22 BBY, Month 9
Shaak Ti
Shaak Ti glided into the conference room, not meeting the eyes of the council members on call. What did they want now? They already demanded so much of her time when it came to the Initiative and all of its dealings. She had endless calls with Senator Pro'oz and other backers of the project and now the Council had the gall to call her to another meeting. It was the fifth that morning.
"Glad you could make it, Master Ti," Windu stated, his voice reverberating through the speakers of the holo-table.
Shaak Ti's eyes shot up to his as she pushed the boiling anger down within her. "I never miss a meeting, Windu."
He humphed, gesturing his hand to Obi-Wan who stood, arms crossed like usual. "Master Kenobi, take the floor."
Obi cleared his throat, sending Shaak an apologetic look. "I have received news from Duchess Satine."
Shaak's heart clenched at the name, though she maintained a neutral face. "News of?"
Obi-Wan pursed his lips. "A request, more like." He ran his fingers across his beard. "One of the civilians who helped your padawan on Mandalore is a child. Satine had taken her under her wing until the child started showing signs of... force abilities."
"What does this have to do with me?" Shaak Ti asked, clasping her hands in front of her. "As much as you all seem to ignore the fact, I still have a padawan."
Obi-Wan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's not—" he let out a deep breath, the tension releasing from his shoulder. "Satine has requested that I train the girl, but we still have a lot of hurdles with the rules and such and I'm over here—"
Shaak Ti bit her lip, suddenly guilty for snapping at him. She hadn't seen him this flustered in ages. "You need me to pick her up. Get the girl acquainted with the idea of Jedis so that you can finish up your mission."
A look of surprise flitted across Kenobi's eyes only for a moment as he lowered his hands to clasp behind his back. "Thank you, Shaak Ti."
She just nodded, eyeing the other Council members. "I do have a question—why aren't any of you helping this child out?"
Windu opened his mouth, but Yoda grunted to shut him up. "The only Jedi Master with no army, you are." A smirk grew on his lips before adding, "The Duchess already knows you, it will be easier because."
Shaak Ti sighed, bowing to them. "I will leave immediately for Mandalore."
As each Council member signed off, she eyes Kenobi who mouthed, 'thank you,' before logging out himself. Windu was the only one left on the call. She was about to hit the sign-off button but the man cleared his throat.
"I will not tolerate such disrespectful behavior," he said, looking down at her with disdain etched into his features. "It is almost blasphemous for a council member to treat the others with such dishonor."
Shaak Ti's breathing quickened as she felt a burst of anger rise within her. "And I will not tolerate such disrespect from you, sir," she spat out, narrowing her eyes. "The Council of the Masters is not the Mace-Windu-Show. It is, and should forever be, the voices for the least of all people." Mace practically glowed with anger, a vein popping from his head. "And you dishonor me by not trusting me and my judgment when I have done nothing wrong. You are projecting your fears onto me and my padawan, instead of looking at the good we have both done. Being a councilmember does not mean to be on a constant witch hunt. It is to notice things and ponder them, only correcting when a rule is broken."
Windu snarled. "You are a disgrace to the Jedi name."
Shaak Ti felt as if an arrow pierced her heart. "If I am a disgrace to what you perceive is a Jedi, I don't know if I want to be one." She averted her eyes. "Goodbye, Windu." She clicked off the call.
Shaak Ti lifted her trembling fingers to her face, running her hands over her montrals on top of her head. She wished so deeply she could just leave. So many years of bottling up her doubt, so many reasons she should've left. Her hands covered her eyes as she took in a deep breath through her nose, exhaling through her mouth. I can do this, she thought. Just until after the war.
【 ⌖ 】
-= Coruscant =-
Rylann stepped off the ship and onto solid ground, thanking the Maker she had arrived to Coruscant. As much as she hated the planet, it was good to be back somewhere so familiar. And on solid ground. Kamino felt like walking on a house on stilts. A giant house on stilts.
"Glad to be back?" Ahsoka asked, stepping out beside her as the wind gently nudged her lekkus on her shoulders.
Rylann just nodded, wishing the Batch was here with her. "It's good to be back."
"Now, let's go get you settled in so I can—" Anakin cleared his throat. "So we can rest before going on the next mission."
Captain Rex sighed as he stepped out after the General. "Yeah, that's definitely what you meant."
Rylann bit back a grin. Anakin was probably insinuating that he was going to see Padme Amidala. Not that Rylann could blame him. The first thing on her mind when she reached Coruscant was that she wished Crosshair was with her.
Ahsoka put her arms around Rylann and Captain Rex's shoulders, grinning widely. "Now, let's go to lunch at 79ers!"
"Let's not," Rex said, removing the togruta's arm. "You're too young and I have a lot of work to do."
Ahsoka sighed. "Like what?"
"I have a routine check on the Rishi Outpost soon," he said, heaving a sigh. "You guys get to snuggle in and relax here for leave while I get to be stuck in a tiny ship."
"At least you'll be in the tiny ship with your favorite brother," Commander Cody said as he and Kenobi exited the ramp.
Rex shook his head. "I'm missing out on naps for this."
A clone ran up, saluting the group of them. "Commander Tetra?"
"Here," Rylann responded, raising her hand. He saluted her again. "The officers from Corellia are awaiting to board the Resolute for a tour."
Rylann sighed. "Alright," she said, turning to give Ahsoka an apologetic look. "Looks like I'm on babysitter duty."
Ahsoka sighed. "It's fine...Have fun."
Rylann's shoulder slouched. "This hardly seems like fun."
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