Ska (Ch. 4)

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When you think of a teenager, what comes to mind? Carefree? Youthful? Maybe extroversion? Well, throw those ideas out the window because Ska is one of the most troubled young men in his city.

Ska was never a happy boy. Maybe that was because he lost his mother at a young age? Or maybe because his father and mother both abused him his entire childhood. It could also be that when his aunt moved in after his mom's passing due to lung cancer, she set strict regulations, preventing Ska from leaving his room for more than school.

Honestly, it was a wonder Ska had any friends. He had no socialization skills, no time to make friends, and no will to live. The only thing Ska had to be thankful for was his mother's passing. His aunt was only half as abusive as his mother. She rarely starved him and has yet to break a single bone of his, as opposed to his mother, who did these acts quite frequently.

The only reason Ska had any friends was Jules, who saw his cast the first time his mother broke his arm and offered to sign it. That was when Ska was six, only two years before his mother passed. Since then, Jules has been Ska's best friend. Slowly but surely, Jules introduced Ska to his friend group, first lendol, then luella, then zen, and finally, Julica.

Since he laid eyes on Julica, Ska had been in love. He would never pursue her, though. Julica was overly sexual, and Ska always feared being abandoned or cheated on by her, as he was not even half as physical as she was. In fact, he hated physical touch, probably because he was beaten as a kid, maybe because he was never hugged as a child, or even because of repeated uncomfortable encounters with a teacher in grade school.

Ska has horrible habits because of each of these events combined. Because his father and aunt don't care about him, he can smoke, drink, and even self-harm, and they don't even care. So that is exactly what he did. After finishing his homework, he would sit down on the edge of his bed, grab a cigarette, and light up. Then, he would pour himself a glass of, well, whatever he could get his hands on, really. All he wanted was to feel some sense of joy and comfort, and he found that in alcohol and eventually drugs.

Ska started smoking marijuana at the young age of 14. A classmate offered him a hit, and he had stuck with it ever since. Because he couldn't leave the house, he didn't have a job, so he did anything he could to get his hands on drugs of any kind.

He would steal, sneak out, trade, and threaten people just to get a few bucks to get a short high. Once, he bought a laced cart with fetynal, and almost didn't make it, he was unconscious for days before, by some miracle, he woke up, and just went to school the next day, assuring all of his friends he was just sick. He had no medical attention during this time, and it really was just a miracle that he made it out alive. Somehow, none of his friends ever knew he did more than smoke and drink.

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