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y'all I have been so fixated on cowgirls and farmers lately

I wanna be a pretty house wife married to a farmer living on a huge land...

dripping rn

I'm sorry y'all, it's been a while since I updated with finals and everything. GOOD NEWS 🗣️ i passed MOST of my finals ‼️💪🏾(i ain't study anything tho)

But moving on,
I hope you all like this chapter involving my little fanties.

Also make sure to read the end, I have a question for y'all.

Things involved:
Intersex Mirko🧡
Public sex (exposition)?
Unprotected sex

Rare teasing
Breeding? kinda...


Her muscles flexed and glistened with sweat as she used her arms to wipe away the sweat from her forehead. Rumi had been outside working on her new tractor for hours. You felt horrible watching her work by herself but she insisted that you didn't need to lift a single finger... you were her perfect little house wife after all.

It wasn't out of the ordinary at all though. Rumi loved hard labor and working on whatever she could get her hands on.

Sometimes she would take on too many tasks at once and get stressed out. Yes, it was horrible whenever she overworked herself but damn did it have some interesting... benefits.

Most of the time those benefits were more relaxed and laid back nights- sitting on the floor with pillows and blankets while watching movies together. Other nights involved a lot of... stress relieving.

She'd have you bent over- face buried in some pillows with your ass up in the air. One hand would be tangled in your hair massaging your scalp, and the other would be bruising your hip with how hard she was holding you.

Perks of being married to a hot farmer...

"Hey baby..."

"Hi- you hungry yet? If so I brought you a quick snack till later. Dinner will be ready a bit later than I hoped for."

"Thank ya' babygirl. You're too good for me..."

After handing her the food, you leaned your body up against the trucks frame. The sun glared through the glass and reflected on her face.

'Beautiful' - You thought to yourself.

"Why are you sittin' out here anyways? We should really scrap this old truck babe..."

Stopping her chewing for a moment- she looked up at you through her lashes.

"Baby you know I love this truck. It's my special spot. Plus there nothin' wrong with it- just needs a little fixing then me n' you could go on a ride together."


"...I'll be waiting then."

Leaning against the trucks frame, her eyes glared up into yours, one arm flexing while lifting up food to her lips as she ate.

"Thank you so much baby, seriously. C'mere... take a seat."

She adjusted her position, elbows propping up her torso with her legs spread- man spreading.

"Nuh uh, don't get too comfortable Ru. We really should head inside... The sun's gonna set soon."

You tried to convince her to go inside but she wouldn't budge.

"Nooo- it's so nice out here, plus..."

Setting the now empty bowl aside, her hands grabbed onto your hips.

"I have this really- really good view."

Her hands followed the outline of your hips, grasping the fabric of your dress in her hands.

Next thing you know, you're inches from the ground and being pulled by your dress into her lap.

"You came out here wearin' this pretty dress and ya know it's my favorite on you... There must be some other reason you came out here. Mind telling me what you were thinking? You brought me a delicious snack but I don't believe for a second that was the actual reason for the sudden appearance."

You mouth went dry after realizing you were caught.

Her eyes glanced into yours- clearly wanting you to confirm her suspicion.

"Please Rumi- don't tease me like you always do."

Her face contorted to a look of fake disbelief, holding her hand over her chest as if she held offense to your words.

"Tease? Oh no baby, I wouldn't dare... Just tell me the truth."

Contemplating on giving her an honest answer or being a brat, you chose the wiser option... Plus you wanted to be able to walk tomorrow.

"...I got a bit bothered seeing you working so hard- just wanna be handled by you s' bad Ru."

You buried your head between her neck and shoulder, hiding from her lustful gaze.

"That's my girl, but sweetheart you can do so much better. Tell me what you need..."

"Rumi-! Please... please just fuck me."

You could hear the breath catch in her throat... clearly taken aback by your short outburst of confidence.

A few seconds went by before you heard her grunt as she flipped you underneath her.

"That wasn't so hard was it baby. I'll give you everything you need- just gotta bare with me a while..."

She sat back on her knees with one leg resting off the seat. Her hands brought your legs to either side of her waist before sliding under your dress- hoisting the fabric up your body.

"Oh wow, no panties hm- so easy to just slide inside of ya... But I don't think I will. M' gonna take these pretty tits in my mouth first..."

She lifted her head up again, bringing her upper half up in between your legs. Her hands found way behind you back and unclasped your bra before pulling the straps down your shoulders.

"So fucking pretty..."

She starts from the center of your chest and then up towards the valley of your chest, licking the small space of skin to your collarbone.

"Mhm- like when I suck on these beautiful *kiss* breasts. Fuck... I can't keep my mouth off ya'."

Her lips latched onto your nipples, sucking and nibbling away at your skin.

You gasped, letting chants of 'Fuck...' fall from your lips.

Her lips bounced around left to right, making sure to give each nipple the same treatment, using her spare hand to massage your breast that was excused from her mouth. She pulled her mouth away from your chest with a *pop*.

"I think that's enough, don't you think so?"

Your eyes flickered down to your chest. Purple hickeys and teeth marks littered your skin, along with the glistening trails of where her mouth was.

Catching her in your peripheral- Rumi moved down your body, pushing your legs over her shoulders and using the truck's step as leverage.

"Gonna stretch this pretty pussy out babygirl... Want me to do that?"

"Mm' yes- stretch me out... Please."

"Well when my sweet girl says it so nicely like that,"

Her fingers started circling around your clit. You watched as she left a kiss on your inner thigh before sliding her middle and ring finger in-between your folds.

"-I might as well give her a good show... Keep those pretty eyes on me."

She brought your hips closer to her by pulling your legs back- then leaving kisses along your lips

It wasn't too long before she caved in and took you in her mouth whole. She brought you up to her mouth, folding her arms up under you lower back, latching her lips on your clit, and swapping back and forth between sucking and licking the bud.

Feeling the emptiness of where her fingers were, you looked at her face- locking eyes with her. She looked up at you with blown out eyes as if you were her prey- and in this case you were.

Her mouth was wide open. Her tongue now taking over for her pruned fingers- pushing in as far as she could reach.

She swivelled her tongue, exploring every gushy spot of flesh.

You brought your hands down from their resting point, now dragging your fingernails through her white locs. You dug your heels into her back, the built up orgasm causing you to writhe away- failing to do so as she wrapped her arms around each if your thighs.

Your legs began to squeeze around her head. Her tongue movements became slow and sloppy as she struggled to move against your cunt which was currently squeezing and sucking her further inside.

She groaned at the feeling of you pulling her in. Her breathing grew ragid and dispersed which caused you to shake at the warmth hitting you like a wave.

She slurred and mumbled into your pussy- curses and whispers of incoherent words spewed from her mouth.

Without a chance to come to your senses, you came all over her tongue- core bursting with your fluids.

Rumi's grip softened on your thighs as her tongue dragged out of you and slowly licked strips up and down your folds.

"Fuck- Ride it out just like that... Ride it out on my tongue."

She pulled away after a while, letting your legs fall on either side of her body.

"Mhmmm you always taste so sweet- Just like a perfect peach in spring."

She sat up on one knee, growing comfortable with her other leg draped on the floor.

You don't know when or how, but her pants and underwear were discarded on the ground. Assuming it was while she ate you out, you didn't think too far into her quick actions. Instead you focused on her dick that was slowly rubbing back n' forth on your clit.

"Look at that... M' already hard just from eating you out. Don't even need lube after all that, you're wet enough on your own. Make sure you keep those legs nice n' open for me."

She aligned herself up with your pussy, easing the stretch of her tip without going any further.

"Can't start just yet- What's the safeword? Or would you rather use streetlights?"

You thought for a moment. Weighing your options, you settled on streetlights.


"What's the color right now?"

"Fuck- green."

She didn't waste any more time. Her cock pushed in further, coming to a halt when she was fully inside.

She started slow, switching from zero to a quick, steady pace.

It didn't take long before her hands gripped your waist- hips now snapping against your ass with a repeating *thump*.

"Mhmmmfuckk, Rumi... S-so good."

"That's right- feels good yea,"

She slowed down for a second, sliding halfway out before slamming her hips back.

"Ohmygodmmh- shiiit!"

"Waited so long- mhmm, for me to come back inside. Bet you were thinking about this exact moment... Wanted me to walk through the front door and plow ya'. Needed me to stuff you with my cock. Mhmm, I know you did."

You pressed upwards, forcing her back down with you and bringing your bare chest to hers as you clung onto her neck. Her hands rubbed soothing circles on your sides as she snapped her waist forward.

"I did... Needed you to- god, I needed you to come back to me and treat me like a slut... Mm- needed this so bad."

"Shhh, I know. Just relax, M' gonna treat you just like the slut you are. Fuckkk- you're handling my cock so well babygirl... So fucking p-perfect."

She slowly progressed from steady to sloppy, messy thrust. Her moans became more frequent the longer she went.

"Getting so close baby... Gonna fill you with my seed- mhmshittt, no pun intended... I swear."

Your giggles caused by her joke was cut off by a sudden change in her demeanor. Her eyebrows came together, and her once half lidded eyes now squeezed shut in complete focus. It was if she was struck by a trance.

Her hips focused on a certain spot that nearly caused your mind to go blank.

"Wanna cum with you... Hmm- Holding back just for you."

You let your arms fall from her neck and raked your fingernails down her back. Groans fell from her lips next to your ear.

She chanted under her breath, slurring her words together and struggling to form complete sentences.

"Rumi... F-Fuck- You feel so good, M' cumming... holyshitimcumming-!"

"Yea? Cum all over me... Mmm- Cover my dick with your cum beautiful, want you to make a mess all on these leather seats."

Whines and whimpers left your lips. You were getting closer and closer with every buck of her cock pounding into you.

"Wanna take good care of ya', my beautiful wife... so beautiful."

She removed one hand away from your success and brought it down between your bodies- circling you clit with her two middle fingers.

"Mmmshit! Fuckkk- daddy."

"I know, I know. Let it all go fa' me."

With a few more circles on your clit- and a few more snaps of her hips, you find yourself cumming and releasing around her.

Feeling you tightening around her cock with your cum trickling down her stomach, she let herself go. She came inside of you, gently pressing down on your abdomen and watching her cum spill around her dick.

"Atta girl- so full with my cum babygirl... Gonna mhm- gonna pull out now."

She slowly pulled her dick from between your legs and sat back on her knee. Her cock was garnished with both of your fluids, coloring her flesh a translucent white.

Your legs twitched and jittered as you can't back down from your high. Gathering up the strength to move in your arms, you propped yourself up in front of her.

She looked into your eyes, collecting her words to form a sentence- still slightly out of breath.

"Looks like we went on that ride early- you still wanna scrap this old truck?"

"Absolutely not."

Chuckling at your words, she got up from the truck. She lifted your body from the cushioned seats and carried you bridal style to the front door, locking it behind her.

"Rumi... what about our clothes?"

"Huh- nobody's gonna snatch em up. We live far out on a big farm, nobody's gonna reach here for miles. I'll go out n' get em in the mornin'."

Now in your shared bedroom, she sat you on the bed to begin the routine for aftercare.

She began wiping down your thighs, planting kisses here and there along your skin.

After wiping you down, she laid back on the comforter and hoisted you onto her lap.

"Ya' know, we should really add this to my schedule... I wouldn't mind doin' a bit more plowing in the evenings."



So I've been meaning to ask you all for your opinions.
Lately I've been thinking about creating a separate book for my drabbles.

My notes have been building up like crazy and I wanna put them elsewhere for you all to read.

I got a few drabs of some of my other wives, imma list who just so y'all can get a little preview

Cassandra Dimitrescu
Abby Anderson
Mirko (ofc)
Poison (from street fighter)

I even have some scenarios from my little imagination that I wrote about

So would you all be interested in a separate book?
Let me know what you all think.

Also, since I'm about to be out a school for summer break, I'm gonna try to post more so maybe 2-3 chapters a week!

I'll see how these first few days go‼️


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