Chapter 10

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"There isn't really anywhere around the ice cream parlor that catches my attention, and the area was really nice so I don't think I went there."

"What about here?" Now we were at the diner. Jimin began looking around the street, shaking his head no after a minute or two of observations.

"Nope, nothing."

"Well we came all this way, I want my damn pancakes."

"You're so needy."

"Pft, ok, but you're the apparition here so-"

"I'm sick of you."

"Lovesick." I chuckle and remind myself to pat myself on the back later. He playfully hits my shoulder and turns away from me. "Well, are you coming inside with me or are you going to sit out here and think about how much you love me?"

"Sick of you!" He walks ahead of me and into the diner. I follow after him even though it appears to everyone else that I'm alone.

I sit at a table in the far end of the diner where there was no sign of civilization whatsoever. Jimin sits across from me and we wait for the waitress to come take my order.

"Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm okay, the ice cream made me full." I heard Jimin's stomach growl.

"Full of bullshit. I'll share my pancakes with you."

"No it's okay-"

"Just shut up and accept it. It's okay to be greedy sometimes you know?" I shake my head at him. He stayed quiet. "So, the story of meeting Jungkook, go."

"Ah, well, Tae had the biggest crush on Kookie. He told me that he often saw him here for a cup of coffee and decided to accidentally run into him here haha. So we went and he happened to actually be here. We sat at that table over there." He said pointing to a table at the other end near the cashier. "I felt like a third wheel so I left first. But after that, we often hung out here since the pancakes here are amazing."

"See! See! I have to try them for myself." I put on my best Jin attitude and was ready to experience all the senses with these very pancakes. Then I remembered my conversation with Taehyung from earlier.

"Hey, so why were you a lone wolf before?"
Just as Jimin was about to answer, the waitress shows up. I order the pancakes and a coffee. Jimin just shrugs as a reply, causing a frown to form on my face.

"You can tell me, you know."

"I don't know, I just... Kept to myself."


"I still do."

"I don't understand that though, why?"

"It's not like I have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"And here's your coffee suga, let me know if you need anything. Your pancakes will be done soon." The waitress interrupts, placing my coffee on the table. I proceed to mix in two creams and three sugar packets into it. I waste no time beginning to drink it.

"Can we switch the subject?"

"I guess. For now." He didn't have to tell me now, I could wait a bit. But not too long because my curiosity and impatience wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Why didn't you talk to me before?"

"Different subject."

"What is your biggest secret?"

"Something else."

"What are you hiding from me?"


"Do you like me?"

"MIN YOONGI!"  I was just teasing and he's over here yelling.

"Chill. But that's none of my business." I sip my coffee, finishing it. I may have burned my throat and tongue, but that was fine.

"You don't just ask questions like that." He looked down at his lap, hiding his face from my view.


It was quiet for a bit.

"Favorite type of music?" I ask, cautiously. He lifted his head up, smiling at me and nodding his head. This was a safe subject. 

"I listen to anything."



"Any specific genre?"

"Not really. I guess is would say I listen to hip hop and pop mostly."

"Ah, I listen to hip hop and rap. And then there's GFriend."

"See, now that's something I still don't understand about you. Why GFriend?"

"Can we switch the subject?" We both laugh.


"What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?"

"Oh no, no no no no, no, no, and no."

"That's no fair, I told you about all the pranks Hoseok did to me, it's only fair!"

"But still, I'd rather not say." He covers his face. I could just tel he was blushing.

"You're no fun." He peeks through his fingers and I stick my tongue out at him.

"You really are a child."

"Look who's talking. Can't even answer a simple question."

"Well excuse m-"

"Here's your pancakes, would you like a refill on your coffee?"

"Yes please, thank you. Oh and a water." I say, staring wide eyed at the pancakes. I don't catch what the waitress says as she walks off as I unwrap the utensils from the napkin, pulling out a fork and knife. I grab the syrup and prepare to spread it.

"Wait!" Jimin says before I could pour any.

"There's a process."

"A process?"

"Yes." He says grabbing my fork and cutting a piece of the ball of butter on top of the stack of three pancakes, putting the butter under the top layer and repeating it for the bottom one. "Ok, now you can pour the syrup." I stare at him weirdly and pour it.

"This way, the pancakes taste even better."

"Oh, okay." I cut a piece and eat it, dying a bit inside because of how good it was. Jin would be in heaven right now, I have to take him here sometime with the rest of squad. "Where have these been all of my life?"


"Here." I say, cutting the stack of pancakes in half and handing Jimin the extra fork I got with the rest of my utensils.

"Ah, thanks." He said, cutting a piece and eating it, probably looking just as satisfied as I did. The waitress came back with coffee and water  and I immediately pushed the coffee towards Jimin. He just looked at it.

"Drink it?"

"Oh." He smiled and used the same amount of cream and sugar as I did. I took a couple gulps of water before continuing eating the little fluffs of paradise.


The next chapter can either be a disaster or really cute and I haven't decided lol.

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