Luka X Male Reader X Nathaniel

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Requested By: pdkxnma

Disclaimer: This one-shot has two different endings and a couple of options where you can take a different route. This is the first time I've tried something like this, so if it's not exactly smooth, that's why.

I've always been one to catch feelings rather quickly, but this is the first time it's been two people at the same time. One of which I've liked for a couple of years and the other I met recently. They're both so amazing, yet so different and similar at the same time. 

"Yo! Ivan! Do you guys have another Kitty Section rehearsal today?" I ask, waving Ivan over to me. 

"Uh, we do. Are you wanting to come, Y/N?" 

"I was hoping to, yes."

"Yeah, you can go with me and Mylene if you want."

"Awesome! See you after school then!"

The end of the day comes quickly and I'm walking over to Luka and Juleka's houseboat for the Kitty Section rehearsal. Mylene and Ivan seem like a quiet couple but they're cute. 

Upon stepping onto the Liberty, my heart starts to swell in my chest at the sight of Luka. His hair seems even bluer than it usually is, as if he just got it freshly dyed. 

"Hey, Luka!" I shout, walking over to him. He is strumming a few strings on his guitar. 

"Hey, Y/N. Do you want to hang out on Wednesday?" Luka asks, his closed-lip smile more dazzling than anything I've ever seen.

Oh my god! Did he really just ask that?! Is this a date?! Could it be a date?! What if I mess something up, or ruin the day by being stupid, or just-


"Yes! Yes, I want to hang out on Wednesday!" I shout. Luka gives me another smile and Kitty Section starts their rehearsal. 

There's something new about their music, there's a new type of passion in it. 

I arrive at school and see my long-time crush, Nathaniel. He's drawing something in his sketchbook. I go up behind him and peek at his drawing. It's him and someone with H/L H/C hair. 

"Nathaniel, who's that in your drawing?" I ask, sitting down on the stairs beside him. I had to have caught him off guard because he quickly closed his sketchbook and looked at me wide-eyed. 

"Um, I'll tell you about it on Wednesday! Let's hang out!" Nathaniel shouts, standing up. 

"But, I already-"

"See you tomorrow!" Nathaniel rushes away. 

What am I supposed to do now? Should I go with Nathaniel, my long-time crush, or should I go with my new level-headed crush? 

Hang out with Luka

I chose to go out with Luka, not Nathaniel because I already promised Luka, and Nathaniel didn't let me finish saying that. Of course, I feel bad, but I want to live up to my commitments.

Luka and I leave his houseboat and start our walk around Paris. We stop by the zoo and look at the new snake habitat. 

"Do you think they would let us go in there and hold a snake?" I ask, seeing an employee. 

"Maybe, we could always ask."

I nod and we both walk over to the employee. 

"Can we hold a snake?" I ask the employee. 

"We aren't having anyone hold snakes from this habitat yet, but you can go to the main building and hold the snakes there," The employee answers with a smile. 

"Awesome, thank you!" Luka says, walking alongside me to the main building.

Once we make it into the main building, we make our way over to the reptiles section. One employee was stationed in front of the snakes and another was letting a child hold a snake. 

Luka and I got to hold a snake and ended our night with ice cream at Andre's. I dropped him at his houseboat and I walked home. Thankfully it's not crazy far, so it wasn't a dangerous walk. 

Hang out with Nathaniel 

I chose to go out with Nathaniel. I did say yes to Luka first, but I've known Nathaniel longer and I've liked him longer. I hope this was the right thing to do. I felt bad canceling on Luka.

Nathaniel and I met up at the school and walked to the Louver. He showed me a few of his drawings but quickly skipped over the ones I saw him drawing the other day. 

"Who is that in your drawing?" I ask, stopping at the page of him and the other person. 

"You..." He mumbles. 


"You!" He shouts, his face turns the same shade as his hair. 


"Yes... I've kind of liked you for the past year..." Nathaniel says in a low tone. 

After the awkward atmosphere settled, Nathaniel and I enjoyed the rest of our day. We went for ice cream at Andre's and I walked him home. 

"Y/N," B/F calls to me once I get through the doors of the school. I walk over to them. 

"What do you need B/F?" I ask.

"How was your day with (Nathaniel or Luka... who you chose to spend the day with)?"

"It was fun! We ended it with ice cream at Andre's!" 

"Finally find yourself a boyfriend? You've been crushing and waiting since you came out of the closet as Y/S," B/F says as they pop the bubble gum bubble they're blowing.

"No, it's not official but I hope maybe soon it will be." 

"Ask them on an actual date and see where it goes from there," B/F reasons.

"Maybe I will."

I did exactly as B/F recommended. I asked them on a date. I don't know exactly where it will go from here if the date goes well, but I'll just wait and see. And I'm happy because they said yes!

Date with Luka

Luka and I met up at the school and went to the Dupain-Cheng bakery first. We got a box of macarons and F/B/G (Favorite baked good).

Jagged Stone has a small public performance today also! It's at the park, Luka and I are expecting it to be busy, especially since it's a free charity event.

"Do you want to start heading to the park? Or do you want to make another stop first?" I ask, holding the open box of macarons out for him to take one. 

"We could go see the four o'clock showing of Snakes N Roses. I heard it's good. And it only an hour and twenty-six minutes long, so we can be at the park by six."

"We might not be able to get very good seats in the park at that time, but let's do it!" I shout. 

We make our way to the theater and buy our tickets. We are seating almost in the exact middle of the theater and there is barely anyone here. They're probably all at the charity concert. 

About halfway through the movie, I take a chance and slip my hand into Luka's. He seems shocked at first but goes along with it and squeezes my hand. 

As soon as the movie ends, we pack up our trash and make our way out of the theater. We throw our rappers, empty cups, and trash into the trash and recycling can and start our walk to the park. 

Our hands are intertwined as we walk and once we approach the park, Luka takes my hand and leads me to a ladder on the side of a building. 

"Trust me." He smiles... that smile is going to make me faint...


I follow him up the ladder and we get on top of the roof. We have the most perfect view of the park and can hear everything from up here. 

"You like?"

"What? Oh, yes! It's awesome!"

"I'm glad you like it... because..." Luka turns to face me, our eyes meet and he intertwines our fingers. "I like you, Y/N."

I feel my face heat up at those words. Our hands touching, his sweet smile, his amazing eyes...

I smile at him. I want to tell him that I like him too, but I still have unsettled feelings for Nathaniel. 

"You don't have to answer, let's just enjoy our time." Luka smiles as if seeing right through me. I nod and we enjoy the music that comes from the park. 

Once the event ends, Luka and I leave the rooftop. Upon reaching the ground I see Nathaniel. I wave to him and he waves back. He quickly looked away from Luka and I afterward and faced forward towards the road. 

Luka and I look both ways before crossing the road and walking back to his house. We also saw Juleka and Rose walking and joined them. Rose was staying with Juleka and Luka for the night, so I was left walking home alone, which I didn't mind. It was a nice night, and there was still daylight out. 

As I cross the road to my street I hear a loud screeching noise and everything goes black...

Date with Nathaniel

I walked to Nathaniel's house to get him and we started walking. We first head to the canal. There is a lot of inspiration there and I can tell Nathaniel is in an artsy mood. His artist hand keeps having an artists' twitch. 

We sit on the bench beside the water and Nathaniel pulls out his sketchbook from the bag on his back. He sketches in silence for a bit before lifting the sketch into the light. I eye it, it's really good!

"Nathaniel, there's a charity event going on at the Louver, would you want to go?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Sounds fun."

We begin walking to the Louver, they have an art charity event going on. I heard that there will be music, art, and some sort of contest. I figured that if it was an art contest then Nathaniel might want to enter. 

There was a short line once we arrived at the Louver, so we got in line. I slipped my hand into Nathaniel's as we waited in line and he tensed up. I let go, thinking he's uncomfortable, but he quickly grabs my hand back in his own. I glance over at him and his face is as red as a tomato. 

I chuckle a bit and he makes a light pouting face. He's so cute...

Once we finally get inside the Louver, we walk towards the left first where we see a few people talking and they have a small crowd surrounding them. 

"Make sure if you're interested, to sign the paper to enter the contest! Remember! If you win, a large donation will be made to the charity of your choosing! Once again! The contest is an art contest, drawing, painting, sculpting, and more! All types of art are welcome!" The man at the front shouts. 

"You should enter, Nathaniel," I say, pointing at the sign-up sheet.

"I don't know. That would take a bit and I don't know if you'll be able to be there with me..."

"That's fine! I'll be rooting for you from the audience!" I say, a huge smile on my face. He seems to think about it for a few seconds before agreeing. We walk over to the table with the sign-up sheet. 

Nathaniel signs his name, connects our hands once again, and we make our way to the next area of the Louver. 

"So, we have to be back in time for the contest in about an hour, right?" I ask. 

"Yes, that's correct."

We approach the area where music is being played, it's XY. XY's music is (Awesome/Okay/Terrible), but I don't understand why he is playing for a charity event. That doesn't seem his style. From what I've heard from Marinette, Luka, and a few other people, XY is a total jerk. 

"Want to go to the last area?" I ask. Nathaniel nods and we walk to the last area of the Louver. We pass multiple paintings with the symbol that Alya had been talking about on her Ladyblog. 

The last area of the Louver had a couple of food carts, the furthest away from the art they could. They also had an area market off only for food. We walk down and reach the Egyptian exhibit where they were showing a new piece of art that had been recently discovered.

"Ready to head back for the competition?" I ask, looking away from the art. He nods and we walk across the Louver back where the competition will be held. 

Once we get to the area, they let Nathaniel through to the gated area and he sits down in a spot. I move in the audience until he's insight and he can see me. 

"Alright, Artists! You have one hour on the dot to make your art. Starting... Now!" The man shouts, and a countdown from one hour starts on a screen behind all of them. 

Nathaniel had taken his time with his art, as he should, and just barely finished in the nick of time. 

Each of the three judges are going over each piece of art and giving them blank looks. They continue looking and moving from one to the next until returning to their seats at the judge's table. 

"It seems that our judges have come to a decision... Will you please tell us the third, second, and first place winners?"

"In third place, Theo with his magnificent sculpture of Mayor Bourgeois!"

A round of applause goes around the room and once it's settled down, another judge rising the announce the second place winner. 

"In second place, Nathaniel with his wonderful drawing of Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

Another round of applause sounds and I glance at Nathaniel. He doesn't seem let down at all, and still has a small smile on his face. Our eyes meet and his eyes show so much passion in them. 

Nathaniel is finally let out of the gate after the winner is announced and I start walking him home. 

"This was a good day, it was fun. Thank you for agreeing to this date, Nathaniel," I say as we approach his house. 

"It was fun. I hope we can do this again, Y/N," Nathaniel mumbles. 

I nod and we reach the door to his house. 

"I'll see you around then, Nathaniel," I smile. He waves and I leave. 

I walk home, and the street lamps light the road. It's getting darker out, but still light enough to not get in trouble for walking alone. 

As I cross the road to my street I hear a loud screeching noise and everything goes black...

My body aches all over and my head has a pounding headache. I can hear a loud beeping sound and I open my eyes. Everything looked white at first, but my eyes then focused on the hospital room around me. Luka, Nathaniel, and B/F are sitting beside my bed. B/F is asleep, Nathaniel is drawing, and Luka is quietly plucking strings on his guitar.

"Guys?" I question, my voice raspy. 

"You're finally awake. How are you feeling?" Luka asks, putting his guitar against the wall. Nathaniel looks up from his sketchbook and smiles. He slightly moves B/F to wake them up. 

"Like I was hit by a bus." I laugh lightly. 

"It was a car, but you're not that far off," B/F says, now awake. "I'm glad you're awake none the less though. But I do need to be going. Can you guys watch him until his mom get's here?" 

Luka and Nathaniel nod at B/F and they leave the room. 

"Hey, Luka, I'm going to let the nurse know that Y/N is awake," Nathaniel says, leaving the room. 

"Y/N, I want you to be my boyfriend. I really like you and want to see where this goes. You don't have to answer right now, but once you get out of this hospital, I want you to meet me at the Eiffel Tower if you're interested. If not, then I understand your answer." He smiles. 

Oh, Luka...

"The nurse will be in soon," Nathaniel says as he enters the room. Luka and I both nod at him. 

Luka's phone starts to ring and he steps out to take the call. Nathaniel's eyes follow him until the point he leaves the room, and Nathaniel then approaches me. 

"Y/N, I just wanted you to know that I like you. I still really do... and I want you to be my boyfriend. After you get out of the hospital, I want you to meet me at the Louver in the Egyptian exhibit if you like me back. If you don't come, then I'll know the answer..." Nathaniel says shyly. 

Both boys asked me to be their boyfriend... I'm going to feel mad saying no to one of them, but I've just got to follow my heart...

Luka - Ending

The day finally came and I just got out of the hospital. My mom already let B/F, Luka, Nathaniel, and our teacher know that I am out of the hospital, so just time to go meet Luka at the Eiffel Tower. 

Although I've liked Nathaniel longer than Luka, there is just a special connection I feel with him that I don't feel with Nathaniel. I just hope this is the right decision.

I approach the Eiffel Tower and I don't see anyone. I go to the Eiffel Tower elevator and ride it up to the next floor. 

Still no sign of anyone... Did he change his mind? He would tell me if he changed his mind, right?

"Y/N... I didn't think you would actually come," Luka says. I turn around and face him. He doesn't meet my eyes and has his hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"I came, Luka. I think you know my answer," I say with a smile. He finally meets my eyes and moves his guitar from his back to in front of him.

"I want to play a song I wrote for if that was the case." 

"Of course," I say. We sit down, our legs hanging from the ledge. He begins strumming a happy, romantic tune. I close my eyes and sway to the song. Once it ends, I open my eyes again and they meet Luka's. I move in and kiss him on the cheek. 

"Thank you."

Nathaniel - Ending 

The day finally came and I just got out of the hospital. My mom already let B/F, Luka, Nathaniel, and our teacher know that I am out of the hospital, so just time to go meet Nathaniel at the Louver.

I went with my gut, I have liked Nathaniel longer than I have known Luka and that should mean something. Besides, there's just this spark that I have with Nathaniel that I don't feel with Luka. 

I walk down the stairs into the Louver and head to the Egyptian exhibit. I see Nathaniel sitting on a bench drawing. I go and sit down beside him and when he looks up, our eyes meet. 

"Since you came... I-I want to draw you... to commemorate this moment," Nathaniel stutters. 

"Draw away." I smile. 

After about 30 minutes, Nathaniel looks to be done with his sketch. He puts the book in my lap and I look at the artwork. I gaze back at Nathaniel and he's looking at me. Our eyes meet and I move in quickly and kiss him on the cheek. He blushes and smiles sheepishly.

"Let's go home... Boyfriend." I wink.

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