The Whole Package

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I hummed as I placed a Santa Claus cookie and a reindeer cookie into a Christmas themed bag. Using a red (obviously) ribbon, I tied a bow on it and put it next to the other packaged cookies in a picnic basket decorated with Christmas stickers. 

After brushing some crumbs of my fingers, I reached for another bag.


I look up to see Chat with his head on the table. In his right hand was a tissue paper being waved around dramatically. 

Taking in the scene, I burst out laughing. 

"Giving up already?" I teased him, lifting his blonde hair to see his eyes.

"You try tying ribbons with cat claws," grumbled Chat in response.

"I'll take that as a yes," I said, laughing again at Chat's defeated demeanor. "Guess I win then?"

Chat had challenged me to a competitions earlier. He proposed that we each take half of the small bags and see who can finish packaging first.

Wanting to have a little fun, I agreed. Quite happy with my decision. Can't say the same for my poor competitor, though.

Turns out, having long nails, or claws, takes away your ability to tie a knot.

I patted Chat on the back and said, "Leave this task to me, you can go up to the library for now."

Chat huffed, causing me to start laughing again. Seeing this, Chat pretended to be hurt.

"Why, Silver!" He cried dramatically. "How could you laugh at my misery?" Which, made me laugh harder.

"You're laugh is still so beautiful," Chat said suddenly. I immediately stopped laughing.

Remembering what happen last time, my face heated up pretty quickly.

"You're a real flirt Chat," I said, rolling my eyes. 

Chat winked. "Only for you, M'lady." I blushed even harder at the nickname, while my stomach tingled a little.

Oh, so this is how it's going to be?

With new found confidence, I smirked and said, "Well, Prince Charming, I'm honored."

Chat was shocked and blushed a little at the nickname but quickly replied. "So am I," He got down on his knees and gently kissed me right hand, sending a shiver up my spine. The good kind.

"Less flirting, and more packaging, please!" 

Chat and I swerved our heads over to my mom who was leaning against the stair railing with a knowing look on her face. Needless to say, Chat and I both turned red.

I turned back to Chat. "So uh, you can package the cookies, and I'll tie the ribbons?"

He nodded quickly. "O-okay!"

About ten minutes later, we were done and had arranged the cookies in a picnic basket.  

"We're done!" Cheered Chat. He's so cute-

"Great job, kiddos!" Mom cheered from the living room, interrupting my thoughts. "Now, we're going to give these to the neighbors! Go get your coat Yin."

I nodded and walked up the stairs. I opened my bedroom door and turned on the light switch. Hedwig was on my bed reading a book from my library. Actually, she was more on the book than she was on the bed. 

When she saw me, Hedwig immediately flew over and landed on my shoulder. We had gotten much closer, and she was now like my best friend, miniature edition. 

"Are you here for your winter coat?" She asked.

I laughed and nodded. Hedwig always knew what I needed, kwami of knowledge everybody!

I pulled open one of the drawers underneath my closet and took out a one jacket with silver lining. Quite fitting. 

I put it on and went out the door. 

"Wait, Yin!" Called Hedwig. 

I turned around to see my kwami holding up a hand knitted Christmas hat.

"Don't forget your gift for Chat!"

"Thanks, Hedwig," I told her, quickly grabbing it. The weight looked like much for the kwami to handle. "I almost forgot."

"That's why you have me," Hedwig replied smugly.

I playfully rolled my eyes and thanked her again before running back down stairs.

My mother was counting the cookies in the picnic basket as I cam down. Chat on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom?" I asked. "Where's Chat?"

"Oh, he's in the bathroom," she answered.

I walked over to the shoe rack to get my boots when my mother spoke.

"Yin, do you like Chat?"

I froze.

"W-what?" I stuttered. Do I like Chat...?

Yes. End of discussion.

"It's pretty clear that you two like each other," commented mom.

I stared at her blankly.

"But just so you know, I won't mind if you too get together," she smirked. "From what I've seen, that cat's the whole package.

"He's kind, respectful, treats you well, and to top it off, he's a superhero. A handsome one at that."


"I understand if you're confused about you're feelings, I was too when I was your age. But I hope you won't let him slip away. Nowadays, you don't meet a guy like that everyday."


Uh...Hey...good to see you? Um, is that a new shirt? It looks great!


I-I understand that you're mad, but lease let me explain- You see...I'm Asian.


Well, yes...So uh, I got a 68 on my history test.

*Crowd goes silent*

Yeah, it translation, a B-

*Crowd goes so silent you could hear a needle drop to the ground*

That's pretty much my explanation.

Also, if u liked the chap, pls vote :D Ur one small action helps alot <3

Word count: 814 

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