So far, this is definitely the longest fanfiction I've ever worked on, but what's funny is that I didn't expect it to last longer than 10 chapters. Wait... one of my other fanfics consisted of four books, so technically I think that one's longer...
Also, this chapter is 1400 words! That's more than usual. Hurray!
love you guys!!
Y/n's POV
I didn't know where I was running, but I just had to get away. I started breathing hard as the importance of my decision weighed in; whatever I chose would affect the rest of my life. Did I want to be a ninja? Or did I want to stay and protect Paris? Who was I, anyway?
I suddenly remembered that I had a third option: go back to Etheria. Even though I hadn't thought of that as a possibility before, I was starting to consider it. If I accepted my role as a princess and helped restore Salineas with Mermista, I wouldn't have to choose between my two families.
My vision started to become blurry as tears formed in my eyes. I didn't want to be crying, nor did I think it made sense, but sometimes emotions can overtake you and you do things you don't expect.
"Y/n, slow down!" Ripple said, appearing behind me.
"Yeezus!" I shrieked, stumbling to a stop. "How long have you been following me?"
"Uh... ever since you got your miraculous, duh."
I sighed and dried my eyes. "With everything that's been happening, sometimes I forget that you're always right by my side."
Ripple put one of her little fins on my arm to comfort me. "You know you'll always have me, no matter where you go."
"Thanks," I whispered. "And I'll always be here for you, too."
"Where are you?"
I gasped as a series of voices suddenly started echoing through the streets. My friends were coming after me, but I didn't have an answer for them yet. I took off running again, but I kept my footsteps quiet.
"Why are you avoiding them?" Ripple asked. She was having to fly really fast in order to keep up with me. "Talking it out will help you reach a decision."
"I'm not in the mood to be rational right now so keep your wise words to yourself and let me be emotionally irresponsible!"
She laughed, and didn't question my lack of judgment anymore. We made it to the Eiffel Tower, and I stared up at the structure. I suddenly had an urge to get up to the top, but I knew the others would see me climbing it, so I used my power to cover the city in a dense fog. I didn't normally use my element for such a big purpose, but I wasn't thinking straight at the moment so I didn't consider the consequences.
"Ripple, fins up," I said, once I was hidden by the mist. I transformed into Dauphine Bleue, and started my ascent. I could have probably climbed the tower as my normal self, being that I was a ninja and all, but I knew it would be faster if I had a boost of strength from Ripple. Unlike most of the miraculous holders, when I fused with my kwami, it wasn't my personality that changed, it was just my physical abilities.
It didn't take me long to reach the top; I had done this multiple times before. Now at the upmost crown of the tower, I sat down with a sigh. I detransformed, and leaned backwards, enjoying the view.
"I know you told me to shut up, but I think you shouldn't run from your friends anymore," Ripple said. "They're just trying to help you, and you're just making them worried."
"At the moment, I don't care," I said. "The way they're all talking to me... I can't think, I can't breathe—I need some time to process this."
"I get it, but don't take too long, okay? Your family really cares about you; you mean a lot to them."
———————-Adrien's POV—-————
"Did you find her, yet?" I asked, running up to Lloyd and Zane with Nino beside me. Because of the fog—which the ninja had insisted y/n was responsible for—we had gone to look for her in pairs.
"Does it look like we found her?" Lloyd replied, moving his hands around.
"Jeez, calm down," I said. "There's no need to get upset."
"Yes, there is!" Lloyd shouted. "It's my fault she's missing, and it's my fault she's choosing Paris over Ninjago!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said, backing up from the frantic ninja. "What do you mean it's your fault? And what makes you think she'll choose Paris?"
Lloyd ran his hand through his hair and walked over to the rail of a bridge we were standing by. I followed; I wanted to know why he was so angry all the time.
"I was being so selfish," he muttered. "I was so mad at her for leaving me all those years ago, but I never realized how hard it was for her as well. I was such an a**hole; I made her feel like sh*t about it. And then instead of trying to make up for it, I started being rude to everyone, especially you."
"Well, I can't argue with that last statement," I said. "Hey... why were you so mean to me, anyway?"
He sighed, leaned on the rail, and stared out at the mist-covered water. "I knew you liked her. You probably still do, and I don't blame you; she really is amazing. I was so jealous of the five years you spent together... I may have had more time with her than that, but still; five years without her..."
He trailed off. I wanted him to continue, but I didn't want to push him. It took a few minutes, but he finally started up again.
"I used to wish more than anything that she had never left in the first place, but, now... now I'm actually kinda happy things turned out the way they did. If she had never left, we never would have met all you guys."
I smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. "I can't help but agree with you; this adventure is definitely one to remember," I said earnestly. "Now, considering that we both want what's best for y/n, why don't we put our differences aside and just let her decide where her home is?"
He nodded. "Okay."
I held my hand out for a fist bump, and he went for it. We walked away from the bridge and headed for the street, walking along the sidewalk. Nino and Zane had already went off in a different direction, so Lloyd and I stayed together.
"As much as I hate to admit it, you know y/n better now than I do," Lloyd said. "Is there a place she might go when she's upset?"
"First of all, I'm pretty sure you know her better than I ever will. And second... hmm. Well... most of us superheroes tend to go to the Eiffel Tower when we want to think. It's the center of Paris and all, so it's a great place to organize your thoughts."
"Lead the way."
I took off running in the right direction, with Lloyd hot on my heels. When we got there, however, we couldn't see y/n anywhere around the base.
"She's probably at the top," I said. After a moment of consideration, I turned to Lloyd, took off my ring, and handed it to him.
"What's this for?" he asked, confused.
"Borrow it. You'll make it up there quicker as Chat Noir."
"What are you... I don't understand... why can't you just go up there yourself?"
"Y/n needs a friend to talk to. Even though you've been arguing a lot lately, I know she's closer with you than with me. I love y/n, and I want her to be happy, so go on up there and win her over."
Lloyd stared at me in confusion. "Don't you want y/n to stay in Paris?"
"Of course I do! But if she stays here, I know she's going to spend every minute of everyday wishing she had gone back with you. She might not know what she wants yet, but I'm certain which realm she calls home."
"And which realm is that?" he wondered, but he already knew the answer.
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