with cans of soda for everyone. He tosses one to all of us and I almost miss catching mine.
"Nice one." Jimin laughed.
"So seriously who's the guy." Jin asked, turning to face me from the floor.
"What guy?!"
"Hoseok said there's a guy. Which is why you've been ditching us."
"There's nobody, c'mon guys." I rolled my eyes and opened my soda can, taking a sip.
"There's no use lying to us, Yoongi, we see right through you. You don't look us in the eyes when you're lying."
"Shit." I huffed, knowing there was no way I was getting around this.
"Sooooo?" Hoseok dragged on, trying to get an answer from me.
"Let's play truth or dare." I suggest, trying to change the subject.
"You're safe for now Yoongi, but we will get answers. This game is perfect for that." Namjoon stated.
"Except I won't be picking truth." Before we all gathered in a circle (more like a square) on the floor, I passed my soda to Jimin and told him he could have it. I didn't wait for a response as I sat in front of Jin with Hoseok to my left in front of Namjoon. Jimin watched us from on top of the bed, sipping on the soda.
"I will start." Hoseok stated. "We will dare the person to our right this first round." He turned to look at me mischievously. "Truth or dare, Yoongi?"
"Dare." I smile smugly.
"I dare you to tell me the truth, whats going on?" He grinned.
"Is that allowed?! This shouldn't be allowed." I groaned and slapped my hand onto my forehead.
"All in favor say I."
"I." Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, and even Jimin agreed. He was smiling, probably wondering what I was going to say.
"Fine." I sigh, taking a deep breath. "It's Jimin." I say, looking directly at Jimin who seemed to be choking on his soda.
"Jimin? You mean, the missing Jimin? That same one?" Jin questioned. I nodded.
"Wait so, he's not missing?" Hoseok asked.
"No, no, he is. I've been worried and hanging out with Taehyung and Jungkook a lot recently..."
"So you like Park Jimin?" Namjoon asked, rubbing his chin. There was no point in lying to him.
"Yeah, actually I do." I shrugged.
"He's going to be glad to hear that. I'll have to tell Taeh-"
"He already knows."
"Oh? Well let's hope Jimin appears again soon so that you can confess."
Already did.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Hoseok grabbed his heart and faked pain. "You acted as if you didn't care when I told you the news.
"I was just really tired that day, okay? Can we move on now?"
I meet eyes with Jimin who quickly averts his gaze from mine and turns to the side. He looks at me to see me still staring before looking away again quickly, just to glance back at me again and repeat the process multiple times. I held in my laughter.
Embarrassed Jimin is probably one of my favorite Jimin's.
"Okay Jin, truth or dare." I asked, knowing my choice in words for either option. Since we were talking about confessions, I thought it was about time Jin said something. I smirk deviously at him and he looks at me wide eyed and knowingly.
"Dare." There was just one pinch of hope in him probably thinking that I had no way to word this into a dare but, oh he was so wrong.
"Well since this is a night of love~ let's move right on to it. I dare you to admit your feelings for Namjoon."
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