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While the ex bestfriends are gone, the rest of the boys are talking about JiHo's relationship. Yes, they gave themselves a shipname, sue them.

"Where did you both even met? Hoseok here is an idol and you only leave the house to go to your dance studio." Seokjin is confused.

"Well." Hoseok scratches his nape. "That's where we've met."

Jimin chuckles at the memory. "He stormed in while we were in the middle of a rehearsal for the competition because he had heard their song and thought it was a good idea to watch us."

Hoseok gasps exasperated. "It was the best idea I've ever had so far because I wouldn't have met the love of my life if I'd have ignored it." Matter-of-factly he crosses his arms in front of his chest and smiles widely.

Seokjin coos while Yoongi just stares, the latter isn't the type to openly show a cute reaction when strangers are around. Namjoon laughs because Jimin is a blushing mess now, stuttering while trying to say that he loves him too between uncontrollable giggles.

A mess really, but it's fun. They all can feel the growing friendship between them all, they're just on the same wavelength. The appearance of Taehyung brings them back to the topic of the problem. "You look good in my clothes." Namjoon says without thinking much about it.

They hear a sound coming from where Jeongguk had disappeared not long ago and see him bending down to grab the item he had dropped. "Sorry umm, I've washed my hands so it just slipped through my fingers."

"Don't worry about it, join us so we can talk about the next step." Yoongi makes space on the couch for the youngest and smiles at him before he continues. "Taehyung said that he likes to play overwatch, Jeongguk here is a pro when it comes to this game. Why don't you both go to his room with Jimin and we others wait here until you're done." He suggests, hoping he could rest for a while. The night will be long for him with writing on lyrics and mixing sounds.

"Allright, can't wait to beat your ass." Jeongguk smirks, standing up.

Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes. "We will see about that." He pulls Jimin with him to Jeongguk's room but waits until the younger enters first.

Jeongguk is excited, he rarely has someone to play with, his friends aren't interested much so he always searches online for company. He doesn't speak much, because people would recognize his voice.

"You can login there." Jeongguk points to his second computer and sits down in front of his own.

Taehyung looks at the device and groans. "Fuck, are you rich or something?" He has already forgotten that the other is an idol, a successful one at that.

Jimin chuckles because Jeongguk's jaw drops and he looks dumbfounded.

When Taehyung's gaze meets the younger's, his eyes widen and he facepalms himself. "Oh shit, of course you are."

The idol has to admit that it is refreshing. He can feel that his childhood friend doesn't care about status, that's something he's really grateful for.

They act like kids as soon as the game has started. Jimin has to hold back his laugh because they're just too hilarious. When they speak to each other, Jeongguk uses a deeper voice while Taehyung is using a high pitched. When Jeongguk suddenly starts to sing, Taehyung's game character dies. The older is mesmerized by his voice, forgets about his surroundings and closes his eyes. He has never heard him sing before, not even as kids.

Well, that's not completely true, the younger did sing, just not as good as right now. He hits every note, it sounds angelic. Taehyung has a pitch so he'd notice if there would be a mistake but there's none.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk tries to get his attention, has already stopped singing but the other is still in trance. "Hey, earth to Kim Taehyung, are you there?" The idol chuckles when the older opens his eyes fast.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't fall asleep, I swear!" He yawns even tho he has told him the truth but it was so soothing that it has made him tired and relaxed. After all the stress, he hadn't slept well these past days and is visibly exhausted.

"It's okay Taehyung, even if you fell asleep I won't be mad. I actually can relate." Jeongguk smiles, he says goodbye in the chat and closes the game. "Maybe it's enough for today, go home and rest. I'll write the statement tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" The older yawns again, hearing Jeongguk chuckle. "Yes, definitely."

Jimin hands the idol his camera with all the pictures he took over the short time they had. He knows that some will be perfect and some are only meant for their eyes. "Let's say goodbye to the others too, Tae. Thank you Jeongguk for everything, I know you could have just ignored it and let Taehyung deal with it alone but you decided to help him." Jimin looks at the young man with a sympathetic smile.

Taehyung nods."Yes, thank you Jeongguk, I really appreciate it. It was also nice to see you again after so long and knowing now that you did well all these years makes me really happy." He wants to hug him but decides against it, too early. They're practically strangers now.

After leaving the room, they also say goodbye to the others. Before Taehyung walks to the front door Jeongguk stops him. "Wait!" He holds his arm.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Jeongguk shakes his head with a smile."No but we should exchange numbers, don't you think?"

Taehyung looks confused."What? But you already have my number, it's the one you've called me on."

The younger's already big eyes grow bigger at the realisation. "Oh you're right."

Taehyung shakes his head amused. "You haven't changed at all. Goodbye for now Jeongguk, contact me if we need to make an appearance or something like that. Have a nice day."

"I will. Have a nice day too Hyung. Bye." He closes the door after him and sighs.

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